Sit at a desk all day, eat when I'm bored!



  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I keep a bottle of water with me throughout the day. Also, I'll get some green tea if plain water isn't satisfying my desire to snack. The warmth of the tea fills me up and green tea is great for your body, and mood!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    This is easy because you can control what you BRING to work. I only bring what I plan to eat, so I actually behave better at work than at home. I drink a lot of water, especially when I am bored.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Find something else to do. Water wouldn't work for me eitther because it would only remind me that I'm trying not to eat. If you can do something distracting like a puzzle or book reading, needlepoint (you don't have to be good :laugh: ), even listening to music helps. I don't know what type of desk job you have but get creative and think of at least 3 things you can do instead.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I sit at a desk all day too. I try to have fruit on hand and drink
    a lot of water. I walk at lunch everyday for at least 25 mins.
    You have to keep moving, that's the secret. Take a break once
    in awhile and walk around the office. I also chew gum if I
    feel a craving. Hope this helps. :bigsmile:
  • Suez627
    Suez627 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm not sure how many people you work near, but we do simple exercise challenges. Try doing some pushups, situps, wall squats, bring some 3-5 lb hand weights and do tricep kickbacks. There are a lot of exercises you can do at your desk. Keep track and see if you can exceed the previous set. See who can do the most in a week, two weeks, month, etc. If you are looking for healthy snacks, cucumbers, fresh fruit, baby carrots, almonds, dark chocolate. Or bring a health related magazine to work and read an article instead of snacking. :)
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Unshelled sunflower seeds! It takes me all day to eat a half cup!

    Best of all, your hands and your mouth are busy. Just make sure you shell them with your hand, and eat them one at a time. :bigsmile:
  • Debysue
    Debysue Posts: 9
    I used ot have a job like that and I would stand up and stretch walk around the office and even do cartwheels. I had the room to do this. I would leap and dance too. Try to do some type of movement it helps for a while. Also try chewing gum to keep your mouth busy.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I'm bored out of my skull at a desk all day...that's why I keep 24oz of water with a scootch of lemon juice and 16oz of green tea with a scootch of honey at my desk at all times...I eat breakfast at my desk at 8:30am, snack is at 10:00 (usually a granola bar) and lunch at 11:30...then I walk at noon. Water or non-caloric beverages are the key! And baby carrots lol

    Read to quickly..... thought you said "scotch" .... I have to stop speed reading!
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I'm bored out of my skull at a desk all day...that's why I keep 24oz of water with a scootch of lemon juice and 16oz of green tea with a scootch of honey at my desk at all times...I eat breakfast at my desk at 8:30am, snack is at 10:00 (usually a granola bar) and lunch at 11:30...then I walk at noon. Water or non-caloric beverages are the key! And baby carrots lol

    Way to go!, you said "scootch" I thought you said "scotch." My bad. MAn, I'm not the only one here on the party train.

    I keep a sandwich bag of munchies with me at my desk because I GRAZE all day long. So, baby carrots, sugar snap peas, grape tomatoes, and sliced zuchinni. Kellog's All Bran crackers and Laughing Cow cheese help some too. Lots of water and hot tea also.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I don't think the solution is in trying to find something to eat or drink. The solution is finding something to occupy your mind instead of turning to food to fill the void. It is called emotional eating. You eat because you are bored or stressed or happy or whatever, not because you are actually hungry. Find something to distract yourself. Over time, you won't think that food needs to fill the void but whatever hobby or other activity you are using to fill the emotional void.
  • kristalael
    kristalael Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you everyone!

    I only pack enough food to eat for the day but I have a tendency to eat it all in 6 hours. I drink 8 glasses of water at work, have breakfast around 8:30, a snack around 10:30, I walk on my lunch for 40 minutes, then eat lunch around 1. My problem is between meals where I know the food is in my lunch bag and I just want to eat it!

    I will have to try chewing gum more and getting up and moving around more. I work for a life insurance company so I'm always doing something but if I'm not at my desk I'll get in trouble so I'm limited to how often I can get up and walk around.

    I pack mostly fruit, veggies and soyjoy bars or rice cakes for snacks but the calories add up fast and then I don't have many left for dinner.

    I will have to try packing less and chewing gum or searching on here to keep my mind off of eating. Thanks again for all of your responses! :)
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm bored out of my skull at a desk all day...that's why I keep 24oz of water with a scootch of lemon juice and 16oz of green tea with a scootch of honey at my desk at all times...I eat breakfast at my desk at 8:30am, snack is at 10:00 (usually a granola bar) and lunch at 11:30...then I walk at noon. Water or non-caloric beverages are the key! And baby carrots lol

    I thought this said Scotch and I thought that was an interesting strategy to get through the work day!
    Lol I thought the same thing!
  • no_kidding
    no_kidding Posts: 18 Member
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I did the same thing! And then thought, 'brilliant!' (to the scotch thing)
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    You need to break the habit. Chew gum, drink water. I have a desk job, when I have the opportunity I get up and move. I walk, stretch anything to take my mind off from food. I try to eat a healthy snack if I feel I really am hungry v.s. just being bored. Best Wishes!
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm bored out of my skull at a desk all day...that's why I keep 24oz of water with a scootch of lemon juice

    At first I read this to read "scotch", and thought, now there's an idea to fight the bordom.
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    I work all day at a boring desk where the phone barely rings and I spend a lot of time on MFP. It helps a lot. What I do is have a nice breakfast and around 10am and snack on almonds or 90 Cal Fiber one. When you snack chose one loaded with as much fiber as possible it helps a lot. I walk for half of my lunch hour 30-35mins and then after lunch around 3pm have a light snack like string cheese or fruit. That way I still have calories left at the end of the day for dinner. Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • missangel81
    missangel81 Posts: 4 Member

    I have the same problem, I use to snack all day...doesn't help when we have mints sitting at my desk for customers to eat. I have found that eating breakfast once I get to work helps me get through to morning tea at 10. I then have a protein at 11.30 before my walk at lunch, once i get back from my walk i eat my lunch, which keeps me going to about 2.30/3.00 where i have afternoon snack.

    Try a cup of herbal tea, if water isn't working, it doesnt work for me either.

    Good luck with it, and let us know how you get on.
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    I feel your pain!! I was out of work for almost a year and lost 36lbs. Last September I started working again and working hard and long hours. I have gained back 22lbs in the last 10 months. Why?? Because all I did was sit at my desk in front of the computer. Because I was working such long hours, I thought I "deserved" all the treats I was giving my self. Well it came back to bite me in the proverbial "*kitten*" (stomach). So now, I have decided to keep water and only healthy snacks at my desk. I don't eat much at my desk but when I do, I choose bad stuff. Not anymore. From now on it will be water, carrot sticks with Hummus, Fibre One bars, almonds and yogurt and last but not least, fresh fruits. Hummus has lots of protein so it will help you stay full as well as the Fibre One bars. Hope this helps!! Good luck on your journey!!
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