

  • I am in. I need a challenge to get back to losing after the holidays. Starting weight 131 goal for V-day 126.
  • I am 41 and my calorie goal is 1200 per day and no I generally do not eat back my exercise calories. Occasionally I go up to 1400.
  • I like to try new recipes and my husband found this website. I love it because you can enter ingredients such as chicken then it gives you recipes. You can also check for special needs such as low fat. Each recipe shows the ingredients and calories per gram at a glance. Then if you want to see the whole thing…
  • I run and used to deal with shin splints. Someone told me to walk backwards so I started walking backwards for at least a block after every work out. I have not had shin splints since.
  • You need to wiegh just one day a week. Your weight naturally fluctuates due to water weight and so on. I weigh myself everyday just to check my hydration levels but I only weigh in on Monday mornings. Always weigh the same time of day after ging to the bathroom and before eatign or drinking to get an accurate weight.
  • I used ot have a job like that and I would stand up and stretch walk around the office and even do cartwheels. I had the room to do this. I would leap and dance too. Try to do some type of movement it helps for a while. Also try chewing gum to keep your mouth busy.
  • I agree. I thought I was doing well and that I was not eating that many calories. Then I started using MFP and tracking. I was shocked. No wonder the weight was not coming off even though I worked out 6 days a week.
  • I will try this. I have stairs in my house and try to go up and down many times a day. I will just do more.