

  • Sorry I have been MIA for the last few weeks - I was away on a Habitat for Humanity Build Date in Europe. I am happy to report that I was able to maintain my weight while gone and with no access to fitness pal. I got back this morning, weighed myself, and am still at 178! Woo hoo! So I'm back - is there a new thread for…
  • hi everyone! Busy weekend for me. I was definitely not perfect with the eating (and a few miller lites here and there), but I will try to make up for it this week. My sister came back from a two-week vacation and her first response to me was "wow Katie, you look great! Did you lose weight?" Makes me feel so good to hear…
  • FOLKS!!! Where's the rest of the weigh-ins? Folks you signed up for this so we can do this challenge together as a group. Don't miss the first weigh-in!!!! We have weight in on the other thread
  • FOLKS!!! Where's the rest of the weigh-ins? Folks you signed up for this so we can do this challenge together as a group. Don't miss the first weigh-in!!!! We have weight in on the other thread & daily chat on including the odd challenge…
  • Where's the rest of the weigh-ins? Folks you signed up for this so we can do this challenge together as a group. Don't miss the first weigh-in!!!!
  • Here's the Update from Katie from CT: Username: gooberkn Starting Weight: 180 lbs Week #1: 178 Minutes of Exercise: 280 minutes of Cardio, plus lots of strength training throughout 7 things I like about my self: my determination, my care for others, my family, my legs :), my new sense of self, my new awareness of being…
  • Welcome! Friend me if you want too! MFP is a great support system and such an easy tool to use to keep track of your exercising and healthy eating lifestyle changes. Good luck and congrats on the upcoming wedding!
  • Heading to BBQs? Don't know what to eat? Don't want to chow down on all the unhealthy dips (like Onion Dip and others)? I have a great recipe that I brought with me yesterday to a BBQ. It came from and I served it with multi-grain tortilla chips instead of regular ones. Here's the recipe: Ingredients 2…
  • Jumping Jacks and Crunches done - how did everyone else do? Who wants to put up our mini-challenge for tomorrow? Who's got it? Remember our check-in is on Thursday and we need to have everyone post their starting weight of the 20 in 6 weeks challenge and their current weight. Who's posting our last minute challenge for…
  • Here's my challenge for everyone today.... In addition to your normal exercise routine and eating, try to add the following: -- 50 crunches and 50 jumping jacks -- at least 72 oz of water Let's do it folks! Reply to all in our messages when you complete the mission :) I'm on 25 crunches and 25 jumping jacks and 16 oz of…
  • HI Everyone: Great work to all that have posted. You are all inspirations. It's okay to cheat once in awhile, but if we keep saying "there's always tomorrow!" we will never fully change. Let's try and not cheat too much more during our challenge. I've kept up with my walking everyday and eating healthy and doing my…
  • Hi Everyone, My feel good moment of today -- I bought myself a magic bullet finally! It was part necessity (had oral surgery yesterday and not eating solid foods yet) and also a craving of mine -- I love making healthy smoothies at home because you can control what goes into it. I made myself a yummy strawberry/blueberry…
  • Go to and you can enter your specifics in. Then you just create a new exercise in MFP and you have it forever.
    in Zumba! Comment by gooberkn July 2011
  • Awesome suggestions everyone. I am using my salad plates instead of dinner plates and drinking a lot more water before dinner, instead of after, and its helping!!! i also have tried measuring stuff by leaving my measuring cups out on the counter so I remember. I don't have a kitchen scale yet, but this will do for now.…
    in Portions Comment by gooberkn July 2011
  • Hello Everyone. i am excited about this group! My feel good challenge for today -- well it's been a day of relaxation for me. I had oral surgery this morning (two back molars removed) and am feeling comfortable right now on some painkillers. However, I did find a new love for JELLO -- who knew that sugar free jello tasted…
  • I'd love to be in too! 32 year old female from Connecticut. Starting Weight (a week ago!) was 182 pounds. I am at 180 right now. I would love to be 160 by September so this will be perfect for me!
  • I love this idea!!!! I too am just cooking for one so I often like to make a meal that can last several lunches and dinners, if I don't eat it all. I will definitely try this idea!
    in Portions Comment by gooberkn July 2011