Lirana Member


  • PW: 166.6 CW: 168.2 No excuses, but I know why I went up. I was sick all week. Yesterday was the first day I felt better. I have not exercised at all, and did not log a good 95% of what I ate. But, today I feel MUCH better, so I'm thinking gym tomorrow morning. Yay!!! It sucks that I went back up to my starting weight. I…
  • Oh man, I need to learn to read better. Sorry!
  • Can we change this challenge to "Don't eat x hours before bed?" I don't even get home from work till 8 pm!
  • Starting Weight: 168.2 Current Weight: 166.6 Accomplishments: I went to the gym a lot (I had the week off of work for winter break) which helped out immensely. Unfortunately, I've been sick since Sunday, so have not exercised at all the past couple of days. I'm ready to feel better so I can start exercising again. :)
  • 100 crunches done AND I added an extra 10 mins of cardio (this is a popular challenge this week for the other teams... yes, I AM spying :tongue:) for a total of 40 mins on the elliptical! About halfway through with water for the day. Still have dinner to go, so I should be set on that today as well.
  • I did my 100 crunches for the day. Do we need to post every day saying whether or not we've completed the challenge for that day? I haven't been posting about the water, though I have been doing 8 glasses/day.
  • I like to listen to Pandora... 80's Pop!
  • How do we post pictures?
  • Hello Red Team! :smile:
  • I also have a Brita pitcher. I know the price can be daunting (you want HOW MUCH for the filters???) at first, but it really is much more economical than bottles. And more environmentally friendly. And if you cut coupons, you can often find coupons for filters. This time of the year, there are often coupons for the…
  • I made dinner up last night! I added it to the recipe database, so hopefully it will get picked once that goes live (copy + paste below). *** Smothered Chicken & Pierogies (serves 4) *** *** Introduction *** This easy recipe is both quick and delicious. The mushroom soup acts as a "gravy" making this dish feel naughtier…
  • Name: Jenn About Yourself: I am 33 and make video games for a living. :smile: I live in a tiny apt with my bf. I used to go to the gym regularly, and I am currently trying to get back into the habit. I also need to get back into the habit of more home made food instead of fast food and restaurants. I am really short (5'2"…