Help! :(

So I joined this thing over a month ago, and I've only lost 2 pounds! It's my own fault, I do so good during the week when my day is structured, then on the weekends I don't track and I eat badly. I try to keep the eating under control on the weekends but it's like I've made it OK in my mind to cheat on the weekends!

I have 9 weeks to lose AT LEAST 7 pounds (more would be nice) but I'm losing my motivation and I'd like some tips if anyone can offer me some!



  • petersparty6
    I found that the more water I drink, the more weight I lose. I am NOT a big water fan :( but it really does help - so I choke it down. Are you drinking enough water??
  • manderpander22
    Hi Cat,

    I too often tell myself that it's okay to eat whatever I want on the weekends. I try to give myself one night of dining out and getting whatever I want. If helps to keep me on track the rest of the time. I still have my bad weekends but I at least try to track my food so that I can see how disgusting it feels when you see a large amount of calories to come up when you did so good all week. If you are going to eat poorly on the weekends at least try to get some good workouts in and drink your water. As long as there is nothing going on with your body that would prevent you from losing weight you should definitely be able to lost 7 pounds in 9 weeks. Try to incorporate more structure in your weekends, just do it slowly if that helps. Good luck!
  • AliStar
    AliStar Posts: 12 Member
    This is what I do. Maybe it will be some help.

    I track everything, especially on the weekend. If we're drinking, I put the bottle caps or can tabs in my pocket. Even if I'm too drunk to know what I'm eating or drinking at the time, there is evidence to enter in the morning. I made an excel document to enter the amount of calories left or over each day and use the sum button to add up the week. (sometimes I end up going back through the food diary to get the amounts on sunday morning for the entire week.) My daily goal is 1200, so I figure that's a weekly goal of 9600. I figure if I eat well enough and exercise plenty during the week, I have some extra calories to spend on the weekend.

    Occasionally, it'll come around to Monday morning and I haven't entered the weekend's meals. I'll just try to remember and enter what I do. I always estimate high on amounts to try to be more accurate.

    I hope you reach your goals. Good luck.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I use to think that way also....weekends was mine to splurge

    Once I started using this sight and I realized how much I was eating on the weekends, thus not loosing, I pulled it into gear

    try hard to log as you go on through your day on the weekends....if you can keep track of ur eating on may help you realize you are going over

    Once I started watching my eating on weekends and I saw the poubds falling off...It kept me motivated to stay on tract for the weekends

    Seven pounds in nine weeks is so doable....try your hardest to get in gear

    Drink lots of water and try and workout out on the weekends....if its only saturday

    Sunday is my rest I am extra careful with what I eat during the ensure my ice cream treat can fit in

  • bbgirl
    bbgirl Posts: 49 Member
    Track everything, good, bad or indifferent; especially on the weekends. Also, make it your goal to stick to your calories on the weekends. You will really see a difference. The weekends can be devestating if you don't watch it but if you stick to your program you will love Monday mornings.

    Hang in there. It will get better.
  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    If I allow myself to have something that not exactly on a healthy eating program on the weekend or when ever I'm having a problem staying on track (try to plan this in advances, what is the best choice if it come down to this). Then this will help me to stay focus, and that I'm still in charge! Then just pick right back up with my healthy eating.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    April was my toughest month, so far. I only lost 4 lbs. It is, also, the month that I slacked off and didn't log everyday! I'm a born again logger! Praise be! .....hopefully, I'll still be born again at the end of the month!
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    I'm starting to find that anytime I want something, that if I drink a big glass of water first, that even if I do splurge I don't eat nearly as much as I normally would have. So now I drink a big glass of water before every meal and snack.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    you just admitted what your problem was in the original post. You know what you need to do already, it's just a matter of doing it.