

  • I do want to work in cardio where I can to lose fat. Hopefully this week! Weights are specifically to keep from losing more muscle than I already have. After the move we'll have enough money for a gym membership or a bench and heavier weights. I only really used dumbells anyway because I like the control they give me and…
  • It's their fault for not being supportive. Support isn't the only factor in your equation... You have taken the first step; good on you! Jim Morrison wrote a song about this type of thing. Don't go and move to Paris like he did though, lol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8CmVECCp2w
  • I doubt sugar free gum is hurting you any. If anything, it's probably keeping you from snacking and keeping your breath nice. I could be wrong of course...wouldn't be the first time for that!
  • It's good that you're going to the doc. Tell the doc about your unhealthy relationship with food. I know what you mean, though. I'm always under my own calorie goal and don't want more. Force yourself to eat something post workout, though, preferably something with protein.
  • I usually define exercise as raising your heart rate and keeping it up. True, those steps do burn a few calories and if you control your portions well enough, you'll lose weight, but raising your heart rate is what you should be doing if you're looking to "exercise". It's better for your heart too.
  • It's a good way to start or even to simply burn more calories that you eat if you want weight loss. It's also low impact, which is a PLUS!