p90x Support Group



  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    My name is Melissa and I'm a thread lurker! :laugh: I have plans to borrow this program from my friend - she's supposed to bring it to the office tomorrow so I can pick it up... so I'm working up my courage to give this a try. I'd love to join in if you've got room for more. I will not lie. All this talk about pull up bars and resistance bands scares me a little. :noway: But I've learned in life that some of the greatest rewards come from facing the scary stuff and living to tell about it.

    Looks like you're all rockin' it out! Thanks for bravely paving the way...

    I can understand how you feel! I was really nervous about P90X. I thought I can't do it and I am not fit enough. But then I thought that I'll just give it a go. And yes it is tough but I think that almost everyone can do it. Just don't compare yourself to the guys in the dvd's . Do it to your own pace and you'll be fine. Push yourself hard and you will feel so proud that you done it

    All the best!

  • VickieMW
    VickieMW Posts: 285 Member
    I am starting on Tuesday add me to your list please!
  • kikikid
    kikikid Posts: 1
    I started P90X 12 days ago. I LOVE it!!! Can I join your group?
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome Newbies!!! The more the merrier!

    I did Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps today. I HATE this workout, in fact I would have rather rocked some Plyo then do this and that is saying a lot for me. haha! It is just too many push-ups and it just seems to drag on and on. I would rather be cranking out pull-ups than push-ups...I think I may be a bit weird. :) Btw I am now able to do 3 unassisted pull-ups, I would recommend getting a pull-up bar and using the chair to start, I just feel like it prepares you to do unassisted pull-ups better than the resistance bands, but that is just my opinion.

    @Melissa: I know it can be REALLY intimidating, but you can do it! Once you get through the first week you will feel so accomplished that you will want to keep on going!

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Howdy all,
    I'd like to join this group. I've completed my 2nd week of P90x. This time I am determined to go the 90days. I did some of it last year and hit about 60 days in before I went and got married, vacation etc, and didn't continue it when I got back.

    I enjoy Kenpo the most, and like most, Yoga, and ARX I dislike the most.

    ARX - I can't come close to finishing all 25 exercises, but I usually finish them off with normal ab crunches or legs up and do ab crunches.

    Instead of Pull ups - Last year I used bands there were wrapped around a ceiling rafter.
    This year I'm making use of my old York Gym set and doing pull downs.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Welcome to all the new people joining us! Thanks for the bday wishes! I had a very nice weekend and was able to fit in all my workouts. Yesterday was my rest day so I took the dogs on a nice walk and stretched for about a half hour before bed. The weather is FINALLY getting nice here and I'm really happy about getting outdoors!

    So, today starts Week 2 of P90X for me. I'm headed to take care of my mom today bc she had ankle surgery last week. I plan on sneaking away for a bit and doing Week 4 Day 1 of C25K out on the road. Then I'll do Core when I get home from her house and of course take the dogs out for their walk.

    I'll try to check in later! Make it a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    Alright, today is the last day of week one for me. And I'm planning to do yoga X today instead of rest because I missed it on Friday. I am really dreading it though... Need to get it over with. I did Kenpo X last night, and I have to say I absolutely LOVE it - definitely my favorite workout so far.

    It's amazing being able to see and feel results after only one week, I can't wait for the results 90 days will bring! Also, I find that now that I'm almost done week 1, the rest of phase one seems SO much more achievable, knowing the weeks repeat. I'm definitely feeling motivated - hope you guys all are too!

    Jill - I really like the advice of using the bands instead of the pull up bar, I am going to do that this next week. I couldn't manage a thing with the pull up bar!

    Great to see so many people joining this challenge - great motivation. :)
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    I'm a P90X grad today! Finished my 90.

    Lost about 25lbs. Body fat from high 20s down to 18%. I can do a half dozen pullups starting from barely having the strength to hang on the bar on day 1. I used to have to work around my stomach on things like Yoga. That problem is gone, maybe I can feel my gut ever so slightly in certain cases but I no longer have an obvious feeling like what is this thing obstructing my pose, stretch, whatever.

    I am not ripped after 90 days, but then again that's unrealistic for many people, especially starting out 40, 50 or more lbs too heavy. Do I still need a lot of work in the toning department? Absolutely. I still have a good bit of padding left over, without a doubt.

    I am, however, actually quite thin looking in clothing, and getting to that point when shirtless. I have that paunch type thing now, it hangs rather obviously when doing pushups, etc. , but generally doesn't show through clothes.

    P90X round 2 starts this coming weekend. Time to work on the real hard stuff: flattening out the paunch, and those damnable moobs, ugh!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    I'm a P90X grad today! Finished my 90.

    Lost about 25lbs. Body fat from high 20s down to 18%. I can do a half dozen pullups starting from barely having the strength to hang on the bar on day 1. I used to have to work around my stomach on things like Yoga. That problem is gone, maybe I can feel my gut ever so slightly in certain cases but I no longer have an obvious feeling like what is this thing obstructing my pose, stretch, whatever.

    I am not ripped after 90 days, but then again that's unrealistic for many people, especially starting out 40, 50 or more lbs too heavy. Do I still need a lot of work in the toning department? Absolutely. I still have a good bit of padding left over, without a doubt.

    I am, however, actually quite thin looking in clothing, and getting to that point when shirtless. I have that paunch type thing now, it hangs rather obviously when doing pushups, etc. , but generally doesn't show through clothes.

    P90X round 2 starts this coming weekend. Time to work on the real hard stuff: flattening out the paunch, and those damnable moobs, ugh!

    Congrats that is fantastic!!!
  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    Dave - Great results! Way to go!
  • ProudUSMCWife
    Hey everyone I am new to this support group. I just started P90X lean today and I am super excited to see what my hard work will do for me. My husband is currently deployed and has about 2 months left. I am really looking forward to WOWing him when he returns home. I may need all the encouragement I can get so feel free to add me as a friend.
  • AmyQwith2
    AmyQwith2 Posts: 59 Member
    starting tonight...i'm very nervous about chest and back since i can't do a pullup and can only do 7 pullups properly before dropping to my knees...we'll see how it goes!
  • JennyLynn30
    JennyLynn30 Posts: 12
    I'm having a hard time motivating myself to work out today (lack of sleep, baby is teething). So I came here to read some goals/ results and motivation, and IT WORKED!!!! I'm about to start Chest and Back. :)

    This is going to be a great week!!! I just know it!!! :)

    Is everybody here following the P90X food plan? And taking the supplements?
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @JennyLynn30: Awesome motivation!!! I am kind of following the diet plan. I am not as strict as I could be, but I do consume a protein shake after every P90X workout and sometimes another in the evening. I followed the diet plan the first Phase, but it was just too stressful for me to cut the fat AND carbs that much. Good luck and keep coming back here if you need some motivation!

    @AmyQwith2: truthfully I think you are doing great with being able to do 7 push-ups before p90x! Don't worry about not being able to do pull-ups, if you stick with it you will work up to it! Good luck!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I'm off to do Chest & Back - I'm aiming to do more pushups than I did total last 1-2 weeks.
    Start off with push ups on toes, then finish off on knee's.
    Pull ups - I got 130lb pull downs.
    Normal ab crunches for the remainder of the 25 that I won't complete from each set. :laugh:

    Make good choices everyone!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I'm still here,,,,, just not having a lot of time to post.... Keep pushing play!!!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Just finished Chest & Back. Good start to week 3.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    You're all doing such a great job! I've been really busy, so I haven't taken the time to post much. I did make sure do get my Core Synergistics in before I had to take off and run errands. That's a fun workout. I'm looking forward to tomorrow too, with Cardio X. I am somewhat dreading Wednesday's workout, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps and ARX. I figure doing the occasional dreaded workout will just build character, right? :tongue:
  • AmyQwith2
    AmyQwith2 Posts: 59 Member
    opened up my P90X tonight and now i know that i bought a bootleg copy off craigslist (for the record i was told it was an unopened original - and it was sealed)...i was missing chest & back completely! it had 2 copies of disc #10 instead!!! ack! so i started with shoulders and arms instead and will have to figure out how to get chest & Back...maybe i can order the individual disk?? anyway i hope it doesn't throw me off too much...
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    opened up my P90X tonight and now i know that i bought a bootleg copy off craigslist (for the record i was told it was an unopened original - and it was sealed)...i was missing chest & back completely! it had 2 copies of disc #10 instead!!! ack! so i started with shoulders and arms instead and will have to figure out how to get chest & Back...maybe i can order the individual disk?? anyway i hope it doesn't throw me off too much...

    What a bummer!!! Hope you get what you need. I'm guessing if you ask around you will fnd that you know someone who could make a copy of the mission one for you... Good luck!

    I borrowed a set from a friend- it didn't come with the nutritional guide or any other info. I do have the info about what to do when. It seems a bit overwhelming. Any tips about getting started, being successful - avoiding dropout- are welcome. I want to do this!!