All time highest --- 333lbs

lindsaylee Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So I weighed myself this morning, and I have hit my highest weight ever. 333lbs. I gained 4 pounds this past week, which is not at all surprising to me considering how poorly I ate, and even binged at times.

I bought a book recently that helps to deal with negative thoughts that make me overeat and help to change the way i think about food. I'm going to give that a valiant try starting today. I also bought a beautiful hard cover journal yesterday and started to journal this morning. I'm ready for this change. Last week I think was just me getting ready to be ready for change. I think i needed to get some of my binging and fears about dieting out of my system or something.

I'm not sad or anything today, but sort of motivated. I had a healthy breakfast and took the time to make a healthy lunch, and am already thinking about what healthy dinner i can make tonight. I also walked up the stairs with vigor this morning, not letting the look of stairs as far as the eye could see get me down.

This is my time. I deserve this and will not let this milestone bring me down. It's the highest point, but it also the last time i will let myself get this way. This is the catalyst for change.


  • Sometimes you really do need time to prepare yourself for such a big change. I hope you do well. Good luck! Let me know how that book works out...I would be interested in buying one myself.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Keep up the positive thinking. It's a hard mindset (weight loss) to get into. I bet you everyone (myself included) had their hardest struggle at the start. You can do it. Be proud of the little things at first you don't have to completely change your lifestyle in one week. Good luck!
  • You can do it! Keep your head up and just think of how great it will feel when you start losing! Make sure you have some short term goals as well as long term goals. Build in some little rewards for yourself (not food rewards . . . but like getting your hair done, buying a new shirt or pair of pants - you'll need them soon enough!) Its all the little short term goals that help you achieve the long term. It's hard to just keep striving for the end as it seem so out of sight in the beginning. Reach for something smaller, like the first 10 pounds and build in a reward for achieving it.

    Now if I do the same for myself, we will both be doing great!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I had a hard time getting into it and I have struggled with it off and on but I am tired of being out of shape and I am ready for that change. Sometimes you do need to prepare yourself for a big change. Great job that you are doing so far keep it up! You can do it! If you would like to help motivate/support each other add me as friend I would love to be there for you!
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    Hi! Sounds like you're off to the right start. I agree with Dan, you don't have to change everything immediately. I started with the food about 8 months ago. Changed how I ate and the family ate, changed the way I shopped. As they say Rome wasn't built in a day! I think you might just love this website and all the wonderful supportive people here. :happy: I especially can relate to you wanting to work through this from the inside out, that's what I'm going through too. Weight gain was a side effect of a bigger issue and I'm working on finding out what exactly that issue was or is. I wish you the very best on your journey here! Take the time to celebrate the small victories and reach out to the community when you need some encouraging words or a kick in the booty. :flowerforyou:
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    When you take that first step, it's the hardest step to take on the whole journey. I was at my highest starting my journey at 245lbs. What's even more embarrassing is that i was extremely active and athletic growing up - having played soccer year round for 18 years. I let myself go and I finally decided i'd had enough! MFP has helped me tremendously because I log my food, and I can see what it does to my daily calorie count. Eating the way I did for so long, you think "this can't be THAT bad..." but when you log it, you can see how bad it really was for you! Know that there is a great community here to bounce ideas off of, and that will give you a great amount of support. And if you have a bad day, or a bad meal, don't let it bring you down! Just keep moving forward and in the end, you'll look back and wonder how the heck you ever lived like that!

    Best of luck to you!!

    Athina :)
  • pandalady8
    pandalady8 Posts: 34 Member
    You are taking the right approach! So much of why we eat is tied to emotions and psychology. I had a similar experience a little over a month ago - I was dangerously close to going over 300 (something I swore to myself I'd NEVER do) and that's what kicked me in the butt to get started on this site. Then I realized that the good thing about weight is that even if you gain a few pounds, you can always get back on the horse and drop them again. Just take it a week at a time and you'll get there!
  • The hardest step to take is the first ..and you are there. This is a great site! What book are you reading? I am kind of curious about it ... I have a lot of problems myself with the emotional eating. But when I am having a hard day, I come here and my friends and the support boards really cheer me up ..and put me back in perspective! Take it slow and don't overdo yourself ..
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    keep up that positive attitude!! You can do this!! :)
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    Living a healthy lifestyle is difficult sometimes. Especially when we've spent so much time not living healthy. Sometimes we have to just take one day at a time, one meal at a time.
  • lindsaylee
    lindsaylee Posts: 20
    thanks for the support everyone! I just had my morning snack and am feeling like i will easily make it through until lunchtime.

    the book i am reading is "The Beck Diet Solution". I've read it before, but never took the time to actually follow the plan. it's a 14 week plan that changes the way you associate yourself and your mind with food. basically changing your behaviour. I'm looking forward to seeing if it helps because the emotional aspect is my #1 issue.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I have heard great things about that book!! Lindsay, remember to come here when stress or something emotional comes up, if you are busy typing us of what the heck is going on you can NOT eat right?? There is ALWAYS someone on here who is going through, or been there done that so PLEASE use us and not food to get you past whatever is triggering you to eat!! I am and alway have been the type who will try to burn off whatever I indulged in, so on those days that you do eat the higher calories just do more activity. Walk in place, take the stairs MORE times, walk as fast and as far as you can, get out your weights/bands and do bicep curls, overhead press's, bent over rows, stand back from the counter and do a push up's off it, hang onto a chair and do squats or lunges, sit in a chair and bring knees up towards chest, do tricep kickbacks, etc;etc;etc; just M..O..V..E it !!!! Journaling your feelings, your food AND your activity is a HUGE step in reaching your goal!! Keep a positive attitude and you WILL get there!!!
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