

  • Have you started this week? Or on Monday?
  • Hi! I'm in my mid 30's and just had my 3rd kiddo 3 months ago. I gained more than I wanted with my last, and I normally would run a lot. But we're in the low 20's, with a ton of snow. Theres no way I'm going outside. :) My cousin does Insanity and has gotten amazing results. I'm excited to start, but could also use…
  • I was doing so GREAT last week!!!! Then I got extremely sick Friday evening. Could not swallow a thing until Sunday afternoon, and the fever is finally gone. I'm gonna wait till tomorrow to work out, but should I start with Chest and Back? Or do Wednesdays workout? I was so excited and motivated, but now I'll be a week…
  • One of the great things I like about these DVD's is that you can choose to do it without all the talking. If my 7 year old is around, I don't want him to hear a couple of words used. But I guess when I get to the point that I just am tired of the same jokes and have it pretty memorized I'll just play the version with the…
  • I just finished Plyometrics too! I'm a little tired, but I feel great!!!! I wanted to go jogging to pick up my oldest kiddo from school, but it's a rainy day... Tomorrow. :). I'm so excited I did my workout already. I tend to make better food choices when I exercise in the earlier part of the day. WoW PJilly, you're almost…
  • I'm having a hard time motivating myself to work out today (lack of sleep, baby is teething). So I came here to read some goals/ results and motivation, and IT WORKED!!!! I'm about to start Chest and Back. :) This is going to be a great week!!! I just know it!!! :) Is everybody here following the P90X food plan? And taking…
  • I started yesterday. So today was Plyometrics for me. It was really intense!!!! But I loved it! So many of my muscles ache.... But the kind that feels good because you know that each of those muscles ache because you really worked them out. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout, Shoulders and Arms. I have a feeling I…
  • I've read over the messages you all have posted and I'm really motivated to keep pressing the play button and work out even when I don't feel like I have enough energy. I just had a baby in January and gained 30 lbs. throughout my pregnancy. With my first it took me over a year to loose the weight. So I decided that I…
  • Hi everyone!!! I just started MFP and I'm so excited to find a group that motivates each other while doing the P90X program. I just started. May I join in???? I'll upload a photo when I get to my computer. :)
  • I'd love to join you guys!!! Having people to motivate each other is so great. Can I join??? I'm a day behind, so I'll do day one and two today.