What am i doing wrong?



  • disneyjo
    disneyjo Posts: 12

    I have gotten thyroid tested- normal

    tried the metebolic thing... really didnt work

    I think i am stuck. since last year (before i discovered MFP) i lost 34 pounds. (april to present) Now nothing. I have about 30-40 more to go.

    i am convinced all my weight is in my chest that is why i am not losing! (just kidding)

    I am hoping i can jump start the losing again. I think i might have to up my exercise. I refuse to go on a plan like medifast or slim fast .. I just dont believe in those programs.
  • Any time I got on the bike I didnt burn hardly any calories. Sometimes I think it was like 30 cals in 30 mins or something. Try a new exercise, the elliptical burns a ton of calories close to 300 in 30 mins.
  • NoPyForYou
    NoPyForYou Posts: 44 Member
    Everyone is different - but for me - I don't lose weight when I exercise. It's likely that I don't eat back enough of my calories, but I refuse to force myself to eat. While my consumption does pop up a hundred or so calories a day when I'm exercising, it's not enough. I've learned over the years to go with a month of hardcore, every day exercise - knowing that I won't lose a pound, but will tone up. Then, I give myself a week or two off of the hardcore, every day exercise. I might still walk with the dog, or go for a jog or do some yoga, but my rest times are much less vigorous. During those times, I drop weight like crazy. I'm not saying this will work for you - I'm just letting you know that I have a similar problem when I'm working out very hard.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Everyone is different - but for me - I don't lose weight when I exercise. It's likely that I don't eat back enough of my calories, but I refuse to force myself to eat. While my consumption does pop up a hundred or so calories a day when I'm exercising, it's not enough. I've learned over the years to go with a month of hardcore, every day exercise - knowing that I won't lose a pound, but will tone up. Then, I give myself a week or two off of the hardcore, every day exercise. I might still walk with the dog, or go for a jog or do some yoga, but my rest times are much less vigorous. During those times, I drop weight like crazy. I'm not saying this will work for you - I'm just letting you know that I have a similar problem when I'm working out very hard.

    This is because when you do vigorous exercise your muscles retain water, then when you stop the loss you are seeing is water loss, as the real fat loss happened while you worked out, you just didn't see it on the scale due to the increase in water. You can stay with the exercise just drink more water, and when your body gets use to the activity level it will drop the water on its own, even if you continue working out.
  • NoPyForYou
    NoPyForYou Posts: 44 Member
    This is because when you do vigorous exercise your muscles retain water, then when you stop the loss you are seeing is water loss, as the real fat loss happened while you worked out, you just didn't see it on the scale due to the increase in water. You can stay with the exercise just drink more water, and when your body gets use to the activity level it will drop the water on its own, even if you continue working out.

    While I understand what you're saying - the second part of your equation doesn't work that way in my body. Whether or not it's water retention, I don't know, but my body never actually adjusts to the activity level and drops weight when I'm exercising every day. I've done this for extensive periods of time, and I just never drop a pound. The recovery weeks (I'm on about week 3 now) give me a chance to actually lose again and keep my motivation. When I say I drop weight like crazy, I don't mean I drop three or four pounds (water weight) at a shot. I mean I go back to losing 1 pound a week like one would expect to when eating at a deficit. For me, that's losing like crazy when I go through long periods of no loss while exercising.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    To open up your diary, go to Settings, Diary Settings. There, you can set it to public or friends. Default is private.

    Try changing up your exercise type. It sounds like you've hit a plateau. I did after a 40lb weight drop. You may need to focus on strength training exercises versus cardio focus.

    You may need to up or slightly lower your calorie count. Definitely get a quality HRM so you know what you're really burning.
  • rayeann50
    rayeann50 Posts: 1
    HOw much protein are you getting with your meals or in supplements?? And how oftern are you eating you should be eating every 3hrs while you are awake.. You have to eat to loose I know sounds crazy but it works
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    To unlock your Diary:

    -Got to Food
    -Click on Settings
    -Scroll down and make your Diary "Public"

    They just may be something you think you are doing right that could be tripping you up, nutrition wise. Once we can see the diary we will have a better idea of what's going on.

    Also, I would highly recommend getting a Heart Rate Monitor so you know exactly how much you are burning. Strength training 3 times a week is HUGE. Don't be afraid of gaining too much muscle. It's harder than you think. The strength training will help burn the fat faster.
  • disneyjo
    disneyjo Posts: 12
    Here is a sample of what i eat everyday:

    breakfast- Chobani yogurt low fat and a piece of fruit

    snack- 38 apple cinnimaon straws (organic)

    lunch either chicken or a salad with chicken or lean meat left over from dinner- with veggies salad dressing is made with olive oil 2tbs

    snack- cut up cucumber or bell peppers-

    dinner- lean meats with lots of veggies a sweet potato with very little butter (smart balance)

    Lots of water

    snack also sugar free popsicle or dark chocolate acai berries (1/4 cup or less)

    i am supposed to have about 1220 calories a day.
  • disneyjo
    disneyjo Posts: 12
    i eat about every 2 hours until after dinner- then i dont eat. I have low blood pressure so if i dont eat that often i feel faint
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    Same thing here, have exercised for 30+ days in a row for the first time in my life, controlled my portions and eaten healthier and had not lost a single lb until a week ago, so frustrating.
    The only explanation I've gotten is that the exercise is building muscle which weighs more than fat...and while I know that sounds lame and dosent make us feel any better...my weight has shifted a little, my thighs dont seem as big, my belly feels tighter...my arms look slimmer, even though I weigh the same!
    Only thing is to stay at it! The body will have no choice but to react, and all the while you are getting healthier!

    Actually 1 pound of muscle = 1 pound of fat. The difference is 1 pound of muscle takes up less space. I think that is what you meant. :smile: That is why you are feeling slimmer and not losing.
  • fmorpurgo
    fmorpurgo Posts: 32
    Me too! I have been more often that not, eating 1200 calories a day, not always eating back the exercise calories, but sticking rigidly to the bloody thing! I have been doing this since April 27th and not lost a pound. How do I open up my food diary and what is this HFP thing you talk about to log exercise calories-help! need advice and someone to find the answer to my problem! :frown:
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Same thing here, have exercised for 30+ days in a row for the first time in my life, controlled my portions and eaten healthier and had not lost a single lb until a week ago, so frustrating.
    The only explanation I've gotten is that the exercise is building muscle which weighs more than fat...and while I know that sounds lame and dosent make us feel any better...my weight has shifted a little, my thighs dont seem as big, my belly feels tighter...my arms look slimmer, even though I weigh the same!
    Only thing is to stay at it! The body will have no choice but to react, and all the while you are getting healthier!

    Actually 1 pound of muscle = 1 pound of fat. The difference is 1 pound of muscle takes up less space. I think that is what you meant. :smile: That is why you are feeling slimmer and not losing.

    I think you are mistaken, the reply never said that 1 lb of muscle weighs more than 1 lb of fat, so you are putting words into their mouth. Because muscle is denser, the Earths gravitational pull makes it heavier on a volume basis. When comparing the weights of 2 things you should keep volume constant, just as you should keep weight constant when comparing volumes. You are trying to compare the 2 using 2 variables, but that is only correct if that is what the intention was. And you know, and I know that was not the intention.

    If you think they weigh the same you must think carrots and butter have the same caloric content, because 100 calories of carrots has the same caloric content as 100 calories as butter. Again this argument ignores density. Because butter is more calorie dense it have more calories than carrots, just like fat to muscle.
  • afbigg
    afbigg Posts: 33 Member
    many people hit plateus or just fall off the map for a little bit. A lot of people I have talked to as well as myself have hit a wall every now and then where we are just at a stand still; eating right, exercising normally if not more than usual, and nothing worked. If you aren't taking your measurements you should start, people lose the inches but the actual number for their weight doesn't go down. I have also heard others say that after so long you have to change up your exercise routine, you have to understand that the more weight you lose, the less calories are burned with the same exercises.
  • fmorpurgo
    fmorpurgo Posts: 32
    but i haven't lost ANY weight yet, not even off the starting block :explode:
  • meanjeann
    meanjeann Posts: 40
    Losing 1 to 2 pounds per week is perfect. Shows like the Biggest Loser make all of us feel like anything less than 5 pounds a week is bad. The kinds of weight loss they see is unrealistic for normal, working people and unhealthy if not closely supervised.

    Be sure to eat back your exercise calories! There are several great discussions on MFP about this topic. Your body needs at least some of those calories back or you will plateau. On my last plateau, I increased my activity level in my profile, which increased my calories per day very slightly. And all of a sudden the weight started to come back off!

    I'm in another plateau right now, and am just starting to break through. I've targeted to up my heart rate and increase the intensity of my cardio workouts. Getting a good HRM will definitely help you.

    Good luck! You're doing a great job. Just remember that your reality is what's important. Not the 'reality' that TV tries to sell us. :) Feel free to add me as a friend for encouragement.
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