

  • 4379+41 =4,420
  • I take the long way around...add a few steps and stairs if I can. I park as far away as I can from my destination and walk my dog twice a day rather than just once. He and I both love it.
  • Isn't that a wonderful feeling? The best kind of morning surprise.
  • Listen to your body, if you are full and don't want to eat an additional 200-300 then don't. The guidelines are just that guidelines. Remember you have to have adequate nutrition in losing, so don't target being under your calorie goal as rule to try and lose more. Slow and steady it the best way.
  • Long term ..long term ..long term. If you want to see results measurements are the way to go. Little things like can you walk further, do your clothes seem to fit better, do you have more energy...these are all clues that the scale might not tell you.
  • Make a meal plan the night before and stick to it the next day. That might help.
  • I always get a warning if my calorie intake is too low. What is your weekly goal set at? One pound per week? or More?
  • Wall sits are an easy to do quad strengthener. To increase strength just continue longer durations. You can add arm weights and do curls at the same time...just remember to keep your head and shoulders against the wall.