Jazziemay Member


  • I weigh once a day, in the morning when I get up, but when I eat certain things I find I gain a few pounds then goes back down, Think I'm gonna start weighing once a week so I don't get frustrated
  • Thanks to everyone for you opinions, It seems to be working right now for me to stay at 20 a day, still have another week and the rest of this one to go then add a few more carbs so I will see. Been walking 3 miles a day plus aerobic exercise and feel good so I will go from there. Thanks again
  • thanks for the reply, I know a lot of people don't stay under 20 carbs and I have to say it's hard for me, I only do it for two weeks then go up to 25 but I leave potatoes, bread, rice, and pasta out of my diet for those two weeks. What kind of carbs do you eat and stay under 20 and keep cholestrol down
  • I try very hard to drink all my water. I have two cups of coffee every morning followed with a glass of water. Then I either drink unsweet tea when eating out or diet coke. At home it's splenda tea
  • I could always use the motivation myself, feel free to add me
  • I find I have this problem too. I try really hard to eat low carb, and stay under my carbs for the day. But lately, I have been eating all the wrong things. because it's easier. on weekends, friends are having a few beer. So I drink one or two, but I do go for the Micolob ultra, or skinny girl margarita whick are both low…
  • Thank you all for your comments. I do have a wii, and probably need to try exercising with it again. And if we ever get finished with all the work around the house we need to get done, hopefully my husband will start walking with me again.
  • I was at 184, and lost down to 155, then gained backe to 165, now I'm at 161 and still trying to lose at least 20 more pounds. I lost my mom, and two uncles, plus a good friend all last year. So I know that has had some to do with my eating habits. But I am trying my best to stay positive and eat right. I was staying at 20…
  • guess that means tea is out too
  • Hi, I saw your post, and sounds like you are getting a little frustrated, with not losing much weight, but keep in mind that when you are in training, you will gain muscle, before you see weight loss, Now I have lost 18 pounds since I've been tracking myself on here and 25 pounds all together, but the only exercise I get…