p90x Support Group



  • JennyLynn30
    JennyLynn30 Posts: 12
    I've read over the messages you all have posted and I'm really motivated to keep pressing the play button and work out even when I don't feel like I have enough energy.

    I just had a baby in January and gained 30 lbs. throughout my pregnancy. With my first it took me over a year to loose the weight. So I decided that I needed to get going right now. :)
    I've started the program twice, made it through the middle of the week and then I tell myself I'll do it tomorrow. Then tomorrow arrives and then I say that I'll do it tomorrow. Then I need to try and restart the following week. To be honest I'm so tired. My 4 month old doesn't fall asleep until 2 or 3 am, and I need to be up by 7:30am to get my 7 year old ready for school. I can only work out in the morning because that's when my baby's sleeping. At noon she's up and then I can't devote an hour to P90X. And no matter how I try to change her sleeping schedule, she always does the same thing in the evening. So I need to just suck it up and exercise even if I'm tired. She'll get it eventually. :) I got a jogging stroller and weather is warming up, so I went running yesterday afternoon, she did great! But I really wanted all of the extra benefits of toning up along with slimming from P90X.

    I'm excited to find a group that motivates each other to succeed!!!!
    And let me tell you, having to log everything I eat is motivation not to eat extra calories of Easter treats that are all over the house. :)
  • AmyQwith2
    AmyQwith2 Posts: 59 Member
    JennyLynn30 - you are my hero if you are working out and have a 4 month old! all i remember about that time (i have 2 boys) is the intense feeling of sleep deprivation!

    has anyone ever done insanity before? if so, how would you compare Plyo in P90X to the Insanity workouts?
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Good morning everyone, and welcome new X'ers! I think it's freakin awesome that we can motivate and inspire eachother!

    Jenny: You seem to be in the same boat as a lot of people on MFP. Busy moms trying to find the time to take care of themselves and get into shape. I can only imagine how difficult it is. I find it hard to devote as much time as I do to exercise, and I have no kids yet. :ohwell: But it's important to take care of yourself! Otherwise, you can't take care of others. :wink:

    Vet: Great work getting Kenpo in so early in the morning! Were you drinking your coffee while you were working out? I'd have to! :laugh:

    Oh man my calves are SORE today!! :happy: Today I'll do Day 2 Week 3 of C25K on the treadmill at lunch, and I'll do ARX & S&A after work! Supposedly it is going to stop raining around 6:30 tonight so maybe I'll be able to take the dogs for a walk too!

    Make it a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,014 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm two days into this round, and I love the soreness I am feeling in my back. I'm a little surprised, because I'm doing the Lean version and have done only Core Synergistics and Cardio X so far. I am thrilled, because my reason for doing this round is to work my upper body more than I have been. Today is Arms & Shoulders, and I am really looking forward to that. Not looking forward so much to ARX, but I'll do it. LOL
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Good to see an active group, cheers!

    Did my last Kenpo X for this 90 day trek. I actually almost killed it, which made me happy considering my ongoing endurance issues. Had a few pauses to let heartrate subside a little. As usual after about 1/3 of the program I started struggling a little, but also as usual I caught a 2nd wind (always somewhat coincidentally around the time Tony says he has caught his, strangely enough). This late 2nd wind always has me full of energy...

    Pretty happy with how I felt throughout, though I struggled at times and got a little sloppy here and there.

    A hopefully relaxing X Stretch tonight, then one more really tough (for me) Core Syn tomorrow, then an equally formidable workout with Yoga X, ...and then "the hard part is over" and I finish with an X stretch, do my 90 day assessment this weekend. Then, go into a rest week (hopefully an active one, though) before I start all over again!

    On the weightloss front, I jumped up something like 2 lbs yesterday, due to a sodium, binge apparently. Happily I found out this morning that the weight came right back down. Now I need to resume the downward trend and lose that last 15 or so -- I have been in a kind of rocky plateau this week.
  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    JennyLynn30 - Hey, I just had a baby Jan30th. and have a two yr old as well. And I too tried starting p90x several times over the last three months. And by mid week I quit from being SO tired! But I started p90x yesterday, and HAVE to stick to it this time! Glad to see someone in a similar situation - so glad to have found mfp for motivation and support!
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 474 Member
    I have done the same thing several times as well! Started and then kept at it for a few days and then quit! Then I feel like bc i've missed a couple of days that i have to start all over! It's very frustrating. But good luck to you! I hope to start back on the p90x on Monday, a fresh start.
  • Fit4Vet
    Fit4Vet Posts: 610 Member
    Well, this morning was off to a rocky start - I have no idea why, I was up on time & everything, but the time just seem to dwindle away from me & it's been that kind of day ever since. Have no fears, though. I did rock out the abs w/ ARX. Man are my tummy muscles sore! :laugh:

    Today is Shoulders & Arms. I think this used to be my fav workout. We will see if I still have the same feelings after I get through. LOL

    Jenny, Joelle, & Jackelyn: A few words on stopping & starting: remember that whatever you do (30 mins, 2 days, whatever) is better than doing nothing. I totally understand being tired - I'm a mom too. Tony says "Do your best & forget the rest". Really, that's all you can do. Make a schedule. Expect to do something every day. Don't say I'll do it tomorrow. This is for 90 days. If you skip a workout today, that workout is gone. Do the next one. Keep up with how many you missed. If you get the time to double up later in the week, do it. If not, oh well. It's one workout. I did the exact same thing my first round. I gave up too easy. I stopped & started too much. One day becomes two which becomes three. That's why I say this is Round # 2.5! But, the best advice I ever got was what I'm telling you! Hope it sticks with you like it stuck with me. HTH
    :heart: Vet
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,014 Member
    Shoulders & Arms was as good as I remembered it being. I need to use heavier weights than what I did today. I was too lazy to bring my bigger dumb bells downstairs where I do my workouts now. ARX was at least as awful as I remembered. I was able to do most of it, but that doesn't mean I liked it! I totally failed on the oblique v-ups, however. I guess I'll get another chance Friday with Legs & Back.
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Hey all! Just jumping over from the 02May11 p90x thread. I tried to read through all of the posts, seems like everyone is doing great on here!!! I am on Week 1 of Phase 3. Had a bit of a hiatus during Phase 2 but now I am going strong! Did Shoulders and Arms today and I think this may be my fav workout. To me it seems like the time flies by! Anyways, hope everyone is doing well!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @AwMyLoLo: fellow ohioan here, so sick of this rain!!! I just want to be able to go outside sometime soon!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    :drinker: I am STOKED about all of our new P90X'ers who have joined this post!!! Welcome to all of you!!!

    Today is Core Syn. for me! :bigsmile: I'm going to rock it out in about an hour... Just got in from school and I'm trying to get the kiddos settled and homework finished :wink:

    Keep Bringing it!!! :drinker:
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Shoulders and Arms today....Oh my arms feel like jelly now and I am dreading to think how they'll feel tomorrow! I am sure I can use heavier weights in places but again I wanted to pace myself to complete the full workout. It still worked!

    I am slowly getting an idea how hard this whole thing will be...My body is aching all over and I have only done three days :laugh:

    Plyo actually gave me pretty sore legs....

    Tomorrow Yoga...I will see how that goes. Generally I like Yoga but I have very rarely read that someone actually liked the workout. I guess I'll find out soon enough :smile:

    Great to see everyone did well!

    All the best

  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    Hey, I`m doing the lean version, and today was Day 2 for me. I just finished doing Cardio X, and SOOO glad that I resisted the urge to rest when my kids napped today, and just did the workout. I was pretty sore this morning from core synergistics yesterday, but feel Alot better after doing cardio x. So glad to find so many people doing p90x now! Yay!
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Whew! Just finished Shoulders & Arms and about 4 minutes of ARX. I have always done abs BEFORE lifting, and I remember why now. I am whipped from S&A! (Also, I need one or two more Jack Russells to kick, smack, push away while I'm doing ARX :grumble: :laugh: ) Now I'm heatin up some leftovers for dinner and bundling up to take the dogs for a walk with my friend. Yes. Bundling up. There is currently a pause in the rain but the current temperature is 49 "feels like" 44. Where is Spring?! :explode: Tomorrow is supposed to be nice, though, and I *have* to leave work early to take my car for some minor repairs. :wink: Too bad once I get back from my walk I have to stuff paychecks and write a long email. Oh well, enough about that.

    Hi, bobcat! Glad you're joining us! I'm sure me and you will be complaining about the Ohio weather more!

    Just curious: how much weight are you guys using for Shoulders & Arms? I used 15's or 12's for shoulders, 12's for biceps, & 8's for triceps (in general). I did 10-12 reps for most moves.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,014 Member
    Just curious: how much weight are you guys using for Shoulders & Arms? I used 15's or 12's for shoulders, 12's for biceps, & 8's for triceps (in general). I did 10-12 reps for most moves.
    I usually use pretty similar weights to yours. Today, I used 8's for almost everything today (5's for shoulder flys), which was too light, so I did lots of reps, 17-20. I'll bring the rest of my weights downstairs next time and do it right. :-)
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I am using the bands. I do like it though. I can't really afford a full set of dumbbells or bowflex...

    Also I forgot to say that I did Ab10 from Turbo Fire in place of AbRipperX. It is just too hard on my lower back which is a really weak point. Maybe later on my back will have more strength as well as my abs. Ab10 works great for me at the moment! It is very hard for me and I have to improve to keep up with Chalene... :smile:
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Started 3 days ago :) add me p90x'ers! Let's do this!!!!!
  • esisco
    esisco Posts: 9 Member
    Day three went well but the ab ripper x is a beast. Had to pause it a couple of times to take a break and then catch up. I really like shoulders and arms though. Looking forward to yoga tomorrow. Did quite a bit of yoga about ten years ago but its been a while so we'll see how it goes.
  • JennyLynn30
    JennyLynn30 Posts: 12
    I started yesterday. So today was Plyometrics for me. It was really intense!!!! But I loved it! So many of my muscles ache.... But the kind that feels good because you know that each of those muscles ache because you really worked them out. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workout, Shoulders and Arms. I have a feeling I won't be able to move my arms the following day. Yoga should be interesting. :smile: I'll most likely find myself stuck on downward dog, and I'll need somebody to tip me over. :laugh:

    Sounds like so many of you are doing so awesome! I'm glad I get to read all of your comments because it really motivated me to push harder so I can relate.
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