JoyfulJC Member


  • Hey, I direct messaged you with my full thoughts but for everyone else I recommended a book to her that I'm reading... Food: The Good Girls Drug and the website I just recently realized I suffered from binge eating about a year ago. I went to a therapist for 4 months and have read a lot about it…
  • I have not tried the PB w/ Chocolate but I bet a number of people on MFP have! That's next on my shopping list!
  • I mistyped... we got the Peanut Butter at HyVee. We also went to Target today, I got the stores mixed up. Sorry for the confusion!
  • I've lots 62 lbs (the healthy way) and did so buy working with my dietitian and personal trainer. I don't use the formula that MFP recommends, I enter my own "custom" data based on my needs and my base metabolic rate. Regardless you shouldn't be gorging yourself to eat the extra calories that you burn in a workout. You…
  • If you are trying to lose weight you shouldn't be eating the calories that you earn while working out. I don't log my workouts in the exercise area so that it doesn't count toward my net carbs, I put it in the notes section of my food diary so that I can keep track of how many calories I burned. If you are not hungry you…
  • I completely agree with Bassetthree. You have WAY too much sodium in your diet. What is your height? If you take a look at my food diary you can see that I'm limited on my calories too (way more than you, since I'm only 5'1" and female) but you see that I my breakfast, lunch and dinner is only 260 calories. I know it's…
  • I'm 5'1" and currently weight 136. The top of my healthy range will be 130 but my goal is121. My main concern is body fat %. My base metabolic rate is 1,100 so I eat that amount of calories each day. I typically lose 1-2 lbs per week. I also have cut my sodium down to 1500 mg per day (trying), drink lots of water (60-80…
  • If you want to sustain long term weight loss and change your HABITS for the better the best things to eat is whole foods (unprocessed) and limit your bad fats (fried foods) and bad carbs (white sugar, white flour). Once you set up your macro-nutrients the Fat and Carb limits should be the maximum that you consumer and…
  • Jen overall you are doing great. Your protein is good and your selections(overall) are strong. Just remember this... always pair a carbohydrate with a protein or fat and swap your processed foods for more nutrient dense whole foods. Keep up the good work!
  • I'm a soon-to-be bride as well but not until February 5, 2012 so I have a ways to go. I haven't picked out my dress yet but can imagine your concern with having to pay for additional alterations. My recommendation would be to continue to push towards your goal and concentrate on maintaining once there. The investment will…
  • Protein helps build and re-build muscle. Muscle in turn burns more calories than fat. So, the goal should be to reduce your fat and increase your muscle body composition. Fat and Protein calories are processed differently in your body than carbohydrate calories. Fat and Protein are processed more slowly which aids in…
  • I agree. My fiancée and I have watched many documentaries about the food and farming industry. It is a shame that companies like Monsanto can put our farmland at risk and take away the rights of our farmers. Genetically modified seeds is a scary technology that will leave us unable to feed our great grandchildren if we…
  • I agree with the previous posts. It will vary depending on how much you have to lose and where you currently carry your excess weight. I feel that more people start to notice my weight loss when I start wearing clothes that are a bit more form fitting. Also, I believe we all look thinner when we carry ourselves with high…
  • Great job! Keep up the hard work!
  • Hello, yep, I have completed the HCG diet and I know of a number of people that have had success with it as well. I agree with Jb27, the diet isn't just a quick fix. The weight may come off quickly but it is important that you follow the protocol to the T and really pay attention during your 4 weeks of maintenance. I did a…
    in HCG Diet Comment by JoyfulJC July 2010