

  • i eat about every 2 hours until after dinner- then i dont eat. I have low blood pressure so if i dont eat that often i feel faint
  • Here is a sample of what i eat everyday: breakfast- Chobani yogurt low fat and a piece of fruit snack- 38 apple cinnimaon straws (organic) lunch either chicken or a salad with chicken or lean meat left over from dinner- with veggies salad dressing is made with olive oil 2tbs snack- cut up cucumber or bell peppers- dinner-…
  • also: I have gotten thyroid tested- normal tried the metebolic thing... really didnt work I think i am stuck. since last year (before i discovered MFP) i lost 34 pounds. (april to present) Now nothing. I have about 30-40 more to go. i am convinced all my weight is in my chest that is why i am not losing! (just kidding) I…
  • how do i open up my food diary? sorry i am new here. I have noticed that MFP does not have the correct calories for exersice. so I am basing it on what my bike is saying or what i am guessing (usually on the low side) what i burned. I am going to invest in a HRM. Super healthy for me is NO JUNK FOOD- eating salads,…
  • I just started on this website this week and i already have people at work thinking i am nuts. I tell them i really dont care if they think i am crazy .. I am determined to lose this weight!!!!!!!! :tongue:
  • Every single morning! :bigsmile:
  • I am thinking on also getting a kettle ball video.. for strength training. I can do that on the non cardio days. I could just do P90X again but i am really bored with it.. really bored. :laugh:
    in Hip Hop Abs Comment by disneyjo May 2011
  • I know right! that is my FAVORITE part of the video! he just cracks me up!
    in Hip Hop Abs Comment by disneyjo May 2011
  • I tried it... It didnt work for me :cry: