p90x Support Group



  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Yayy Vet!! :drinker: I'm so glad you're doing P90X at the same time as me again! WOO!

    Just got done with Day 1 - Core Syn. :heart: IT! Today at lunch I did Day 1 Week 3 of the C25K program. I only ended up getting 1.96 miles in compared to my usual 3, but I actually felt good afterwards.

    Tomorrow will be a rest day from my lunch-time workout and I'll do Plyo after work. Should be good! Keep pressing play!!
  • esisco
    esisco Posts: 9 Member
    Not too late to join in is it? I just started P90x classic today.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Welcome, esisco!!!

    Finished Kenpo X today... I really liked it... I was a huge fan of Tae Bo back in the day, so I was having Billy Blanks flashbacks :drinker:

    Kenpo is like MAXIMUM CALORIE BURNAGE!!! I LOVED IT!!!! And I hung in there during the "breaks" and did all of the jogging, jump roping and jumping jacks... although my HIGH JACKS are something to be desired.... They'll get there....
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Chest & Back in the Bag! Yay for P90X! I :heart: this round!

    Hillary - I'm super pysched that we are doing this together too! Don't know how you have the stamina to hang in with your lunch time cardio - man, I was wiped just with what I did today!

    Also, I realized that with the last 2 rounds, I surely wasn't eating nearly enough!! I have a HRM this time through so maybe I can fix it.
  • giraffe_attack
    Hi fellow 90x'ers!

    p90x is the greatest thing I have ever come across. After my dad died almost exactly one year ago, I was super depressed(as it was a suicide), I gained 25 pounds at light speed, from eating, stress (stress raises cortisol levels and adds belly fat), and alcohol. I've always seemed kinda, sorta thin just because I'm tall, but I have always had the not-so-lovely love handles. After I put on the weight, my face started showing and it made me want to cry.

    Soooo I decided that I needed a better outlet for my frustrations with life and to take charge of the one thing I DO HAVE CONTROL OVER; my body. I'm sure everyone here can agree that p90x is a beautiful way to sweat out the bull honky of life. I applaud everyone who is sticking to it.

    My goal is to have abs for the first time in my life and to eventually be able to do at least one pull-up. Also, to be down to 121, which I weighed for the longest time. I have already lost 5 pounds, 1 pant size, and my arms are starting look stronger (I want arms like Kate from Lost :smile: )

    Also, I absolutely love to cook, especially super healthy foods now and thought I would share something that may benefit p90x'ers. I came up with a protein shake that is perfect, delicious and keeps me full all day, I AM NOT KIDDING. My mother even agreed!! I recommend purchasing a Ninja chopper thingamajig, I use it soo much and it's especially perfect for this. Here it is, you should try it!!

    1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Powder by Body Fortress (or any vanilla protein powder would work I'm sure, this is just the one I used)
    1/4 cup frozen blueberries
    1/2 banana
    1 cup of spinach (The Ninja chopper does a wonderful job of making the spinach literally disappear and the vanilla protein powder outdoes the taste of the spinach I promise, I am not a fan of spinach)
    1/4 Vanilla Almond Breeze Milk
    Some ice cubes (5 or so)
    1 scoop of cold-milled flaxseed

    I swear, McDonald's could sell this and make millions. It tastes like a blueberry and vanilla smoothie. Sometimes I will even add some Kale since it's ridiculously good for you. Keeps me full and energized all day. Try it and let me know what you think!!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Good mornin! I'm definitely feelin my workout from last night! Sore & tired today, but it's good!

    I'm going to try to start adding a "recovery drink" after my evening P90X workouts. I'm hoping eventually it will stop raining in Ohio, and I'll be able to get my walks in with my friends and our dogs. So I would fit the recovery drink in right after my workout, and it would hold me over during the walk, and I'll have dinner after the walk. Sometimes DH has dinner ready when I'm done working out so on days like that I won't bother with the drink. Oh, I'm going to use low-fat chocolate milk. :bigsmile:

    esisco: welcome and best of luck to you! Keep us posted!
    Kandy: I used to :heart: :heart: Tae-Bo! My high school track team used to do Tae-Bo during conditioning if it was raining or something. I have thought about it before and wondered if they ever do P90X.
    Vet: I've been doing double workouts since last August. I really like doing cardio on my lunchbreak. It helps me to make it thru the rest of the work-day! :laugh: But really, it gets me out of the office, gives me energy and clears my mind! Plus, my best friend since 5th grade works with me, and we go together!
    Giraffe_attack: That name made me laugh! :laugh: Welcome to the group! You have a very inspiring story. I am really sorry for your loss :flowerforyou: .

    I'm sure my butt will be even MORE sore after Plyo tonight! I'll check in later, have a great day everyone!!
  • SCFancher
    SCFancher Posts: 24
    Hey everyone! I feel like it has been forever since I posted. I only get on my computer during the week. I log everything on weekends from my phone so I don't see the message boards. I finished my first week of p90x...took SUnday as a rest day. Yesterday I started week 2..... so far so good. I don't see any differences yet, but I sure do feel better!! Hoping to see soem results in the next week or 2 to help keep me motivated!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Welcome, Giraffe_Attack :drinker: I agree with AwMyLoLo!!! Your story IS inspiring and I applaud you for taking your life ( and body) into control!
    I'm soooo going to try your shake recipe! I'll let you know how that goes :wink:

    Ok, ladies and gentlemen, I just finished my very first week of P90X !!! :bigsmile: I'm one day behind SCFancher (congrats on starting week 2)
    I took Sunday as a rest day mainly becuase I had NO TIME whatsoever to squeeze anything in... It was a crazy busy day...

    I'm really excited because I feel so good physically AND mentally!! I feel such an accomplishment by finishing this week even though some of those videos were really hard for me, I pushed through them to the end! And I know that next week, I will be that much stronger... and the week after that and so on...

    Let's keep pushing, P90X'ers!!!! :drinker:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    Hi all!

    I did Core Synergistics yesterday, and I'll be doing Cardio X here pretty soon this morning. I'd forgotten how corny some of Tony's comments are. I'm going to have to get used to them, because there are many more workouts to go!
  • AmyQwith2
    AmyQwith2 Posts: 59 Member
    mind if i join you all? i'm finishing up insanity right now and plan on starting P90X on Sunday (i finish insanity on saturday)! would love to have a group to check in with!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    YAY! Join us, AmyQwith2 :drinker: The more the merrier and the more the MORE ACCOUNTABILITY!! :bigsmile:
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Ya'll wish me luck at Plyo tonight! I am sooo freakin sore from Core Syn last night! eeek :sick:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    Ya'll wish me luck at Plyo tonight! I am sooo freakin sore from Core Syn last night! eeek :sick:
    Good luck!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello all!

    I have just come across this thread! I have started P90X yesterday and I opened a new thread. Maybe we can join in here? I find it very motivational to have people that are ahead. It is just interesting to read up on the progress and what I have to come :wink:

    If it is ok to join I'd put a link to to here in my thread...as it was said here before the more the merrier! :smile:

    I hope it would be ok to join! :flowerforyou:

    All the best

  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Hello all!

    I have just come across this thread! I have started P90X yesterday and I opened a new thread. Maybe we can join in here? I find it very motivational to have people that are ahead. It is just interesting to read up on the progress and what I have to come :wink:

    If it is ok to join I'd put a link to to here in my thread...as it was said here before the more the merrier! :smile:

    I hope it would be ok to join! :flowerforyou:

    All the best


    That sounds great, come on over!

    I got thru Plyo and felt so much stronger than I remember ever being for that workout :bigsmile: . I could feel the soreness in my legs & butt from yesterday's workout, but it wasn't too bad. I didn't do the "sports sequence" or whatever cuz I was DONE :laugh: .
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! I linked this thread to mine so hopefully we all meet again here :smile:

    I'd like to quickly introduce myself. I was reading about P90X for about a year now and never dared to actually do it. I kept thinking that I am not fit enough for it. I have done Turbo Jam and Slim in 6 with pretty good results. I started ChaLean Extreme but did not really like it for some reason (only did it for 3 days though). I then started Turbo Fire. I really liked it but I got bored after about 2 weeks and missed weights. So I decided to just go for it and do it. So I started P90X the Classic version yesterday (2/05/11)

    I am hoping to find encouragement here and to have the right group to do the 90 days with! :smile:

    Today was day 2 for me. Plyo! I was really scared and almost went with CardioX but I thought:"No! I'll give it a go!" And I am glad I did! I decided to pace myself well as I didn't want to be burned out after 20mins. I did the whole workout...i did not jump as high as Tony and co and sometimes i had to stop a few seconds earlier BUT overall I was quite proud of myself. I think I did well for the first time :smile: I think the 2 weeks of Turbo Fire really helped me....

    Also I was glad to find that there is more leg work involved than I imagined...I am so excited about the program at the moment. I have only done 2 days but I don't know I feel really into it if that makes sense....

    Again thanks for letting me join and sorry for the very long first post:flowerforyou:

    All the best

  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Welcome, Daisy!!

    WTG, AwMyLoLo!!!! It's awesome to realize that you are stronger!!!!! Great progress!!!
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    You guys are doing great!

    I had Kenpo X this morning at 5 AM. It was tough that early but once I got a little coffee in me, I was good to go! I really do love that workout.

    Tomorrow is Shoulders & Arms. I'll probably start off with Yoga & ARX in the A.M. and a shortie Shoulders & Arms in the evening.

    Hitting the hay now, though. Boy, I'm wiped!:yawn:
  • JennyLynn30
    JennyLynn30 Posts: 12
    Hi everyone!!! I just started MFP and I'm so excited to find a group that motivates each other while doing the P90X program. I just started. May I join in???? I'll upload a photo when I get to my computer. :)
  • esisco
    esisco Posts: 9 Member
    Had my first experience with the plyo today. It wiped me out but I stuck with it through the end and I'm glad I did.I'm looking forward to the shoulders and arms tomorrow.

    giraffe_attack: I found your story very inspiring. Glad you decided to take control back. I also am very interested in that recipe you posted. I am going to have to try that when I get a new blender.