
I haven't been on the boards a lot, but I want to know what diet plans people are using (if you are using one)? Are you just counting calories? protein? carbs? fiber? all of the above?



  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    All of the above. I also look at sodium just as much as calories. And most importantly the type of food. 100 cals of candy is worse than 100 cals of fresh fruit.

    Make smart, healthy choices when possible!
  • vtandy
    vtandy Posts: 1
    I have been going to WW's but they don't discuss foods that much, but attitude. I like this program using calories because it gives me an idea how much I am eating, however I do go to meetings because I need the accountability.
  • dywtd
    dywtd Posts: 14 Member
    I try to watch calories, eat often, and I try to stick to whole foods, no processed stuff. I drink tea, coffee, and water, and have been trying to make my own (unsweetened) almond milk. Coconut milk is pretty much tasteless, but I tried that, recently.

    I eat as many vegetables as I can, trying to only use a light amount of fat in their preparation. I eat beans. Lord, do I eat beans. I eat so many beans they don't even affect my digestive system anymore.

    My wife is thrilled about that, I am sure.

    My real secret is trying to make everything I eat for myself. You'd be surprised how much less you eat when you don't take shortcuts in preparation!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I'm not using a diet plan. Here is what I am doing:

    -eating less carbs (I have cut out soda, rice, pasta, white flour and sugar, bread,etc.)
    -less sodium
    -eating more fish and chicken
    -eating more fresh fruits and veggies
    -drinking more water
    -exercising a minimum of 5 times a week, 30 minutes a day

    **I eat 1400 calories a day plus my exercise calories. I found out the hard way that not eating enough will stop your weight loss in its tracks! I record EVERYTHING!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I have always tried to keep an eye on my sodium levels ( the MFp standard is wayy too high) mostly because I become deyhydrated very easily.
    I am starting to pay attention to my carbs,as Im trying to get rid of my buddha belly.
    The most important thing to think about when "dieting" is that it is all about lifestyle,if you don't think limiting your fat,carbs,sodium etc is going to be something you can maintain don't do it. You may see immediate results but as soon as you add it back into your diet you WILL regain the weight.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    :smile: i watch calories fat and sugar mainly, lots of water and walking everyday
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I keep my eyes on my calories and sodium intake only. I don't eat white starchy foods so I don't bother counting carbs and since I changed what I eat I don't count fats either. Everything I eat is healthier and is consumed in moderation.
  • kraftkris
    Thanks for the input! I really appreciate it!
  • linnettbenson
    linnettbenson Posts: 63 Member
    Everything mentioned is what I have done to lose weight. The only thing I would add is to reduce the number of restaurant visits made in a week. It had gotten way out of hand. If we do go to restaurants I try to plan ahead. What is on the menu? Pre-select what I am going to eat. It helps me to control my inner voice that is telling me this once won't hurt. Yeah right. This time leads to next time and before I know it I am back in my old bad habits. It can be a vicious cycle for me.
    Another thing I am working on is to not call what I am doing a diet. It is a life change. I can not go back to the way it was. What I am doing now is not for a short time. I know it is mind games but it helps me.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I haven't been on the boards a lot, but I want to know what diet plans people are using (if you are using one)? Are you just counting calories? protein? carbs? fiber? all of the above?


    I don't follow any specific diet plan, no. I aim to keep my carbs under 100g per day, to get between .5 g and 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight per day, aim to go over MFP's fiber goal and don't worry all that much about fat although it's usually under the MFP goal. If I look back at my diary, I usually and up with a 33/33/33 breakdown of macronutrients.

    Yes, I watch the calories like a hawk and weigh everything except liquids on a food scale.

    I get more than enough water and keep my sodium under the MFP 2500 goal. Once you start watching sodium, you'll quickly find that you have to severely limit all processed foods and can't eat out much.

    I do NOT exercise like a maniac, either. I walk a lot, mainly because I have a dog and she needs it, and I do the C25K program. Some weeks are better than others on the C25K because of weather (I run outside). I occasionally do Pilates as well.