

  • Same with me, my sugar cravings always happen after I eat. Apparently it's cause ur potassium lowers... Ive been told A piece of fruit after ur meal should help with the cravings... I cant say it works for me, but I'm addicted to chocolate!
  • An ed forum would be great! I'm a struggling bulimic. I hate it and want it out of my life but it won't leave. I've done lax, binging and purging, starving, over exercising. I have purged in a lot of public toilets late at night so I am no where near anyone, which is so dangerous. A support group would be awesome cause I…
  • great tip!. Thanks.
  • Omg Hun, no way... Exercise helps u loose weight.. Less in, more out!,,, so it's great you can feel full and keep under your daily count. Great job i day! As you lose weight, it will get harder cause you will need fewer calories. So soak it in while it last :).
  • I used to have a personal trainer who said light cardio to warm up, then do some short reps to get heart rate up, then weights, then go hard on cardio. After weights I found cardio so so hard and my trAiner said this was the fat burning stage cause I have lost all my energy in weight training. I dunno if he was right but…
  • Don't just eat one without thinking, make a nice cup of tea, sit down and enjoy one!! I'm from aus too. I have a food hanger from Easter ha ha so I don't even feel like Anzac biscuits
  • It's a good feeling to received replys. Thanks heaps! I'm excited now that I have joined.
  • How does upping your calories help u loose weight? I'm interested...
    in Plateau Comment by Lotuser April 2011
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