I think I need to print your breakdown and post it on my fridge! It puts things in perspective when you realize it's the small things that add up like that.
Your dress is super cute!
I've always had good luck with New York and Company.
I was born and raised in Lansing but moved to Florida when I was 21 (almost 23 years ago). Go Spartans and Red Wings!!!
Close up of Jaxyn!
My girls Jaxyn and Cassy!
I'm glad that I... 1) have my own small fridge in my office; 2) go home for lunch every day.
I always wonder if these people get nutritional counseling prior to their surgery. I assume they do but they don't mention it on the show. I also think therapy should be mandatory prior to the surgery. As someone else said, most of these people are in this horrible condition because they have suffered abuse of some sort…
I love this show! I have to fast forward through the pigging out portion though because watching them pack all that messy food in grosses me out. I agree that gaining that much weight is unhealthy but I admire their willingness to do it so they can better understand their clients. However, if I were a client, I would feel…
I wish I knew how to post pictures...I have two beautiful cats whom I love!
It could be, I've wondered about this before. I spend all day sitting at my desk, probably hunched rather than upright. Plus, having a pouch is genetic in my family tree.
I know planks won't do anything about the fat. I just wondered if they'd effectively tighten the muscle and reduce the pouch.
That's the video I was doing! It totally kicked my butt!
I hate when people walk on my carpet with their shoes on. GROSS! Do they have any idea of all the nasty things they may have walked in then track on my carpet? Also, people who always think they're a blameless victim rather than taking responsibility for their actions and choices.
No need to apologize. I didn't take offense to what you wrote!
Thanks guys! I did watch a couple tutorial videos and they were using major weights, so I figured that what I was doing with the video was pretty lame! Better than nothing, I suppose, but not accomplishing anything more than squeezing my butt (which does hurt by the way).
I'd love to hear any heartful, sincere, meaningful compliment from my husband.
I hate when people spell out A-S-A-P. Just say "asap" or "as soon as possible". Don't know why that bothers me, it's a pretty stupid thing.
My boss uses the Fitbit Surge and really likes it. He commented today on how accurate the mapping of his run was. If he likes it, it's gotta be good because he's pretty picky about everything!
My co-worker getting mad and mouthy and storming out of the office because my boss asked her to do something. Thanks for starting off my Monday with your nasty, stupid, childish attitude.
I hate when the patients ignore the doctor's instructions and decide to do it their way after having the surgery. Hello, doing it your way is what got you to weigh 600+ pounds. I think Dr. Now knows what he's talking about when he tells you to stop eating a bunch of junk. Why waste an episode on someone who doesn't even…
My favorite vacations were to California, Colorado, Yellowstone, Utah. I love the mountains and beauty out there!
You always say the nicest things about your wife and daughters...I love that!
Sleeping soundly without being woken up. Crape Myrtles in full bloom (hot pink and dark red are the best). When my husband is in a good mood. Pizza! Pride of choosing the treadmill over the couch.
Listening to the girl who sits outside my office sniffle for 3 hours has made me angry today. I had to put my ear buds in to drown out the sound of her constant sniffling. GO. BLOW. YOUR. NOSE. you idiot, you're a grown woman, not a 4 year old.
When my husband decides to brush the cat right after I've vaccumed the carpet. He knows I vacuum on Saturdays, can't he brush the cat on Friday???
Your cats are GORGEOUS!!! I'm a cat person too, have 2 girls, Jaxyn who's 15 and Cassy who's 4.
Perfect! Thank you!
Hungry Howie's pizza washed down with Code Red and chocolate ice cream for dessert, or turtle cake.