Sit at a desk all day, eat when I'm bored!

kristalael Posts: 69 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I have a desk job and I am finding it very hard not to eat when I have nothing to do! I only keep healthy snacks with me and I don't go to the vending machine but I eat even when I feel satisfied... Does anyone else have this problem? What do you do to avoid eating? I've tried drinking water instead but I still want to eat! Grrr. :)


  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I don't snack.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    Same here! I'd like to know too!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm bored out of my skull at a desk all day...that's why I keep 24oz of water with a scootch of lemon juice and 16oz of green tea with a scootch of honey at my desk at all times...I eat breakfast at my desk at 8:30am, snack is at 10:00 (usually a granola bar) and lunch at 11:30...then I walk at noon. Water or non-caloric beverages are the key! And baby carrots lol
  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    Some days I feel like I eat all day. On those days though, I try to stick to vegetables only. It satisfies the need to munch but doesn't add much for calories.
  • Same boat here. I keep some of the 90 calorie Fiber One bars in my desk for a true snack, but I am also trying to drink a ton of water and chew sugarfree gum to keep my mouth busy.
  • vitamina19
    vitamina19 Posts: 30
    I'm bored out of my skull at a desk all day...that's why I keep 24oz of water with a scootch of lemon juice and 16oz of green tea with a scootch of honey at my desk at all times...I eat breakfast at my desk at 8:30am, snack is at 10:00 (usually a granola bar) and lunch at 11:30...then I walk at noon. Water or non-caloric beverages are the key! And baby carrots lol

    I thought this said Scotch and I thought that was an interesting strategy to get through the work day!
  • JohnM13
    JohnM13 Posts: 1
    I have this same issue.. And I also only keep healthy foods nearby to snack on.. I have not completely cured myself from doing this but I have noticed that the types of food i eat seem to make a difference.. If i eat the more heavily processed foods or foods that have a lot of sugars in them I seem to crave the snacks more.. even when I am not hungry..
    So, I really try to stay away from those type of foods.. for any meal..
  • bheimbrock
    bheimbrock Posts: 100 Member
    I too have a desk job. I always have water and that usually helps. I also keep healthy snacks in my drawer like almonds, granola bars, etc. Sometimes I'll sneak a small piece of dark chocolate to cure the craving. However, if nothing works, get up from your desk and start moving around. Talk to people, take a walk outside, etc. This will get you moving and you won't feel bored.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I also have a desk job, and my job does get boring sometimes. It is hard for me not to snack, but I do eat when I am bored. I actually bring just enough food for me throughout the day, so I don't snack. I have my breakfast at 7:30 (Slimfast), snack at 10, lunch at 12, and a snack at 3. I always make sure they are healthy and high in protein. My afternoon snack is usually a protein bar or greek yogurt. I also play on the internet alot while I am at work, so I keep my mind occupied. Also, I usually down anywhere from 10 to 12 glasses of water. I think it is just mind over matter sometimes.
  • macantrell
    macantrell Posts: 112 Member
    Sugar Free gum!
  • beccalc1981
    beccalc1981 Posts: 16 Member
    I use a stability ball instead of my desk chair. This keeps my body more active, I also chew sugar free gum. I think both help to reduce eating when you are already full / satisfied.
  • jujuzena
    jujuzena Posts: 3
    I am the same way. Constantly eating at my desk. I bring fruits and veggies to have on hand or else I will end up eating brownies, candy bars and whatever else they have in those evil vending machines!!

    I tweeked a hummus recipe to make it very tasty, I never liked hummus but this version is good. I use it instead of ranch for the veggies, its good with broccoli, carrots, cucumbers.. whatever you like. 1 Can Goya Garbonzo beans, about 1 Cup of Roasted Red Peppers (i use the jarred ones) 2 cloves of garlic and salt and pepper. Throw in blender with about 2-3 Tablespoons of Olive oil I have also used chicken broth as a liquid instead of olive oil. Also good dipping for whole wheat pita but then you get carbs..

    Basically if you bring all fruits and veggies and put them in front of you, you will eat them since the eating is out of boredom!
  • Trishaliz
    Trishaliz Posts: 3
    IF you like carrots, I find having a bag of fresh cut carrot sticks (cut like french fries) in my purse/at my desk during the day HELPS all you want is the 'crunch' and if all you have are carrots...not so bad. Grapes help too! I like fresh - hand cut carrots not the chlorine tasting baby carrots - but whatever works for you!!! GOOD LUCK. Lord knows I need it :)
  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    I only pack food for the day before I leave for work. Otherwise, if I keep even "healthy" snacks at my desk, I'll eat them because I think I'm hungry (a.k.a. boredom). That's my only strategy for coping. :( There are some days though, where I legitimately am super hungry, and I go through my lunch and snacks by 2pm. Those are the days I wish I could have the self control to keep some almonds or something in my desk!
  • marshalemar
    marshalemar Posts: 106
    I definitely have the same problem. I have found I drink water and zero calorie sodas a lot more lately. In addition, I keep low calorie snack bars in my desk - Special K Chocolately Chip Cookie bars are my favorite! They really hit the spot and are only 90 calories.
  • ak248902
    ak248902 Posts: 141 Member
  • LaurieBLouise
    LaurieBLouise Posts: 48 Member
    Isn't it funny how even healthy snacks can still pack on the lbs? Unfair! I am in the SAME boat as you, girl. Here's what I do:

    Limit what's available to you. I pack myself a meal and two small snacks for the day. I never carry cash on me so the vending machine isn't an option. The calorie counter on this site is VERY helpful. It showed me that even my healthy snacking is packing on unnecessary cals. Before I know it, I have like 200 calories left for the day and I haven't even eaten dinner!

    Go for a walk during your lunch break. Eating while staring at your computer is mindless, and before you know it you've eaten your weight in almonds. I eat my lunch at my desk, then go for a walk around my building (weather permitting.) It directs your thought process elsewhere and also gives you time to digest. When you get back you might not crave snack foods as badly. (this is one thing I need to get back to doing!)

    Hope that helps! Snacking during work is my BIGGEST downfall.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Lots of water. Plan ahead healthy snacks. Cruise the MFP message boards instead of snacking when bored.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    You know, I honestly think it's just habit. It is in my case, anyway, except for me it's having something to drink close by.

    It used to be Coke (unleaded). I would go through bottles -- BOTTLES -- of Coke a day. Not one iota of nutrition and expensive as heck to boot. Then it was diet green tea. Way better, but still not even remotely necessary, those fake sugars that are not healthy and still a lot of wasted money. Now, I'm happy to say, it's water and pretty much nothing but. That, I can live with. :)

    The key for me is to keep it handy -- within arm's reach. I *know* I reach for it half the time without thinking about it, just because I'm so used to doing it. I don't really need or want it. I don't think about it. I just reach for whatever's there.

    Food is clearly trickier. Healthy snacks are good, as is sugar free gum. But since you're not always hungry when you feel the urge to reach for a snack, I'm wondering if maybe you need to keep your hands occupied with something else. Sounds sorta silly, but if what you're trying to break is truly just a habit, maybe it would help. One of those squeeze balls or something like that, maybe? Dunno ... just a thought.

    Hang in there. You'll win this one. :)
  • smashleymcgee
    smashleymcgee Posts: 135 Member
    I would suggest sugar free gum. I also walk around for a few minutes if I start noticing myself wanting a snack (because of boredom, not hunger). Walk to the restroom, "forget" something in your car that you need to go grab, get more water, etc. It tends to keep me distracted and no longer thinking about food.
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