

  • Long sessions aren't my thing. I prefer shorter more intense sessions but I may do them more often, like 1-3 times per day. I got good results with that, lost 50 pounds before I joined MFP. Just find what works for you.
  • I have quit many times, although it was the diet version. I think it's more the caffeine that is causing withdrawal symptoms since it's very high in Mtn. Dew. If you are serious about quitting then I recommend tapering off to one a day for a week, then one every other day for a week, then one every 2-3 days until you have…
  • Absolutely! Sam and Koli are the best!
  • Sometimes you really do need time to prepare yourself for such a big change. I hope you do well. Good luck! Let me know how that book works out...I would be interested in buying one myself.
  • I feel your pain! I hope you are eating more than just fruits and vegetables? You need balanced meals from all food groups. I notice my IBS flares up when I don't eat healthy meals, balanced meals. Have you tried Benefiber? My GI docs have recommended it and I have had good luck with it.
    in IBS Comment by manderpander22 May 2010
  • I love the Atkins shakes...not sure if they come in powder or just premade. They come in some very yummy flavors. I like to have Mocha Latte in the AM and Dark Chocolate Royale in the afternoon.
  • Hi Cat, I too often tell myself that it's okay to eat whatever I want on the weekends. I try to give myself one night of dining out and getting whatever I want. If helps to keep me on track the rest of the time. I still have my bad weekends but I at least try to track my food so that I can see how disgusting it feels when…
  • I say order what you are in the mood for. I go out to eat once a week and get whatever I want. I work out hard and count my calories all week. You have to give yourself a treat once in a while. If I didn't get my Olive Garden fix once a week I would never be able to stay motivated enough to keep up with it. I have lost a…
  • 72 oz two protein shakes, 8 oz Crystal Light and a soda. Probably hit up another 16 oz of water tonight. I've been in the bathroom all day :)
  • I recently gave up diet soda as well. I went from every day, to every third, to every other and then quit. I was sick with withdrawal symptoms for a couple of days but now I feel great. Try to keep yourself busy so you won't think about it, find alternatives like high energy food sources and don't have it available. It's…
  • I have seen many different answers to this question, each one contradicting the last. I would say everyone is different and you need to do what works for you. I actually work out 2-3 times per day and that works for me. Make sure you are giving it all you've got for the 20 minutes and see what happens. If you don't see any…
  • I am actually having the same problem, but lately I have been using Tummy Tuck, the ab workout that is part of the Brazil Butt Lift program. I have seen results fairly quickly although not yet perfect. Please be sure to post if you find a good one.
  • I have been using these videos for a few weeks now. I don't do them everyday because I like to have variety but my boyfriend noticed my butt looked a little more perky after just two workouts. I also noticed muscle soreness in my hips which is great since I find that to be a hard area to work. I definitely plan on keeping…
  • One to two pounds per week is the healthy way to lose you are right on. Are you restricting your calorie intake and exercising? If you lose more than that you may be depriving your body of vital nutrients and you run the risk of gaining it back. Slow and steady wins the race! So keep it up and don't be…
  • Thanks for the suggestions. I will try them out.
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