dywtd Member


  • I LOVE beans! Mung and Roman are pretty great!
    in Capsiplex??? Comment by dywtd April 2011
  • Thanks! Sounds like I will be aiming for spinach-city! I really try to not use the phone at meals, but I am bad about it some times. I sort of wish I could take a measuring device to the line... "Excuse me while I weigh these butternut squash strips..."
  • What do you think he is hiding? A banana spider? Pretty scary, imagining a banana spider in our president's left hand... Secret.
    in Ugh! Comment by dywtd April 2011
  • I'm bummed he did it, since it was easy to keep the emotionally unstable folks occupied with this... Now they will be turning their attention to new subjects.
    in Ugh! Comment by dywtd April 2011
  • The fact that your local system does not care about health is all the reason you find some likeminded folks to rally with. I wish you great health, might as well keep the login, though... Just in case you slip! Good luck!
  • Thanks! Mornings it will be, then! Maybe I will just walk, or like you guys said, meditate, at night. "Significantly longer amount of time" to loosen is exactly correct! What does no snap, creaks. What does not creak, groans... The things that do not snap, creak, or groan... Scare me!
  • Don't take guff from anyone paying 4 dollars for water poured over broken beans. You are in great shape, and you should share what you know with people... If you can get paid to do that - You won!
  • Over the last few days: Some reheated crock potted from dry beans/onion, and a cup of cold roasted squash/zucchini/onion/red and orange peppers saute from the night before. A chicken breast, in a mustard, white wine and garlic glaze, with some aforementioned beans Cold salmon, and cold green beans Warmed asparagus stalks…
  • In many cultures, dinner revisited is breakfast aplenty. Not saying you WANT cold fish and veg for early AM energy, but I have been operating under the "A Protein, a Vegetable, Some Beans" principle for breakfast, with great energy results. We learn such a bread-heavy breakfast these days...
  • Yeah... I am completely stymied. I was 420 lbs in 2010, got down to 300 lbs, and it has taken me since January 1st, 2011, to get to 295. When you are staring down a 100 lb goal, five pounds in nearly 5 months is pretty darned tortoise, could use some hare. I exercise reasonably, I eat well... I started doing Yoga in the…
  • I try to watch calories, eat often, and I try to stick to whole foods, no processed stuff. I drink tea, coffee, and water, and have been trying to make my own (unsweetened) almond milk. Coconut milk is pretty much tasteless, but I tried that, recently. I eat as many vegetables as I can, trying to only use a light amount of…
    in Question.... Comment by dywtd April 2011
  • You can totally do it! Wishing you nothing but success!