I need some motivation

I have not lost any weight for the last two weeks. I have stuck to the calorie allowance but I introduced some exercise of walking 3 and half miles a day in one hour every day for the last 2 weeks, I thought this would help raise my metabolism and kick start some more weight loss but I haven't lost any since I added walking every day. My hubby says he can see I am toning up and to just stick with the same calorie intake and to carry on with the 3.5 mile walk each day as it will start coming off again but I am really disappointed.


  • tavander
    tavander Posts: 79 Member
    Try monitoring your measurements as well as weighing yourself. I often find that if the scale hasn't moved, the measurements definitely have. Stay motivated, it doesn't happen over night. Try creating exercise playlists for yourself, walk with others. Make new friends that will walk with you. Walk a pet or with a child. :) You can do it!!
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    You might try varying your workouts a little bit. Sometimes the body gets used to a routine and just "deals with it" and has to be "shocked" into reacting.

    I definitely agree with the measurements idea. Remember that you could be building muscle (that's a good walk!) and though a pound of muscle shows up on the scale the same as a pound of fat does - it takes up a LOT less room!!

    I'm also assuming that you are weighing yourself at about the same time daily (or under the same conditions as in pre/post exercise or pre/post meals).

    Good luck.
  • JimandCindy
    Long term ..long term ..long term. If you want to see results measurements are the way to go. Little things like can you walk further, do your clothes seem to fit better, do you have more energy...these are all clues that the scale might not tell you.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Come on Julie!! So, you have over 2/3rd of your goal all ready, and now you are at a plateau. :sad: I just kicked my second plateau, so is this really your first plateau? :huh: Time to put on the big girl panties and do the hard work. :grumble: That is pushing yourself through the plateau. None of us can push you through, all we can do is cheer you. :drinker:

    So, why do you want to quit?:yawn: Your husband is telling you he can see a difference.:wink: Keep going for him... or is he not worth it?:love: Your healthier than you were... or are you not worth it?

    Mix things up a bit... cut your calorie deficit or to zero until the plateau ends. Start doing some strength training, because all the research shows that at some point you will begin burning muscle instead of fat, and since (by volume) muscle weighs more than fat, you will not be losing weight. Start reading through the boards, doing a search for plateaus and how to kick them.

    Since you have been here for 4 months and have lost weight steadily, and haven't turned to the boards until now, I would suggest things have been relatively easy for you (but I can be and usually am wrong)... so now it is time to start the work!!! You can do it, if you set your mind to it.

    Now, tough love is over. Keep pushing forward Julie... we are all here for you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Keep track of your measurements. I am the same size I was when I weighed 10 pounds less. This time I exercise and last time I didn't. I would get a body fat tester and a good measuring tape and keep track of your progress that way.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Keep it up - you're doing great! Seriously, ignore the scale on this one b/c when you add new exercise to your routine your body weight loss will slow down at first. It seems odd, but allot of folks have experienced this.

    When I started getting serious w/ MFP my first month I only did the diet, no real additions to exercise, and I lost 8 lbs that month. I then introduced exercise, like running, weight lifting, cardio, etc and my weight loss slowed down to 1 lb that week, and then plateaued for the next 2-3 weeks with no loss. Why? Idk, but I kept with it b/c I was doing everything right by the book so whatever, I knew it was good for me so why should I stop. Nobody loses the fat by quitting.

    I toned up, got in much better shape, built up my endurance and strength, and the weight-loss has come back. I'm at a point where I don't really care about the number on the scale because I can SEE the difference. Keep it up with the walking, you are getting there, and the lbs of fat will slip off.

    But perhaps more important than the weight loss, you will find renewed strength and power in yourself and your body's ability to cope with stress and difficulty. You won't be tired or lazy anymore, when you want something, you just get up and get it - no more complaining, no more "oh, it's in the car? that's too far for me to walk back and get it." That's what exercise gets you - more will-power to overcome some of life's obstacles.
  • trulyjulie1966
    Thank you so much to everyone that has replied, I am now totally motivated to carry on and will have to get a tape measure out. I feel fitter and can walk faster and for longer and no longer get breathless which I knew was a good sign, I will also have a look at all the other info on this site as up to now I have only used the food database etc and never been in the message boards so will investigate them further.

    Thank you again to everyone, you have all raised my spirits and motivated me to keep on :happy:
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Way to go!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: