donmikulecky Member


  • I ignore the workout calories and try to stick to the same daily limit. I do not believe the calories burned figures to be accurate. Secondly the big reason for exercise is to maintain a higher BMR. The calories burned are small relative to that effect.
  • Thank you for that. I knew they were supposed to be bad but never saw any evidence for why. As a physiologist I need to know why.
  • This is a long term thing. If this is your only downer be thankful. It is not easy and you have to keep your eye on the prize. We are here cheering you on.
  • these are yummy!
  • Those pics should be an inspiration to us all! Thanks for sharing.
  • Probably the least accurate numbers are calories burned. It so depends on the circumstances. It takes 3500 calories to lose a pound. When i was running 10 miles a day a small fraction of this came from thar severe exercise. I now an basically crippled and can't do that any more. Use the tools here to log in your food eaten…
  • It WILL work if you want it to. We are with you.
  • Sometimes the problem goes beyond "appetite". my present weight loss campaign is soley due to having a year of ugly stress. i let myself go completely. Food was the only comfort. Now I know what it cost me. Some active form of stress management would have been so much better. I bet if you google "stress eating" you will…
  • I am not a clinician, only a Ph.D. physiologist. I kept on a high protein diet for years in my younger days. I now have peripheral neuropathy like many diabetics. It is of unknown origin. here's my theory: Diabetics get starved of sugar in their cells and metabolize fat and protein to stay alive. the consequences are many…
  • Be aware of salt! high salt consumption (as in EVERY restaurant) can make you retain water. Water weighs about 7.5 lbs per gallon. therefor a quart of excess water about 1.75 lbs. Every time I eat out my weight increases for this reason. I use NO salt in my own cooking. This makes me even more sensitive.
  • In German the word "fast" means "almost". Very appropriate I'd say. Healthy quick snacks and meals are easy to come by and can taste much better and be more satisfying. Invest a few minutes and then dig in your heals and go cold turkey. You won't go back!