Team Beach Body

bwilcox30 Posts: 30 Member
Hello again,

Question - Are any of you out there Team Beach Body consultants? I have considered it for awhile as a way to keep my fitness lifestyle on track and as a way to make extra money as well as help others. Now that I am approaching college graduation and I will have more time to devote to it. I am nervous that I need to be in better shape to do it, any advice? I was actually mentioning this idea to a co-worker and I said "I should become a fitness trainer" and that very day I received an email from Team Beach Body about a new career; this could be my fate. Any advice on this matter would be awesome.


  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    I am a beachbody coach and love it!!! I would highly recommend it. Since you got an email, I am assuming you are already working with a coach. I am not even close to my goal yet, but being a coach keeps you motivated. The CEO made a really significant statement at the last coach summit I attended, that really stuck with me. "you cannot tell others to eat healthy and exercise while you sit on the coach and eat twinkies" You will make so many lifelong friends with the same goals that will help and support you the entire way.

    send me message if you have any questions.

  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Hello again,

    Question - Are any of you out there Team Beach Body consultants? I have considered it for awhile as a way to keep my fitness lifestyle on track and as a way to make extra money as well as help others. Now that I am approaching college graduation and I will have more time to devote to it. I am nervous that I need to be in better shape to do it, any advice? I was actually mentioning this idea to a co-worker and I said "I should become a fitness trainer" and that very day I received an email from Team Beach Body about a new career; this could be my fate. Any advice on this matter would be awesome.

    I am a Beachbody coach and I love it!!!!!! I wasn't fit when I started and you don't have to be, just be a product of the product. It was the best decision I ever made! I'm not at my goal either but getting closer daily. And discovered that I truly love helping people and love to share this amazing company with everyone. If your not already working with a coach, find one you feel comfortable with, you want an upline who will be supportive and be there to help you build your business. If you have any other questions feel free to msg me..

    Best of Luck,

  • nessaluv05
    nessaluv05 Posts: 10

    I just became a beachbody coach a couple days ago!! :) I'm very excited about it and it does keep you motivated and accountable. If you have the time to devout to it, I would say go for it!!!! I think it's a great opportunity to help people and to help yourself!! Go for it!!!! :)

    Let me know if I can help in any way!

  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I became a BB coach after about a month of working out to Power 90. I was really hooked on the program and was getting good results and wanted a discount on the Shakeology and Recovery formula. I figured any income I got would be nice but it's not the primary focus. I've made some commissions selling workouts to my co-workers and a few friends, my wife uses Shakeology as well. I've popped up into the emerald rank once or twice and gotten the infomercial customers assigned to me but none ever respond to my welcome messages, nor have they purchased anything else. I'm not complaining as I haven't applied all of the concepts they say gets results, I'm content using it for the discount and any occasional commission that happens by. I also have a few folks from here who previously had an unresponsive coach and swapped over to me because I'm here all the time and provide support and encouragement as they need it. They help keep me accountable to my goals as well.

    To answer your other question, I wasn't fit when I started as a coach and am still not where I want to be. I think it's walking the walk and making progress that counts. It'll be that much more impressive when you DO get to your goal.

    BTW, I just started working towards my personal trainer certification, perhaps it will help provide some more credibility to the BB side of things if I decide to step it up.

    Good luck :)
  • pulliams
    pulliams Posts: 4
    I have heard some good things about becoming a BB Coach. I even looked at their products. Personally, I decided to become promoter of the 90-day Challenge by BodyByVi because there were too many people I personally knew who were achieving the results they desired using BodyByVi. One friend in particular, started promoting 11 months ago, and he is not only making a minimum of $12,000 per month, but he has also helped 19 people earn a free BMW just for promoting the challenge.

    I have lost 24 pounds in 49 days on the challenge, and most of the weight was lost before I started working out two weeks ago. Whatever you decided to do, stick with it and you will see results. Good luck losing weight and let's continue to help others reach their health goals.

    90-Day Challenge Promoter