How did you gain weight in the first place



  • essa78
    essa78 Posts: 44 Member
    I got my very first car when I was 24. Before then I bicycled EVERYWHERE. I ate whatever I pleased and quite a bit of it as well. I also drank ALL the beers, all the time. When I got that car I ditched my bike and kept the food. Then I split my pants about 6 months later. It's all been down hill from there. Bring lazy and insolent does absolutely nothing for weight loss!

    The good news is that I'm back on my bike. Still love it! I hope I never go so long with out riding again! I also know for a fact that calories in/ calories out WORKS! I did it when my first child was born, before fancy phone apps, I had a pocket notebook and a book, "Calorie Counts" I did it right before dinner every night. Lost about 30lbs. Now I gotta do it again. Because getting that job in the Pastry Shop was awesome, but my self control was not. :explode:
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member
    I went on maternity leave. Previously I had a reasonably active job, so the sudden lack of exercise, and the fact that I was at home so had food tempting me all the time made me gain weight. Also I was tired being a new mum so was going for "quick" food which is often not the healthiest.
    Also started the depo shot which probably changed my eating habits as well. Before you know it I gained 40kgs in a year!
  • Youngcris
    Youngcris Posts: 34 Member
    Its because we all ate too much tasty food. No reason to blame our familys anymore we are all adults now.
  • ximenia
    ximenia Posts: 62 Member
    A combination of things. Mostly, I'm an engineer and a gamer. I spend most of my time sitting at a desk and I despised physical activity other than walking around the city and dancing. Also I'm a caffeine junkie with a weakness for lattes.

    I never really overeat except for the occasional chinese food binge, which was only about once a month if that. But the coffee and lattes really add up when the only workout you really get is going to the club every other week.

    I used to keep the weight off by clubbing a lot and dancing a lot, but my bf hates the club and I can only drag him out once every two weeks if I'm lucky and he hates the thought of me going alone.
  • robertacruz355
    robertacruz355 Posts: 5 Member
    I quit smoking. I put on 30 lbs in only 4 months! The weird thing is that I didn't change ANYTHING about my eating habits. Not a single thing. In fact, I tried to work out more because people warned me that I would probably gain weight when I quit smoking. The extra walking and working out 3 times a week didn't help. The lbs just kept coming.

    I read that smoking increases your heart rate and your metabolism. The average smoker will gain around 15 lbs when they quit smoking. Apparently this is weight you WOULD have had if you were not a smoker.

    I guess that means I would have been naturally overweight. This makes sense because I was the only member in my family that didn't have a problem with my weight. I had been smoking for 16 years.

    For the first time in my life, I'm overweight. Now I'm struggling to lose these extra lbs I packed on. It's a slow battle and very frustrating. I'm just taking it day by day. I think the most frustrating part about this weight gain is that everyone assumes I substituted smoking with eating larger portions of food. My friends joked about how I'm a secret cupcake eater and that I'm not keeping good track of those "little snacks". I haven't had any "little snacks" in a long time. It's just so frustrating to be so careful with your diet and to gain anyway!

    i've never been a smoker but i have seen this happen to others as well ..... people are always going to judge you because they don't the details but think they know everything... Just remember you are doing this to better yourself for YOURSELF and let the rest roll off.... losing weight is hard but as long as the numbers keep dropping you are going in the right direction.... keep it up ... you are doing great.
  • combatbunny
    combatbunny Posts: 42 Member
    PTSD. Tried to bury memories in food.
  • candyliquor
    My weight gain comes, mostly, from Epilepsy medicine I took as a child. I was taking two separate doses of Depakot at the same time and one of the many side effects that we did not know about at the time was weight gain. I used to be underweight as a small child, but then I had the seizures and was diagnosed with Epilepsy, then went on the medicine for years. We ate fairly healthy in the family so they didn't really get why I blew up the way I did until they spoke to another doctor who told them about the side effects. But the damage was done and I needed to be on the medicine. Plus there's the fact that being overweight runs in the family on both sides, so I've got sort of a double whammy going for me.
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    I moved to North America :)
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I was always big and as life goes, got bigger as I grew up. Most of my weight gain was medical problems that weren't in check. At least that's how it started. Eventually unhealthy eating came into play. I'd eat maybe one two HUGE meals a day with only working as exercise. So overtime it was neglect that hurt me the most. :o
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    I used to be really active and only ate to fuel. I got into a relationship and my activity level went down and my calorie consumption went up.
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    I love food, and ate too much of it for too long without even thinking about it. :-O
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Severe abdominal adhesions and my thyroid acting nuts over the past year. Lots of pain = deterrent to exercise. Thyroid not acting right = metabolism slowed waaaaaaay down. Combine the two = disaster. Its depressing. I was maintaining great where I was.
  • rick5957
    rick5957 Posts: 7 Member
    i was working for UPS a couple of years back and dropped down to about 170. After UPS i got a desk job and shortly after that i started working nights. not many healthy food options are open past 11 pm, thats when i really started gaining weight. i got up to about 250lbs. about three years of being over weight i finally decided to start losing weight and about a year and half later I'm down to 197lbs. my goal is to be down to 175.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    Hello pasta! You are soooo easy to make after moving out of my parent's place. Look how neat it is that I can go a year an a half without learning how to cook!

    Hello lovely boyfriend! More specifically all the restaurant dates. Every couple of days.
  • AutumnLoraine
    My family down right refused to buy healthy weight-conscious foods.
  • nevergiveup715
    I was so slim before I started high school. The first two years of high school I followed the weight watchers program and I lost tons of weight. I looked amazing! Then later on during my sophomore year in high school my grandpa got ill and since I was so close to him it made me sick that he was dying. Eventually he passed and since he passed away I gained 26Ibs which is A LOT for me. I am trying to lose 30Ibs now and it is sooooooo unbelievably hard!! I have been yo yo dieting ever since.
  • SomeGirlSomewhere
    SomeGirlSomewhere Posts: 937 Member
    I am a binge eater who is currently abstinent.
  • fullersun35
    fullersun35 Posts: 162 Member
    I ate too much.
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Eating out almost every single night.
  • JensRiot
    JensRiot Posts: 24 Member
    Babies and nursing babies. I ate because I was so freakin hungry while pregnant. I never stopped "eating for two" until I was done nursing. Food is so yummy.