liznotyet Member


  • Hello - I am intermittently motivated and depressed, but the one thing I keep going back to is the connection between toes/feet and the rest of the body. Any exercises that you can do to wake up your toes, feet, ankles, shins will help get your fluids moving and increase your balance. Miranda Esmund-White has helped me:…
  • When the melatonin doesn't work, I try reading old textbooks.
  • OK I'll give this a try. Starting weight: 168 Goal 1/31: 164 Vegan 6/7 days per week Alcohol no more than 5 drinks per week
  • Hi, there is another documentary called "Fed Up" that helped me refocus when cravings were taking over. I haven't been completely vegan for more than a few days at a stretch yet. Still trying to clean up the fridge of all the cheese we bought last month.
  • Does NerdFitness also give you tips on how to do some of your workout at home? If I had to go to a place away from home 4x/week I would always find excuses, but when I see my mat in the hall by the kitchen I can make myself do some planks or pushups while beans are in the crockpot or commercials are on TV. Build fitness…
  • To original poster: Please join the Happy Herbivores group for more ideas. Send me a friend request if you want a list of resources that I used to move in the mostly plant direction. Logging really helps!
  • whole grain toast, nut butter and greens!
  • Trying it this week: Very mustardy sandwiches to dose me with turmeric. I don't test BG after lunch but my morning sugar this week has been a lot more stable.
  • Ballet videos barefoot great way to build endurance and tone lower legs for running. Strong feet are more adaptable to mediocre or best shoes.
  • everybody's different. White and brown rice both spike my blood sugar, but farro does not and I like the taste better than quinoa. Also having twice as many greens as grains, and some fat, but no meat, keeps my BG steady.
  • This is true for me too. If I forget to take my morning test and then do my workout and test afterwards, my fasting BG is much much higher. If you are using your walks to justify eating more calories, you might rethink that. If you are taking walks on an empty stomach, it may be good to move them to right afer a meal or a…
  • Me too. After I get off the computer I am going to do a routine from Miranda Esmonde-White. Her Classical Stretch series on public television is widely available (perhaps even in your library.) Each episode is 20-25 minutes and in the cd I have, there is strengthening as well. I always feel better afterward.
  • egg spinach in microwave served on toasted wheat english muffin with a little bit of ketchup. Sometimes I substitute kimchi for the spinach and ketchup.
  • vegetables with every meal and exercise often, but especially after supper, even if it is just 20 minutes of dancing.
  • averaging 125 this week after taking a vacation from meter for the holiday. Exercising after dinner is a big help, I am going to keep doing that. When I took a vacation from the meter I also took a diet vacation of sorts and indulged in old habits (like wine every night.) One day when I was driving I had a…
  • Hi Judy: I am trying to do that on my calendar - I get to read 2016 this afternoon. :smile:
  • For me it is weight loss and ballet type movement. I cannot run yet - still too bulky for my knees to carry. But I can do squats, plies, planks, and all over body stretches to use all of the muscles, a little every day. I hope you find some workouts that you enjoy and even crave.
  • Somewhere I read that most people pass gas at least 17 times per day. I feel better socially, physically when I can get it out - outside is best or alone inside if I can. Yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, kimchi, coffee, tea help make digestion and gas production predictable; yoga, squats, ironing, vacuuming and other…
  • Learning to eat more vegetables before you start controlling portions of other foods really helps me stay on track. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks must all contain some vegetables or at least fruit. Adding balance exercises and walking barefoot or with minimalist shoes occasionally may diminish boredom and increase…
  • arugula almond butter whole wheat toast with celery sticks and grated carrot, grated pear.
  • Remember how long it took you to get to the weight you are at. Health is a lifelong endeavor and none of us are perfect at it especially in challenging times. Liquid diet shakes are quick and easy but they are not food. Also exercising will cause you to retain water in your muscles. If you truly cannot cut back on the…
  • If you are 19 and have been eating dairy and meat your whole life I would start out just by adding more vegetables to your diet. Greens, root vegetables, "fruity" vegetables like tomato and avocado, squashes, lentils and beans, more greens cold and cooked, feel comfortable preparing those first. Have some standby recipes…
  • Hi Sara - I have been mostly vegetarian for years. When I got T2 diagnosis I tried the high protein low carb (lots of meat) diet and while my BG went down it was not sustainable. Meat doesn't work for my digestion or my life. Now I am back to mostly vegetarian with less cheese, less dairy than before, no cooked fat, and…
  • Just in case you haven't heard of him, John McDougall is a northern CA doctor promoting plant based eating. The recipes have helped me to be more creative with vegetables.
  • Welcome Chris! it has been just six months for me. I have brought weight and BG down but it is difficult. What has made it easier is vegetables at every meal, and pickled/fermented foods whenever I can. I tried the meat/veg no carb thing but could not sustain it, but have had success on a mostly vegetarian diet. I am a…
  • congratulations on your first ten pound loss. yes it sounds like you have been through a lot. as Richard Simmons used to say, when you carry extra weight you can use your own body for resistance. every extra stretch and lift you can muster is moving towards strength. if you're eating food that makes digestion sluggish you…
  • hi Shawna- a great physical therapist should be able to identify a series of moves appropriate for your body. if you cannot get one then i would recommend posture exercises to counteract stress caused by your default posture. i love Miranda Esmond-white's "Classical Stretch". doing it has opened up my back, neck and…
  • Your morning fasting numbers reflect both on the food you have been eating yesterday and days before, and also how much glucose your liver wants to release in the early am so your brain doesn't starve. My am blood glucose is lowest when I maintain a steady diet of mostly vegetables, evening exercise, and my am blood draw…
  • running is great, complement it with strength and flexibility exercises like ballet, pilates, or yoga. Try not to lose weight too fast as it may be muscle and bone being consumed to meet your caloric needs. Seek out nutrient dense foods that are the least processed. Try to take your running outdoors or into the pool once…
  • Hi Steve - please join one of the type 2 diabetes groups on MFP. It really helps to see what other people are going through and what they have tried. For me I have found that the nutritional advice given by most US doctors for diabetes is generally not that effective. I have gotten more results from a vegetarian diet from…