

  • Sunday's QOTD: do you have a good low calorie cocktail/drink?? Oh gosh, um... no? lol. I've never even thought about looking into that. That's a great question! I'll have to do some research. I'm very interested to see what everybody else has to say! I hope there are some good ideas out there ;) Just in time for the 4th,…
  • You have a beautiful family :) You look so wonderful! You're absolutely inspiring. Great job and congratulations!!
  • Oh great, I suck at code, lol. Just gonna copy and paste the link, then.
  • Saturday's QOTD: I am a visual person so I keep visual inspiration around at all times. Find and post a visual body inspiration that you are working towards. <img src="" alt="Emma Roberts"> Emma Roberts looks healthy and petite :) And she's my height!
  • Thursday QOTD ~ supplements Hmm, sometimes I take a multivitamin if I've been feeling sluggish or worn down. Normally I try to get everything I need during my daily intake, though. Friday QOTD ~ food I can't live without omg ummmmm haha ALL OF IT. I don't know, this is a tough question. I think popsicles, probably. Now, I…
  • Jiff Low Fat creamy peanut butter :) On toasted wheat bread with sugar-free strawberry jelly.
  • QOTD: Wednesday, June 29th Do you ladies have any favorite workouts? A favorite routine, a favorite strength exercise, a favorite trail to walk? Is it based on how many calories you burn, how much fun it is, or how relaxing it is? Tell us about it!
  • Huh, did I somehow miss Monday's QOTD?! Sorry about that! Could've sworn it was about jokes. My bad. Monday's QOTD: Oh goshhhhh this is such a tough question. Macy's, I think, because then I could buy pretty much everything I need--cute undies, nice dresses, swimsuits, casual clothes, etc. It would be awesome! Tuesday's…
  • Well, um, I wouldn't call this a joke, exactly... but every time I say something is intense I like to add, "Like the circus." Intense. In tents. Get it. Hahaha, yeah, I know, I'm not a comedian XD I enjoy it though.
  • Mio water flavoring, sugar-free popsicles, Diet Dr Pepper, Lean Cuisine microwavable meals, annnnd... Cape Cod 40% reduced fat potato chips :)
  • Soda :p I know they make diet soda (which I currently drink) but I will always miss having a delicious, bubbly beverage with each meal. Part of the reason I've been able to lose weight is because I kicked my soda habit, but god I miss it sometimes!!
  • It's sooooooo fun. I've only been a member for a week but it's great! It's inspiring to see all these ladies working hard and encouraging you to work hard too :) I've started stealing exercises routines that I see working for other people, and I can already tell my workouts are more intense
  • Confidence. It will be great not to feel ashamed when I eat in public, or buy groceries, or try on clothes with a friend, or go to the pool, or work out in public... I could go on and on! Just feeling good about myself will be fantastic :) I can't wait!
  • Oh gosh, um... maybe?? I'm not sure, haha. Certainly it's stopped me from pursuing more physical activities because I didn't think I could do it. I've always been interested in sports and martial arts and stuff but I don't want to be the "fat girl" in the class. I'm totally going to kick that lack of self-confidence in the…
  • I actually JUST discovered the LNS thread to help keep me on track. I haven't posted much in it recently, but it was definitely very inspiring. I originally saw DITR on a MFP message board, too, which seems to be working out very well for me so far ;) I don't really have a way of keeping track of it, though, so maybe I'll…
  • Wonderful job!! You can really see the difference in your face :) You look great!
  • England. All of it was so green and scenic and wonderful. Even their hillsides have historic gems like the White Horse of Uffington. Stonehenge was definitely the most beautiful and eerie, but oh my gosh Windsor castle. I could go on and on, haha. ;P It was great. I envy people who live in that country.
  • Monday's Question of the Day: Losing weight is a major accomplishment. What has been your biggest accomplishment in life prior to your weight loss? Having my first book published :)
  • Ooooh, I am doing this FOR SURE! This is me every single night after about 6-7pm XD I'm a very competitive person, so this is great motivation! Thanks for doing this~ :3
  • Hi, I'm Maureen :) I've never heard of this before (it just popped up on my sidebar) but I have to say this sounds AMAZING! This is just the sort of thing I need. I love competition and teamwork, so I think this could be really motivating and rewarding for me.
  • A pedometer tells you how many calories you've burned based on how many steps you've taken whereas a heart rate monitor will calculate it based on your heart rate and (I think) your weight. It can report calories burnt doing things other than walking. A more versatile tool, I think, but if you're just walking then maybe a…
  • I agree with nosey_rosey. I LOVE Skinny Cow products, especially their Truffle ice cream bars. They're very satisfying and only 100 calories apiece. When I really feel a binge coming on, I tend to go for sugar-free popsicles--even if I eat the whole box, it's only 225 calories, and they can really satisfy a sweet craving…