

  • Agreed! You are eating way to little for the amount of activity you are doing. You need to feed your body, not starve it. I definitely agree to shoot for 1200-1500 calories a day. Hope this helps! Nessa
  • I've been using Shakeology for about 3 months! I absolutely love it! I have more energy and just feel all around good. I've lost 10 pounds and I definitely think Shakeology has helped a lot with that. I drink it for my breakfast and it keeps me full for a couple hours. I would definitely recommend it!! :)
  • Yes, it is easier to lose weight when you set smaller goals for yourself...that's what I have found works best for me anyway! Such motivation to read this. I am so happy that you are taking this journey for yourself. Please feel free to add me as a friend. We can keep each other motivated!! :)
  • Welcome to MFP!!!! You will love the people on here. They are all so positive and supportive. Feel free to add me as a friend! Love helping out! :happy:
  • Hey!!!! I would love to help you lose that last little bit of weight!! Way to go on the weight you've lost already!!! I'll send a friend request!! :) Nessa
  • I'm doing Insanity too!! Starting my 3rd week tomorrow. I love it!!! I'll send a friend request. :)
  • Hello! I just became a beachbody coach a couple days ago!! :) I'm very excited about it and it does keep you motivated and accountable. If you have the time to devout to it, I would say go for it!!!! I think it's a great opportunity to help people and to help yourself!! Go for it!!!! :) Let me know if I can help in any…
  • Welcome!!! So glad to have you on here!!!
  • Welcome!!!!! This site is such great motivation and the people on here are always willing to help and support you! So glad to have you on here!!!! :)
  • Welcome!!! I too love this site! It definitely helps keep my on track with my eating and exercising!! To comment on the chocolate snacking: chocolate is pretty much my favorite thing to snack on, but not really helpful to the diet. Sad but true. I found that eating fruit really helps me when I'm having a chocolate craving.…