Exercise makes me gain weight?

trekkiebeth Posts: 172
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
After about a year of either being stuck at the same weight or watching the number on the scale slowly go up, I was finally making it go the right direction. It was slow progress, but after two and a half weeks I had lost 1.8 pounds. I started at 157 and yesterday morning I was 155.2.

Yesterday I hiked for about an hour and 20 minutes, going up and then coming back down a pretty steep mountain. It was very challenging for me. Since I had also watched my calories that day, I was looking forward to possibly getting down to or below 155 today.

But when I stepped on the scale, I was 156.4. I gained over a pound in one day by eating right and doing a workout that was more intense than my usual 30 minute stationary bike ride. What the heck???

Has anyone else had this happen? What's going on? It's really hard to not feel discouraged. I feel like the last couple weeks were a waste of effort because I've gained back almost all the weight I've lost.


  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm assuming you drank a ton of water during your workout yesterday, right? Just that could be it! Also, even if you weigh in every day, you should only "count" one weigh in a week, as our bodies can fluctuate a HUGE amount in weight each day, and looking at it weekly (weighing at approximately the same time, wearing the same clothes) will give you a more accurate read on how you're doing.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    If you only weighed yourself the next day it's likely it could be water weight, we all drink alot of water usually when we exercise. Try again in a few days and it should be fine.
    Also do you weigh every day? It might be a good idea to weigh weekly, you'll get a better idea of weight loss :)
  • kaytonp
    kaytonp Posts: 15 Member
    In a given day you can fluctuate as much as +/- 5 pounds depending on water and food intake. Best to only weigh yourself once a week at the same time in the day.
  • katheern
    katheern Posts: 213 Member
    I always gain weight after hiking. I'll usually see the weight loss two days afterwards. It's probably from your muscles rebuilding from the tough workout as well as water weight.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Muscles retaining water.
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    I don't know about such a short-term "gain" - probably just temporary. But as far as longer term goes, I track my bodyfat % - the scale is barely budging but in one month I lost 1.9% bodyfat. Might be something to think about - not all progress shows up on the scale. Building muscle is good and will help the numbers come down in the future!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Your weight changes daily, I weigh myself nearly everyday but only record my weight once a week. I'm sure by next week you will have lost those few pounds.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    If you just start a new exercise program, or if you do something you're not used to, or do something more intense than usual, this often causes your muscles to hold on to water for protection and healing. It's totally normal and expected. This is good weight, not fat. Don't sweat the number. You're just as lean as you were yesterday, but a little bit stronger :)
  • Debysue
    Debysue Posts: 9
    You need to wiegh just one day a week. Your weight naturally fluctuates due to water weight and so on. I weigh myself everyday just to check my hydration levels but I only weigh in on Monday mornings. Always weigh the same time of day after ging to the bathroom and before eatign or drinking to get an accurate weight.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Weigh everyday to keep you accountable.... but don't stress about it. The body will have wild weight swings day to day.

    Pick one day a week and compare that weight to the same day of last week. That is a more accurate reflection of how you are doing.
  • trekkiebeth
    trekkiebeth Posts: 172
    I used to track my weight weekly and I always got really frustrated with how little progress I'd made. My boyfriend suggested that I start weighing daily so I could see what my daily fluctuations were like and get used to them. My weight has been going steadily down for almost a week now, so it was really frustrating to see such a large gain after one day when I was doing everything right.
  • mamanda12
    mamanda12 Posts: 6 Member
    Don't weigh yourself every day. Only get on the scale once a week, and it is best to do it in the morning hours. Keep up the good work; I am sure you will see it go in the right direction soon. :-)
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    You could be retaining water. In fact... I would bet on it.

    You worked out hard and you muscles need to repair.... They are swollen... It will correct itself.

    Just keep doing what you are doing... Even weighing everyday (I do too)

    I just grade myself with the weekly weigh-in not the day to day one.
  • If it makes you more comfortable to weigh yourself everyday to see the fluxes, then do that. I do because I'll go crazy otherwise!! I've had the same problem before. I would work out and eat right intensely for a week and then there would either be no loss of weight or I gained a pound or two. It was driving me silly, but then my boyfriend pointed out that I was doing everything I was suppose to. In the end that's what's going to count. I felt great and even if the scale didn't reflect it, my face, waist, pant size did. Don't put so much pressure on the actual number. It's helped me a lot with encouragement and motivation :) Good luck and keep up the awesome work!
  • trekkiebeth
    trekkiebeth Posts: 172
    You could be retaining water. In fact... I would bet on it.

    You worked out hard and you muscles need to repair.... They are swollen... It will correct itself.

    Just keep doing what you are doing... Even weighing everyday (I do too)

    I just grade myself with the weekly weigh-in not the day to day one.

    Thanks! I really hope that's what's going on.
  • trekkiebeth
    trekkiebeth Posts: 172
    I would work out and eat right intensely for a week and then there would either be no loss of weight or I gained a pound or two. It was driving me silly, but then my boyfriend pointed out that I was doing everything I was suppose to. In the end that's what's going to count.

    I'll try to keep this in mind. I really am doing good with exercising most days of the week and eating well.
  • It takes and additional 3,500 calories to gain one pound above and beyond your maintenance calories.

    Besides; in the end, muscle is going to weigh more than fat. And take up less space.

    Just something to think about for long term goals.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Weighing every day is a waste of time. I lost an inch off my waist and didn't drop a pound. My goal is being able to fit in 32" jeans which i'm one waste size away from and most my belly fat gone. I don't need a scale i just need a pair of jeans to fit!
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