The Diamond Challenge: Round 3 - Wk 2 (DITR)



  • sazvampire
    sazvampire Posts: 53

    What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    Sounds like a complete cliche but definately chocolate, just love the stuff too much and waste too many calories on it.
  • DiamondsInTheRough
    Sorry everyone, it seems I had two dates for QOTD - I just posted one on Sunday and didn't notice with the new recruits that I had today as well.

    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?


    Hey Cee,

    Sorry for the confusion. I didn't mean to switch your day!

    My Response: When I remember I take biotin and MSM, both related to healthy hair. I also take a multi-vitamin because my mother has been taking them her entire life and at 62 people think she is in her 40's. :-)
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    Well, I always intend to take a multi-vitamin and citracal+D every day. But I realistically take them 1/2 the time.

    QOTD FRIDAY: What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    Mine would have to be sugared cereals. I use them as a snack, now, rather than 2 bowls for breakfast. My favorite is Reese's Puffs (get that chocolate/peanut butter fix). It makes a very satisfying night time snack - sweet, crunchy, can eat slowly, AND get a few nutrients as a by-product!
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    No, I tried to but always forgot so have given up plus there are just so many on the market I get confused as to what is best and why!

    QOTD FRIDAY: What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    Not found one yet tbh, Was thinking chocolate but then I realised I have cut right down, ditto crisps. I guess the best i can come up with is snaffling bits of fishfingers off of the kids plates. Soooo bad but they taste so much better than if I was to cook them for me!
  • majpal
    majpal Posts: 41 Member
    Thursday QOTD ~ supplements
    I just take a multivitamin every day to make sure I get all of the vitamins I need.

    Friday QOTD ~ food I can't live without
    ICE CREAM!!!
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    no second quessing with this question CHOCHOLATE!


    I take magnesium 400 mg, multi vitamin calcium, vitamin d,
    I'm off to florida for a weeks vacation so I will try to log on everyday but might miss a few. please don't count me out I'll be back and with a tan :happy:
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    I take a prenatal vitamin (when I remember) per doctor's orders. She said it is the best vitamin that any woman can take. And no, I am not pregnant! LOL

    QOTD FRIDAY: What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    I would have to say ice cream, so nice and cool on these horrible hot and sticky days!
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Thursday QOTD ~ supplements
    I just take a multivitamin every day to make sure I get all of the vitamins I need.

    Friday QOTD ~ food I can't live without
    ICE CREAM!!!

    I take mostly multivitamins and a cinnamon supplement

    The food i can't live with out is not actually a food, its more of a drink and its, DIET COKE you could call me an addict. I have to have my diet coke everyday :D
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    I just take a multivitamin for active women to make sure I'm hitting all the big need areas that could be missed when trying to lose weight.

    QOTD FRIDAY: What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    Chocolate - but I've found and eat it in more healthy versions like vitamuffins, light ice cream and sugar free pudding.
  • morefitmom
    morefitmom Posts: 264 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I take a multi vitamin, Omega 369, and vitamin A. The Omegas and the vitamins help my skin and energy.

    Friday QOTD: No matter how hard I try, chocolate is necessary every now and then.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Thursday QOTD: I take a multi vitamin, Omega 369, and vitamin A. The Omegas and the vitamins help my skin and energy.

    Friday QOTD: No matter how hard I try, chocolate is necessary every now and then.

    I don't take any supplement right now, mostly because I don't know what I should take. I took prenatal vitamins for 10 years because I was either pregnant or nursing or trying to get pregnant for that long. After I weaned my last baby a year ago I stopped taking them.

    I am really struggling to give up white bread. I have done it before but now am finding that french bread is such a comfort food.
  • ActiveFaith10
    ActiveFaith10 Posts: 230 Member
    Wednesday question of the day: what is your favorite workout?
    Bikram yoga is my fav!! Went last night after a really stressful day and felt a million times better afterwards! I feel so much better after running too.

    Thursday: do I eat back net calories? Any supplements?

    Yes I do or else I'd get really hungry later And eat a lot more than I need!

    I take mulivitamin centrum , cod and fish oil every day!

    Friday QOTD: one necessary food??

    Spinach! I try having it with everymeal.. Omlette, diff types of burgers, big salads and tuna!

    I lost 2 lbs this week to never return! Off to my friends Lakehouse for the weekend and will be able to go tubing and jet skiing so it'll be a really active weekend. I just need to watch what I eat. I can do this!! I'll be with my best friends whom I gained all the weight with so I can't eat as much as she does anymore.. It's hard when most of the people that will be there are overweight but I think it'll remind me what I don't want to become if keep eating like they do.

    Have a great Friday everyone!! Work hard, we got this!

    Special shoutout to my partner kkmark and the blue diamonds, let's get it done!!

    Thank you everyone for the great support on this challange, I love it!!
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    QOTD: Wednesday, June 29th

    Do you ladies have any favorite workouts? A favorite routine, a favorite strength exercise, a favorite trail to walk? Is it based on how many calories you burn, how much fun it is, or how relaxing it is? Tell us about it!
    I love love love zumba! I love it because it is a great work out and time goes by so fast it, if I was dripping sweat then I wouldn't even think of it as a work out.

    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    No but I think I need to start. Just vitamins though.

    QOTD FRIDAY: What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    Fast food is my weakness because it is so quick but I am slowly trying to limit it in my diet.
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    QOTD Thursday: I always used to say I will never, ever take any type of supplement to help me lose weight. They are dangerous and most people end up gaining back all the weight they lost once they get off of them and start eating "normal" again, or whatever they think is normal. Now, I am not taking anything for weight-loss even though some people seem to think they help with weight loss. I started taking Citrical + D because I haven't been drinking as much milk since I rarely have enough calories in the day for my nightly glass of milk. I used to always have a glass of milk every night for dinner, but it almost always puts me over in calories or fat, so unless I really plan well, I don't get it. I have also started taking an Acai pill. I know people think it's like a magic berry to help lose weight, but the more I looked up on it, it helps with giving more energy (and yes I do seem to have more energy when I take it) and has a lot of antioxidants in it.

    QOTD Friday: The food that I know I should give up but I dont.....there's actually a list here, but I try my hardest to control portions and plan for it. Ice cream at the local Ice Cream Shoppe, chocolate, pizza, boxed dinners my mom buys for dinner (I can't really help this one because I kind of have to eat what she buys, and we can't afford to buy me a separate dinner) and I'm sure there is more, but I refuse to deprive myself of foods I really love because then I'll end up craving the foods more, giving up, and binging on the food i've been going crazy for!!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    QOTD FRIDAY: What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    No I don't take any supplements. I'm too lazy to remember them anyway...

    And I haven't had a problem giving up foods or eating less of them. If I want something, I eat it. I've got decent self control so I can stop at 2 potato chips or just one piece of candy. I don't have a food weakness because I don't label anything forbidden.
  • journey2size10
    QOTD Thursday:
    Do you take supplements - what and why?

    I just take a generic multivitiman, I'm doing some research and hope to soon find a good fat burner to take, any suggestions?

    What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    Sweets, all motto is cakes, cookies and candy all come from heaven! terrible I latest obsession is Ben & Jerry's red velvet cake ice cream <<<<< the best ice cream ever!!
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Thursday QOTD ~ supplements
    I just take a multivitamin,fiber and cell activator from herballife.

    Friday QOTD ~ food I can't live without
    Anything sweet i just luv luv luv sweets especially all indian sweets hmm

  • reeology
    reeology Posts: 22
    Thursday QOTD ~ supplements
    Hmm, sometimes I take a multivitamin if I've been feeling sluggish or worn down. Normally I try to get everything I need during my daily intake, though.

    Friday QOTD ~ food I can't live without
    omg ummmmm haha ALL OF IT. I don't know, this is a tough question. I think popsicles, probably. Now, I could be saying that just because it's summer and it's a low-cal,low-sugar treat, but I usually enjoy them year-round despite the weather ;)
  • TwinMom12409
    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why?

    I take a multi-vitamin, vitamin C, Vitamin D3, L-lysine, Omega 3, fiber, Calcium. My diet is abysmal most days because my husband and kids won't eat anything so even though I eat some fruits and veggies I try to even it all out with some extra vitamins. The D3 and L-Lysine I take for skin issues. I have psoriasis and both are good for skin.

    QOTD FRIDAY: What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should? This is tough. If it's TOM I LOVE "chocolate covered salt" ie: choc. covered pretzels. Any other time, it's anything salty. I love salty...
  • cshine06
    cshine06 Posts: 139 Member
    QOTD Thursday: Do you take supplements - what and why? I take One a Day Women vitamin daily to make sure my body gets proper the nutrition it needs. I just taking a fish oil supplement because it is good for the heart. I also take a Vitex supplement that normalizes your menstrual cycle and help with hormonal imbalance in women.

    QOTD FRIDAY: What is your biggest food weakness that you just can't give up (or eat less of) even though you feel like you should?

    I can't stop eating cashews mixed with a piece of Hershey chocolate. It just tastes so delicious and I make it my nightly snack often. I also love bacon egg and cheese muffin which are always yummy. Let's kick butts Diamonds!!!!