Need Ideas

Ok well im going grocery shopping in a couple days I need to make my first grocery list so i can stay away from the junk food. Need ideas on meals to make and the recipe they have to be reasonably price to and for 4 people atleast. Thanks for your guys help.


  • curiositycat
    curiositycat Posts: 111 Member
    Someone recently recommended to me. I've seen it mentioned here on MFP as well, too. I'm going to try the carnitas tacos this week :)
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    I don't know much about this since my wife does most of the cooking. But I can give you her approach. Boneless/Skinless chicken fried up in a pan but no oil, just enough to prevent sticking. The key is to find a *seasoning* you like. Try to stay low-sodium on this. If you have different seasonings to try, the same dish seems different on different nights.

    Frozen veggies. This is convenient and the nutritional content is very close, if not identical, to fresh.

    Pasta. We make the Rice-a-Roni or Pasta-Roni brand. Just make sure to use low-fat butter, low-fat milk and keep the portion on your plate to what it should be.

    This kind of dinner usually runs under 500 calories per person.

    As for cost, we shop at Costco for things like this. So the one time price is higher, but it lasts for many meals.

    Good Luck!

  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Check out my blog for ideas on what foods to buy. They are all very nutritious, high in protein and antioxidents. Low in starches.
    A very easy to shop for diet.
  • I like to try new recipes and my husband found this website. I love it because you can enter ingredients such as chicken then it gives you recipes. You can also check for special needs such as low fat. Each recipe shows the ingredients and calories per gram at a glance. Then if you want to see the whole thing just click it. Very easy and so far I have made about six different meals from it and have two more on the menu for this week. All have been a success. Hope you enjoy this site as much as I do.
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    We are having shrimp, tilapia, and a crab bisque tomorrow with a salad. The crab bisque is pre-made, and higher in sodium--so I'll limit sodium for all other meals.

    I do tons with boneless skinless chicken, extra lean ground turkey, and lean pork. Almost always have a side salad and definitely a cooked veggie.

    I've also been known to serve bell peppers cut into strips with hummus with dinner.

    I made 'paninis' the other night, using Rye bread, roasted red peppers, 60 calorie provolone and turkey. Again, high on sodium but I watched it all other meals.
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks everybpdy i will def look into those sites you suggested