

  • Post your inspirations on a wall! Keep a smaller pair of jeans in a place where you can see it and focus on your goal. Remind yourself how much fun it will be playing with your kids when you lose your weight. Start with a small goal (5 or 10 pounds) and reward yourself! You can do it!
  • I had a hard time staying motiviated as my weight wasnt decreasing as fast as I wanted it to. I felt like it was useless. So, I changed my exercise routine a bit (changed videos, equipment) and stayed focus and within two weeks I started seeing my results. Keeping those too small jeans out so I can see them and try them on…
  • I have the Sketchers shoe. When you wear them you really feel it in your legs.
  • i would recommend starting with P90... it is easier to start with.
  • I bought it a few weeks ago. There are several CDs and they really work your butt. There have been a few days were I was sore (no pain..no gain). I would recommend it. I have seen results in the two weeks and doing another reassessment two weeks from now!
  • Wow! You are an inspiration! I look forward to the day in going to a lower pant size! Nice problem to have! Congrads!
  • That has been happening to me too....It is frustrating! However, I started MFP in Feb/March and still waiting to lose the weight I thought I would. I have noticed, however, that I am certainly toning up and losing inches. My recommendation would be to size your waist, hips, thighs, etc. and focus on the inches. Also.. go…
  • Keep it up! You are an inspiration for us who still have quit of bit of weight to go! Watching people reach their goal keeps me motivated. Just think how exciting it will be to lose that last 15 pounds and get a size smaller pair of jeans! Go get it girl!
  • I just bought a pair tonight. I walked on the treadmill with them. wow! I could feel the difference. I am going to try them for a month and see if I see any results.
  • I took my first spinning class last Saturday... It was amazing! I would tell you to go for it!!! However, I recommend taking only half the class for the first few week or so. I did the whole hour and it took me 3 days for my thighs to stop hurting!!!!
  • I cant wait to experience the same!