

  • Ditto! I like to do this bc its a super easy lunch. Also fast to grab to take to work.
  • Id do it! And completely plan on it when I lose this weight! My hubby and I live paycheck to paycheck, but I would not second guess taking out a loan to do it.
  • i started off as a diet... but i'm learning how to live life in moderation and that i dont need all the crap I use to eat. So technically speaking I am on a "diet", but it's leading me into a healthier life style that i can see living the rest of my life. :)
  • my hubby doesn't "push" me to eat things or go out of his way to "rub it in my face". but he'll think he's being nice because he thought of me when he went to the store and get me a king size kit kat. Or he'll want to order food after I tell him I can't have it. But the biggest thing i think annoys me most is when I…
  • That's a great idea. think i'll do that! =D
  • I'm still working on the balanced diet thing. taking baby steps into this new lifestyle. Anytime I jump right in and try to be strict on myself I give up, so I figure slow and steady wins the race. :)
  • not using as a weight loss aid. just to get vitamins. :)
  • I'm not saying they're a "healthier alternative" or to eat 10 of them a day. I was saying if you ABSOLUTELY need to satisfy the craving that only (let say) chocolate can cure, it's a better choice than the 500cal blizzard from your local DQ. :)
  • i just thought of this too... i buy the 90 cal snack bars (whether its fiber one, kellogg's, or quaker), and if i feel i absolutely need to have something i grab one of those and slowly pick at it. i make sure to take a long time to eat it. Also if you like pomegranates, they take awhile to eat. :)
  • I like the idea... I work at Dairy Queen and ice cream is my favorite treat!!! I have a co-worker that is also dieting and cheats often. lol. I think i may propose this idea to her. =D
  • First, if it happens, you have to accept it and move on. Just because you have one bad day, don't give yourself permission to give up. One day of not so good eating isn't going to kill you, just like one day of eating really healthy isn't going to save your life. When I'm having those stretch of a few days of fighting…
  • Thanks for all the replies! =D My doctor did suggest some weight lifting to build up muscle. I've been using a cheap exfoliant (the st.ive's apricot scrub) along with lotion, whether it works or not my skin is really soft! lol. I've been over weight my whole life so my skins been stretch for a long time, I know my…
  • I like to keep the 90 calorie chewy granola bars in my kitchen cabinet. When I feel the strong urge to snack, I grab one of those and pick at it slowly. Keeps my mind busy without completely over-doing it. Also, I found that pomegranates help too. I dont like to eat the kernel inside the juicy seed, so i just eat the meat…
  • At first, I measured everything. A friend bought me a scale that is also a nutrition calculator, I absolutely love it! I've gotten to the point that I can eyeball serving sizes of the foods i prepare often. But once in awhile I will double check to make sure I'm right. It really came in handy, i.e. I look up serving…
  • yes it's nice to stay busy and not constantly be focused on when I can eat next. lol
  • This happens when I have busy days. Being diabetic I HAVE to eat, which can become a hassle sometimes when it comes to staying under my calories. (i.e. if my sugar drops then I have to eat something to bring it up, not because I'm hungry). I also have to stay on a schedule, which means eating about the same time every day,…
  • Speaking of fast food, I still eat it, especially on days I work long/late hours. But I've learned to pay attention to their nutrition lists (which are easily found on their websites). For example, when I use to go to Taco Bell, I could easily eat 1700cal in one meal, (which now is what I eat in a day) Now when i get it…
  • I've never been big on burgers, but man am I a pizza girl! Honestly I know I still eat it more than I should, but instead of (like the OP said) eating 5pcs in one sitting, I eat 2 plus a salad. It balances out the meal while allowing me to stay under my calories.:smile:
  • OMG. Love this! I've said that if it's like World War Z zombies, I'm just offing myself, bc i know I wont survive! lol
  • I think skydiving is a great goal!!! I'd love to get there one day. :)
  • One of my top goals when I started was to fit in my seat belt properly. I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THAT GOAL... I can get in my car and simply click it on! It felt so good to cross that off my list, my new goal, is to cross off the rest! lol. -Get on a roller coaster (my mom keeps reminding me of this one when I think about…
  • I make Sundays a "cheat day". it's a day me and my husband both have off so we like to go to dinner. I have my calories set at 1500/day, but my overall goal is to be under 1800. But on my cheat day I'm happy to stay under 2200, but honestly if I happen to go over, I really don't stress about it. There's been a few cheat…
  • I started at 372lbs. I told myself every 25lbs i would do something nice for myself. My first 25 I got my hair done. My next 25 i'm thinking a pedicure. But the hard part is not giving in and doing your reward before you've lost the weight. lol. Some suggestions: After I lose X amount of weight i will... -give myself a…
  • If i'm feeling unmotivated or have that "give-up" attitude going on, I search the web for weight loss stories. Seeing that others have done it and how definitely gives me a bit more drive to reach my own goals. Also I've googled images of inspirational quotes or advice and put them places i look all the time, i.e. computer…
  • I work evenings, so sometimes i'm not home until almost midnight. I eat if i'm hungry and am still losing weight! =D