vismundcygnus27 Member


  • No. Eww. Also, this is a tough question to answer! I've been on Lutera for two years now, and it never caused any noticeable weight gain or water retention. And if anything, it's made my periods more manageable - they are much more regular, and I get 10 times less moody than I used to get. But that's going to vary from…
  • Yup, I've had it explained to me that it's because hot drinks make you sweat, and the sweat cools you off.
  • Yeah, I use 80 calorie multigrain bread, and it's hefty enough that I'm happy with only using one slice per sandwich (I'll usually cut the slice in half and make a little half-sandwich, or do an open-face sort of thing). This morning I had an open-face sandwich with egg, deli chicken, some provolone, lettuce, a little…
  • I feel ya - I've had problems with drinking and drugs in the past. NA/AA unfortunately never did it for me (I'm not a fan of the 12-step philosophy), but some people find it very helpful. Recovery is a slow process, but it's totally doable. Good luck, man, I wish you the best!
  • PLEASE find a doctor and talk to them about your concerns. My mom stopped taking her thyroid medication for about two years back when I was young, and when she finally saw a doctor, he almost bit her head off. Meds aren't fun, but sometimes they're necessary. My mother's been taking them for half of her life, and she's…
  • Steak, hamburgers, chicken wings, and beer. I never make/buy any of that myself, but if I'm at a cook-out or something, I eat everything in the world. But such things are rare enough that I don't feel bad about it when I do over-indulge.
  • His body in combination with his baby face has always confused me. He looks like a big teddy bear...albeit one who might accidentally rip your arms off.
  • Yeah, I love browsing through allrecipes looking for something new to make. Oddly enough, it was my complete lack of confidence in my cooking ability that forced me into trying new recipes all the time, because I used to be convinced that if I cooked without following a recipe, it would be disastrous. This is no longer…
  • I bought a well-rated scale on Amazon for about $12. All I needed was a fairly accurate digital scale, and it's been doing it's job very well. You can get one with all the other bells-and-whistles, but it wasn't necessary for my purposes.
  • Working my way through The Complete Stories of Franz Kafka =)
  • 5'5" 169 35" waist I've always tended to hold extra weight at my midsection, it's quite aggravating. Since my hips are 40", it makes my figure look a bit rectangular.
  • ^ I totally agree. 1200 is low, even without exercise. I could never maintain that - I'd be a miserable wreck. You'll probably lose weight pretty quickly, but I can't imagine it would be very sustainable. And yeah, you shouldn't be too hard on yourself for eating a piece of pie. You're allowed to have a treat from…
  • Sofia Vergara! That woman's body is ridiculous. And word on the street is that she's been dating Joe Manganiello. I'm frankly surprised they didn't create a rift in the universe when they first touched, all reality consumed by a black hole of gorgeousness.
  • ^ Yup. People really aren't going to bother you unless it's something that comes up in conversation frequently. By making a big deal out of "clean eating" and whatnot, you are implicitly criticizing their own lifestyle choice. Feel free to do what's best for you, but other people probably don't want to hear about it all…
  • Not all rap is like that - Lupe Fiasco being a notable exception - but unfortunately most mainstream rap is =( You often have to look for the underground stuff to find the good artists.
  • I don't write off entire genres of music. I dislike most country, but I love Johnny Cash (who I guess was a mix of country and rock n' roll), and some classic country singers can be pretty lovely. As for modern artists, I love Jolie Holland, who has a country/folk style. But yeah, if you throw on a country station in the…
  • I totally agree. No one seems to agree on what "eating clean" actually means - some people focus on cutting out processed foods, others seem preoccupied with eating organic, non-GMO food. Many talk about avoiding chemicals and preservatives - which seems silly to me - food additives aren't inherently bad for you. It's a…
  • Hah I read the first one a few years ago! It was a little ridiculous, but I have to admit that I enjoyed it.
  • This is exactly where I stand. If you're a vegan for moral reasons, more power to you, and that's the only reason you should need for deciding to go vegan. But it is a rather difficult diet to maintain, and wouldn't be possible in many parts of the world. Here's my major sticking point - I totally understand vegetarians,…
  • Ugh, I read the book because people wouldn't stop talking about it, and I hate criticizing stuff I know nothing about. It's awful. It's BDSM-lite for people that don't know anything about BDSM. The main characters did not have a healthy dom/sub relationship. The blandness of Anastasia's character, along with the quality of…
  • Thank you for that link! I love that blog, but hadn't thought to search it for any enlightenment on this subject.
  • Even then, when I looked up "candida overgrowth", I was also getting no reliable results. Your doctor seems to be putting you on a "candida cleanse diet", which also seems to be primarily supported by alternative medicine types. The whole thing just seems strange to me.
  • When I looked up "leaky gut syndrome", one of the first pages to come up was a Dr. Oz article, so I was a bit skeptical. The wiki article isn't that encouraging - According to Wiki, it's not a recognized medical diagnosis. And the website "Quackwatch" lists it as a fad…
  • I had one in my old studio apartment. It seemed to be living in my kitchen. It scared the hell out of me a couple of times, but I never bothered getting rid of it because I was planning on moving soon anyway, and couldn't be bothered.
  • Have you ever tried reheating frozen pizza? It's absolutely terrible. Also, I haven't had a microwave for almost a year (because poverty), and have found that while it takes longer and is sometimes stupidly inconvenient, reheating in the oven or on the stove can sometimes be way better than nuking it in the microwave.
  • I generally prefer rice with stuff like that, because it's a neutral taste and takes well to saucy food, but that may be more calories that you're looking for. But Gsdlovers suggestion is a good one - I often make a cabbage salad seasoned with lime, vinegar, salt, and pepper, and it's a good way to keep the calories down…
  • ^^ I feel like it doesn't work that way...