

  • @clambert1273‌, hopefully my grocery store will have a 10/10 sale on frozen vegetables! I have no problem tossing some in a salad or some pasta (or even with just a tbs of parm cheese). And yes, fruit right now is super expensive now that it's out of season, which sucks since I love fruit. Apples however are cheap at my…
  • Feel free to add me, too! I could always use more friends on here! :)
  • Thank you all so much! Is there anything I should eat or drink afterward once I get home and relax? I heard once that some sort of protein is good for you once you're done working out, but I honestly have no idea. And I have my little ipod shuffle charging up as I type this so it'll be ready for tomorrow! I also have a…
  • Thank you both so much! I never know with logging exercise what 'counts' as exercise and what not. I will change that once I start work. On that note, I went to look at the selections and I'm not sure which one to check. I will be working at a grocery store doing front end work, meaning I will either be at the register or…
  • Oh, wonderful! Thank you so much! I will do so midway through my first week once I know how many days I will be working per week (I'm only part time atm, so that could change). Also, would it still be beneficial to try to keep track of my exercise during the week so I know how many calories I am burning per day, or will…
  • I just started getting into tea, myself! At the moment I drink Bigelow's Green Tea with Lemon, Celestial Seasoning's Wild Berry Zinger as well as their Sweet Harvest Pumpkin, but I usually drink that in the fall/winter. I'd love to try more tea, but like you said, it's really expensive. =\
  • I have tried Kale before, but it was in a bag of "manager's special" which means it needs to be sold before it goes bad and is usually super cheap. I tried it on homemade pizza and had stomach pains afterward. Tried it in a salad and it just tasted too "wood"-y for my tastes. Maybe I need to try them fresh and not from a…
  • It usually depends on 1) what we have in the house and b) when I decide to grace the world with my presence. xD But most times it's either; - 1 scrambled egg w/spinach + whatever fruit is available; sometimes it's strawberries, sometimes it's grapes or applesauce. Occasionally I add a slice or two of whole wheat toast, but…
  • When I log stuff like that, I don't use the 'strength training' section, since it doesn't actually calorie burn count like the cardio part does. But if you go to add something under the cardio section and search "Strength training" you'll get "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training) " and I use that when…
  • I really miss Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper. They quit selling it, I think, since I can never find it in stores anymore. :(
  • Well yes, I know I can add them- but my problem lies in the fact I wouldn't know what to put for sets, repetitions/sets or weights/sets, since I'm not using weights and I just normally do certain exercises for X number of minutes (like walking or sit ups, etc..). This is my first time using resistance bands. =\ I've never…
  • Thanks! Yeah, the next time my dad cooks one of his soups or something I'll have to get a list of ingredients and put them down in the recipes, that way I always have them on hand! My dad only cooks on the weekends and those are also the nights he drinks a lot, so I generally don't like to be around him when he…
  • My weight gain comes, mostly, from Epilepsy medicine I took as a child. I was taking two separate doses of Depakot at the same time and one of the many side effects that we did not know about at the time was weight gain. I used to be underweight as a small child, but then I had the seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy,…
  • Hi! I'm new to MFP as well and could definitely use some friendly support, so feel free to add me! That goes for anyone else. Even though I just started, I've been logging in daily (sometimes twice or more a day!). I've got a lot to lose so the struggle is definitely there. Good luck to you and everyone else! :)
  • Wow, so many short people here! xD Anyway, hi! I'm 5'3'' (though my brother would argue that I'm 5'2'' but I'm older so that means I'm right! ;D) and my goal weight is to get down to 150 from 250. I just started here so I haven't weighed myself since last week (which is when I started) but I plan to tomorrow, not that I…
  • Thank you all so much! It didn't even occur to me to check out YouTube for at home work out videos, well now I have something to do later! Now I can pick a couple things and mix it up every now and then. I heard somewhere that it's a good idea to never do the same thing too often so your body doesn't get too used to it. I…
  • Thank you! It's been useful so far! I'm really enjoying it and I think it gives me a better look on how to try to eat healthier, and I like that I can log my exercise activity, too! I think support is definitely a part of success (in some situations, at least). It helps keep the motivation going, which I sometimes severely…
  • Wonderful! Thank you so much! I will be sure to start adding my tea and coffee to the water section as well. :) It certainly makes drinking water easier! After awhile water tastes too plain for me. ;)