What am i doing wrong?

disneyjo Posts: 12
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I am following MFP calorie intake to a T- Exercising everyday biking, hip hop abs or a P90X workout. I just am not losing any weight? I just dont get it?

I think i will have to work out 7 hour a day in order to lose a pound! LOL!

no really, I dont know why i am not losing. I am staying away from junk. eating super healthy. avoiding most processed food unless they are organtic. nothing is working!


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    How many calories per day are you eating?
  • Are you eating your exercise calories too? If you are using MFP to calculate your calories burned they may be WAY off! I was using MFP and then eating a good amount of my burned calories back then got a HRM and realized I wasn't burning half the calories MFP said I was for some of my exercises.... and double the calories for others. I would suggest a HRM to accurately log calories burned.
  • Deedee0075
    Deedee0075 Posts: 78 Member
    you might want to get your thyroid checked.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Well I can't see your diary so I can't give any detailed advice, but it looks like you just started in April and your ticker says you've lost 7lbs. I'm not sure what the problem is?

    You could be overestimating your calories burnt from exercise or underestimating how many calories you eat (could be both).
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    First thing you need to do if you want some solid advice is open up your food diary so we can see it.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Do you notice your clothes fitting better? That's the real indicator.
  • k8mcgowan
    k8mcgowan Posts: 6 Member
    Kudos for going as organic as possible. :) When you say "eating super healthy" what do you mean?
  • Same thing here, have exercised for 30+ days in a row for the first time in my life, controlled my portions and eaten healthier and had not lost a single lb until a week ago, so frustrating.
    The only explanation I've gotten is that the exercise is building muscle which weighs more than fat...and while I know that sounds lame and dosent make us feel any better...my weight has shifted a little, my thighs dont seem as big, my belly feels tighter...my arms look slimmer, even though I weigh the same!
    Only thing is to stay at it! The body will have no choice but to react, and all the while you are getting healthier!
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Looks like you're losing a pound a week. That's perfect!
  • Have you had bloodwork done recently? You might be eating against your metabolism type and may need to be more specific about what kinds of carbohydrates, fats and proteins your body takes in. You can Google "metabolism type" to get more information, but a blood work up will probably give you some insight if the calories in = calories out equation isn't working for you.
  • what are you eating? how are you mixing your foods? carbs,proteins,fruits,veggies???????? what with what?
  • andreaashell
    andreaashell Posts: 16 Member
    be careful how many calories you are claiming and re-eating from exercise. MFP assigns way too many calories to exercise.. I Just found this out, too.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Are you eating too little?
    Are you eating your exercise calories back?
    how are you calculating calories burned?
    Are you measuring your food?
    What is your weekly loss goal?

    The answers to these may tell us a lot.
  • sounds like you're doing everything right excercise-wise...perhaps you're building muscle, and because muscle weighs more than fat, you are not seeing a difference on the scale. How are the clothes fitting?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    sounds like you're doing everything right excercise-wise...perhaps you're building muscle, and because muscle weighs more than fat, you are not seeing a difference on the scale. How are the clothes fitting?

    Not going to happen on a caloric deficit diet, muscle is very hard to gain even with a surplus of calories at most you may gain 1-2 lb/month if you are new to strength training.
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    First congrats on eating healthy! That’s a tough one. I know you are feeling frustrated, but hang in there. I can hear the frustration in your voice. I can feel your pain. I started a zero pounders club on here last month to push myself through the fact that it had been 3weeks with no results. Here are a few tips.

    -how long has it been? Depending on your current weight vs goal weight it may take you longer.
    -how intense are your workouts. Try using an HRM to check your heart rate and ensure you sustain target heart rate for at least 20min
    -there are endless debates on here about eating back calories. I say do what works. If you are not doing it now, try doing it and vice versa.
    -the question I hate to answer…..what are you eating? Certain foods do sabotage efforts no matter how hard you work out. My culprit was alcohol.
    -get the tape measure. Keep track of your measurements weekly. Again, depending on current weight vs goal weight, often results first appear in inches being shed!

    Remember it is not one, but a combination of all (exercise, calorie deficit & TIME) that results in weight loss.
    Feel free to add me if you need the support.
  • disneyjo
    disneyjo Posts: 12
    how do i open up my food diary? sorry i am new here.

    I have noticed that MFP does not have the correct calories for exersice. so I am basing it on what my bike is saying or what i am guessing (usually on the low side) what i burned. I am going to invest in a HRM.

    Super healthy for me is NO JUNK FOOD- eating salads, chicken, lean meats- fruit, veggies- and snack type food is organic snacks in limited quantities.

    My 7 pounds are bouncing back and forth up and down up and down.

    Yes my clothes are fitting good. but i have not gone down any size in my pants (that is where i carry alot of my wieght) maybe i should be doing more biking? I do about 30 minutes a day.

    thanks everyone!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Have you considered measuring yourself instead of weighing?
  • I am having a similar problem. I was going to ask about your calories also. I work out 7 days a week for 60m a day at least, usually 2 days are at 90m or 120m. I am on day 9 with 6 pounds gone. It just isnt coming off like it normally does. I usually lose 2lbs per workout when I was working out less last year. All I can think is 2 things, 1- my calories arent high enough and 2- I am building muscle. I do feel as though I look more tone. And seriously should not complain since I am down 6lbs in 9 days but its discouraging to make major changes and not see major differences. All I know is I didnt put this weigh on overnight and it isnd going to come off overnight either. Be blessed
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Are you measuring your body as well (hips, waist, chest, etc.)? Sometimes you don't see a number change on the scale, but with all that working out, you are likely losing inches! And how many calories are you eating? Are you eating back your exercise calories? If you are close to your goal weight, it will take a bit longer to notice the scale moving. It sounds like you are doing a great job!
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