Nightime eating, is there a solution?



  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    Plan it into your day just like any other meal or snack. Meal timing is largely irrelevant if that is what you're worried about. I always plan in a late night snack...because I enjoy them...just have to plan for the...EZPZ

    ^This. And I'll just add, are you eating enough throughout the day? Maybe you need to increase your daily calories.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Plan it into your day just like any other meal or snack. Meal timing is largely irrelevant if that is what you're worried about. I always plan in a late night snack...because I enjoy them...just have to plan for the...EZPZ

    This, plain and simple.
  • avoidtheclapp107
    avoidtheclapp107 Posts: 49 Member
    Yes! One of my MFP friends told me the brush your teeth trick.
    I'm a HUGE night snacker--and it helps. Sometimes I'll spend extra time flossing too because that hand to month thing....the first couple days was rough and I found myself going to bed an hour earlier so I wouldn't eat anything...but it gets easier and after even a couple day you'll find yourself not trying to eat late. Right now your body/brain want it because they're used to having it. You feel great when you wake up after not snacking right before bed, too!

    Good luck! The struggle is real!
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    Like others have said, save some calories for that time frame. I always eat "dessert" an hour or two after dinner. Sometimes it's a snack like chocolate or ice cream. If I'm really hungry I'll have a mini-meal maybe toast with peanut butter or cream cheese or a bowl of cereal.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    It's difficult at first but try switching to just eating 3 squares/day. No snacking anytime. This will get your body used to a set schedule and give it time to digest everything in between meals (I follow Ayurveda and they say you should not eat within 2 hours of your last meal at leaset because that's how long your system takes to digest that meal). It helps quite a bit if you reduce or eliminate your sugar intake as well and eat whole foods which make you more satiated. Good luck! While I'm not a huge night time snacker I do love the graze but I feel better when I stick to 3 squares/day :drinker:
  • slynn1023

    i portion everything into ziplocks as soon as i buy them, and sharpie the calories onto the bags so i know to just grab the right amount and never have the whole container sitting next to me.

    That's a great idea. think i'll do that! =D
  • SabrinaLily
    Someone suggested saving calories for a bowl of cereal- if that's something you can do, Blue Diamond makes an Unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk that's only 30 calories per cup or an almond milk with a touch of honey that's only 50 calories. They're lactose free and higher in calcium than real milk :) If you did the 30 calorie one and 1/2 a cup of Special K High Protein cereal, you would only be at 110 calories.

    Or two servings of eggs whites (microwaved to make a patty) and one slice of real bacon (I also microwave to get the grease all off) would only be 90 calories total, give or take depending on brand.

    Why would you want to get all the grease off?

    Lol. Yeah, I know. Takes all the fun out of it :) I micro it on a tray that catches the grease underneath and then I press it in paper towel after. Guess it's more like eating jerky at that point. But very very tasty jerky... Mmmmmm :p
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I agree about pre-packaging into zip locks what you are going to eat for a night time snack.
    This works for for me with rice.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    It's difficult at first but try switching to just eating 3 squares/day. No snacking anytime. This will get your body used to a set schedule and give it time to digest everything in between meals (I follow Ayurveda and they say you should not eat within 2 hours of your last meal at leaset because that's how long your system takes to digest that meal). It helps quite a bit if you reduce or eliminate your sugar intake as well and eat whole foods which make you more satiated. Good luck! While I'm not a huge night time snacker I do love the graze but I feel better when I stick to 3 squares/day :drinker:

    I follow the eating within 2 hours as well. I just found it works better for my weight loss. I do try to eat something every 2 hours though versus 3 square meals.
  • winterskykim
    winterskykim Posts: 32 Member
    no I havent weighed the unpopped kernals i will do that next time
  • SabrinaLily
    Oh, I also love to eat pickles as a snack. A spear is only 5 calories and Claussen's (they're in the refrigerated aisle and heavy on the garlic) are my favorite. Also A&W has a diet vanilla cream soda. YUM! It's like sucking down a rootbeer float.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Pickles are great.

    Make sure its not thirst and you needing water instead of food.
    I kind of have exercise calories to fall back on if I must eat, but yes its later on that i start to nobble food. I get good value out of an apple as well.
  • alyssareyans
    alyssareyans Posts: 88 Member
    I eat either air popped popcorn or sweet freedom ice cream. Normally I buy these bars

    They're 70 calories but the serving size is 2 bars. I don't eat back my exercise calories during the day. I save them for night time snacking.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    I know i'm probably not really hungry but my brain is telling me if you just eat this peanut butter and jelly sandwich you will feel better or several oreos and chips will satisfy that craving, shut up that "need" inside me.

    If I really want something at night, I've made a deal with myself. I can have one of the following: stick of mozzarella cheese; one square of dark of dark chocolate (or lately it was 1 or 2 dark chocolate truffles); teaspoon of peanut butter and a few raisins.

    Just a little bit is it, just enough for satisfaction. Then I just have to grit my teeth and practice self-discipline (ugh). Actually, the longer I've sustained this, the less I have to grit my teeth.
  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    I do most of my eating during the day. Once I get home anywhere from 6:30-8pm I don't really feel like eating much. I will sometimes have a sweets craving and my two favorites are Special K chocolatey pretzel cereal bars or one cinnamon toast eggo waffle which are 90cal and 100cal. That satisfies my craving (which I know in my case is NOT usually hunger). As others have said though just try to save some calories during the day so you can have the later snack if that's when you tend to want it
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    Plan it into your day just like any other meal or snack. Meal timing is largely irrelevant if that is what you're worried about. I always plan in a late night snack...because I enjoy them...just have to plan for the...EZPZ

    Yes! Budget it into goal. I do. Did. Lately I close at 9 but stay up late so I won't wake up and eat.
  • A_Dabauer
    A_Dabauer Posts: 212 Member
    As may posters have said, it's acceptable to save some calories for your night time snack. If you are wanting to quit the habit because it's a trigger to binge or what ever other reason you may have, that's up to you, these are things I've found helpful:

    1. Eat more during the day, (seems odd right? but I found if my cals were too low during the day my body is actually hungry and will prompt me to eat everything insight regardless of every ounce of willpower I have)

    2. Take time to think about what you're doing before you eat, ask yourself why you are eating. Be present in the moment. If we are eating for emotion reasons (yep we all have those triggers) this will help you address them. I found by simply realizing why I'm eating it helps stop the behavior. Are you more likely to have these moments when you've had a stressful day? Or when it's cold outside, or when you're bored. This won't cure the issue overnight, and you may not have an answer the first 50 times you ask yourself, why am I eating now. But eventually you will see the pattern and be able to address those emotions in a healthier more constructive manner. If we simply deflect those emotions you may be successful short term but long term may be more of a challenge.

    Good luck!
  • Memowe
    Memowe Posts: 137 Member
    I usually plan for two late night snacks, one sweet and a salad or vegetable. I have to choose sweets that I know I can control myself with though, I'm the type of person that would eat a whole container of cookies if given the option. So at the store I always get one reward snack for after shopping, and then I don't choose any snacks I would over eat. I usually choose to go with icecream that has it's own individual packages.
  • VitoFoSho
    The time you stop eating at night does not matter. If you want to eat at 11:30pm, go for it.......just save calories for the late night snacking that you like to do, and you'll be fine. Calories in vs. calories out determines weight loss or weight gain.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    I think you may not have enough daily calories, I think what I would first try is adding 150-200 kcals to your daily amount without taking away from elsewhere. I say this because problems with nighttime eating often come from not getting enough food earlier in the day.

    For myself, I have a pretty substantial breakfast and lunch and also 1-2 snacks during the day. I have an early dinner and most of the time don't eat afterwards (will have a snack if particularly hungry, but usually just have tea or tea with coconut milk). I try to keep my eating within 12 hour window based on some rat research (which obviously may or may not be relevant to humans, but I think it works well for me).