New to MFP

Hello all, I am new to MFP, was previously doing WW, which works, but also costs. My son found this site and told me about it and so far I am loving it. I haven't entered one item here, that wasnt already in the database, unlike WW, where alot of food items weren't previously entered.
So as of yesterday, MFP has 3 new members: My husband, My son and myself.

I personally love my snacks, especially chocolate, so If anyone has any snack suggestions, would love to hear about them!
Good Luck to all!


  • grn_eyd_gurl
    Hello and welcome. I just found this site and signed up on Tuesday. I have been on WW since November 30, 2010, and have lost 41 pounds. I like WW but needed something else to keep me going. I like MFP because I am able to track calories and I love the breakdown of fats, carbs, proteins, etc. I also like how you "earn" more calories when you plug in your exercise for the day.

  • skinnyjeans1224
    skinnyjeans1224 Posts: 76 Member

    When you exercise if your food is under your goal then you can eat some/all of those calories back depending on your goals.. You will see this when you enter your food and exercise, it will say you earned 200 calories from exercise and your daily total will go up.
  • mummyflippers

    I'm pretty new to MFP too, but loving it so far.

    I looooove chocolate, but I find it so hard to rein myself in, so if I get a craving I've been having a low fat hot chocolate drink, or a pot of sugar free jelly with fruit, or my favourite - a fruit smoothie ice lolly - really yummy but low in fat. I also have a low fat breakfast cereal that has a few flakes covered with a choc coating in it, so I feel like I'm getting a teeny bit of chocolately goodness every day!

    Good luck with the weight loss, sounds great that youre all doing it together, great for motivation. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like :-)

    Louise x
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Special K cereal with chocolate. Not sure what the actual name is but very tasty and satisfying.
  • mummyflippers
    Thats the one I have - special k with chocolate and strawberries = yummmmmm :-)
  • nessaluv05
    nessaluv05 Posts: 10
    Welcome!!! I too love this site! It definitely helps keep my on track with my eating and exercising!!

    To comment on the chocolate snacking: chocolate is pretty much my favorite thing to snack on, but not really helpful to the diet. Sad but true. I found that eating fruit really helps me when I'm having a chocolate craving. Definitely not the same, but it definitely takes that edge off. Hopefully this helps!!
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Welcome, You will like this site. Lots of good people and sooooo easy to use. Please feel free to add as a friend if you wish. Note to chocolate lovers: greek yogurt (125gr) with a teaspoon of powdered chocolate pudding stirred in. OMG chocolate cheescake heaven!
  • kathott
    kathott Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to MFP. i have been a member since January 2011 and absolutely love it. Once you build up a support network of great friends, you will find it a wonderful tool on your new life adventure.
    My solution for snacks is (1) popcorn - 100cal ones instead of chips (2) sugar free candy or candy that has little calories. I like whethers...20 calories when I crave something sweet in my mouth. my big problem was Ice it! so i found that popsicles
    from safeway are only 50 i use them when i crave ice cream....

    anyway, you will soon find out little tricks to help you out....feel free to add me as a friend if you would like....

    good luck on your new life adventure. its great that your family is doing this as well....take good care
  • tnwg83
    tnwg83 Posts: 8
    Definitely gonna try the greek yogurt with chocolate pudding mix, sounds great!