I get half my business calls on my cell these days. So I am going to get up and walk every time my cell rings, should help!
I'm in, going for Platinum - why not?
I'm going to reorganize my home. My garage, basement, & workshop are out of control. I'm going to take an hour right after dinner every night to start chipping away at the clutter. It will also help me take control and inspire me to stay more active with my hobbies.
A really adorable group you've got there! It's so nice you get to enjoy them.
Nice to meet you Lee! FR sent.
I would first spend a couple of weeks meticulously logging your calorie intake to make sure you are doing accurately. Most likely, if the loss isn't there, then you are consuming more calories than you think. Exercise is great and will certainly burn some calories, my experience so far though has been that diet is 90% of…
Quote of the Week (Jan 18th) “Success is usually the culmination of controlling failure.” - Sylvester Stallone To join our group, all you need to do is click on this link or paste it in your address bar: