

  • Hi all, I'm 30, live in London with my partner, our two kids (boy 11, girl 8) and our three cats. After having my daughter I had postnatal depression for about a year. I also ended up with social anxiety. As a result I rarely left the house and piled on the pounds. I'm not the heaviest I've ever been but I definitely need…
  • Start weight:178 Goal Weight: 158 Lbs to Lose: 20 08/01:178 09/05: 10/03: 11/07: 12/05: 12/26:<<<GOAL WEIGHT>>> I have more than 20 to lose but I'd be very happy with 20 by Christmas.
  • I think but I'm not 100% that you just need to drink more water.
  • Thanks guys :)
  • I agree. Now I've had a couple of hours to calm down I think I'll do it tomorrow instead. I don't feel I would over-do it today but I think it's better to build it up gradually. Thanks.
  • It was somewhat in between. My son and I would race now and then but for the most part it was quite leisurely. Enough to sweat but not so I was too out of breath. Thanks for the response :)
  • The pics have just popped up. That's quite a change! Well done again, you look fabulous :D
  • Well done! I've only just started but I love reading these success stories! The only pic I can see is your profile pic but you look amazing in that one. You've certainly made me feel empowered. Normally I dread stepping on those scales. Since joining this site in the past week I'm now actually excited to weigh myself.…
  • Could you have lost body fat but gained muscle?
  • I'm new to MFP too, trying to lose 42 lbs. I haven't actually been diagnosed with PCOS yet as I'm too scared to go the doctors but I suspect I've had it for 5-9 years. My partner and I have just decided to try for baby number three. We're not taking any medication or help and IVF is a massive no-no for me. I'm hoping…