getting back to it advice

39 yo male. Halfway sedentary for about just over half a year but used to be active, eat very healthy, and work out. Gym is out of the question because of job schedule, saving for move in June, and first baby. Bought two 20 lb dumbbells yesterday, exactly what I used to lift with (except I used 35-40 lb. ones when I did go to the gym).
Warmed up with wife's 8 lb ones and did a few sets with the 20 pounders last night before I drank a Glutacor and soaked in a hot tub; no pain today unless you poke. Just did opposing muscles a few minutes ago.

Can any of you guys my age and situation share some experiences/and or wisdom? My main goal is to permanently get back into regular lifting and active/healthy life without hurting myself. I plan to do sets here and there around the house each night.


  • manicrover
    I'm 41... So pretty close. Are you looking to lose weight or just get stronger? Weights will help a lot but I think finding a way to add some cardio will help. The easy way is to add some interval running into your program...if you can get out of the house. Check out tabata running on google for one approach. The other option would be some of the at home fitness program...they give you a schedule to follow that's easy. Anyway, hope that helps...happy to connect if you wanted to discuss further. Us dads need to stick together!
  • edrake44
    edrake44 Posts: 14
    I do want to work in cardio where I can to lose fat. Hopefully this week! Weights are specifically to keep from losing more muscle than I already have. After the move we'll have enough money for a gym membership or a bench and heavier weights. I only really used dumbells anyway because I like the control they give me and even development.
  • manicrover
    Honestly keep it simple. Given that you have been healthy in the past, you probably know everything you need to do. Has your baby arrived yet? The only warning I'd give you, is that sleep (or lack therefore) can mess with everything after baby arrives. If you can afford it (and find one) get a gym with childcare. You and your wife would both really be able to benefit. Good luck!