

  • Based on the communication quoted above, I DID NOT add my usual butter and salt to my baked potatoe last night - and I found it to be quite delicious just as it is!!!!!! Thanks for the idea! I am heading into three incredibly stressful days, and need extra resolve NOT to eat my way through the stress :noway: Nibbling…
  • Just checking in to hold my spot. Hope everyone is having a good July!
  • Happy 4th of July! Sorry that I don't know how to add the cute little icons that so many of you have posted, but I definitely love them! I'm still out camping which means really struggling to avoid all of the family potatoe chips and sodas :sad: At least the bike rides that seem to last F-O-R-E-V-E-R help to burn the…
  • Still eating, but exercising, way more than usual while on 4th of July vacation. NOT drinking alcohol is ALOT harder here (with friends and family enjoying the fine effects :sad: Oh well, I keep reminding myself of how horrible I would feel the next day - my body just says I am too old for such pleasures anymore.....but it…
  • I am on vacation (camping trip for the 4th of July) and eating MUCH more than usual, but also having the opportunity to exercise ALOT more - like this morning's 15 mile bike ride!!!! Hopefully it will all balance out for a thinner/healthier me in July!!!!
  • Mimi: Thanks for your comment about starvation mode and dieting. I am just feeling frustrated because the scale WON'T budge! Maybe I will try measuring inches instead of pounds...and I will definitely try making more of my calories veges and fruit :smile: Mary: "Death by InService" definitely describes what happens to all…
  • Hey everybody! I am definitely getting the impression that a real "diet" is needed to gain versus maintain weight. But, it seems like if I just reduce my calories than I risk starvation mode. So, is it fats I should be limiting? Or is it something else? Thanks for any advise!
  • Don't know why "trainings" days at work make me soooo hungry! The conference included breakfast and lunch...then all I did was sit all day and listen to the presentations.....but raced in the house like I hadn't eaten all day! Is it just me or does anyone else have the same experience?
  • Thanks to all who sent encouragement with my goal of sugar reduction. I really made a concerted effort today - and did pretty well. Surprisingly, I found that cutting down on sugar also meant limiting snacking! I guess I tend to reach for sugar when I am hungry and on the run.......interesting bit of insight from Day One…
  • Good morning everyone! Thanks for being so welcoming :heart: I will be brief - trying to fit in a 30 minute bike ride before church. After some really tough soul searching and conversation with my husband last night (men's mid-life crisis is real and SUCKS!), I realize I have many blessings to be thankful for. I intend to…
  • To Chicklet: I feel so sad reading your honest account of how hard caregiving is - day after day. I hope that you can get some help (more than just help with bath time). You need to remind yourself that YOUR needs are equally as important as your mom's. She would agree. Healthy relationships are based on 50-50. Your mom…
  • So this morning I joined some friends for a walk "around the lake" nearby. I had no idea it was a 4.5 mile circle! I am sore (mainly knees and thighs) but it felt really good and my dogs sure loved it! Hoping to bike tomorrow before the real heat of the day sets in! Also, tomorrow's goal is to eat more fruit :smile:
  • Checking in...scale ain't moving and I am trying not to get too discouraged by that!
  • Went on a bike ride today and I ate pretty well! I am starting off the month with renewed committment and determination! June Goals: Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes 4 days a week Make healthier food choices Lose 3 pounds by June 30th!
  • Thanks for the EXCELLENT IDEA of eating fruit before anything else, Mimi7grands! I was just reviewing my Nutrition Log and realized that I have been "short" on fiber every day! Your idea of adding fruit first will curb my appetite AND add the fiber too! I love it!!!!!
  • I know it may sound crazy, but I don't think your eating enough! Try grazing more-even just carrots, celery, other really low calorie foods. The idea is to keep your metabolism humming throughout the day, so give your body something to burn! Some reason to be working and awake throughout the day!
  • Hi Violingirl - feel free to add me too! I really admire your courage and dedication in posting about your previous bolumia. It's a challange I KNOW you can overcome! I recommend increasing your protein - that will also give your metabolism a boost! I don't know if you like "power shakes", but my husband has had great…
  • Hello! I just found this board a few days ago and was so excited to find such a wonderfully supportive group of women my age!!! I am a Social Worker and teach a great class on healthy living to senior citizens in my area. After teaching enough of these classes, I finally admitted that I really should practice what I…
  • Thanks so much! I will call my primary doc and ask for a referral!
  • Great! Thanks for the advice!