

  • ginamudd
    ginamudd Posts: 1
    I love to dance! It is such a stress reliever. I do dance DVD's!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy Saturday evening, all! I have FINALLY, once again, caught up on reading your posts but there is NO WAY I could ever respond to each of you. I want you all to know that I am sending prayers and good thoughts to all of you!

    We had a Community Garage Sale today and my DD and I went around the neighborhood and got some really good deals. I now have some new weights and a step--I've been wanting a step for AGES! Also bought a really nice ceramic canister set and some small shelves and drawer-type things to use in organizing my craft supplies. She got a Ryan's Room Tee Pee set--small tents and tunnels to connect them--for the little guy and we also found a nice baby gate (Safety 1st brand) for only a dollar! A few other odds and ends and it all came to less than $40.00!

    Now I can use my step workouts and get more weight training in. It is also nice to get rid of the old plastic canisters we'd been using for years.

    The weather was beautiful today and is supposed to be nice again tomorrow. Not much rain lately so I will have to water the grass in the morning (new seed) and also the vegetables.

    It is so nice to hear how you are all doing. I hope things improve for those of you that are having tough times--I am especially thinking of Chicklet right now, but the wishes are for all of you.

    I am doing better at tracking my foods now that I found an app that will work on my phone. I am SO much more aware of what I am eating now!

    Okay, well, I need to get moving--been sitting long enough!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Just got back from my walk. (Got out earlier than yesterday!) I’m almost at my goal for the MONTH! :happy: Yippee. Thanks to Linda for the inspiration – and turning me on to the walking challenge thread.

    Lorri, someone recently told me you can be whey-intolerant as well as lactose-intolerant. That would make a lot of sense for you as high-fat milk products (like butter and ice cream) don’t have a lot of lactose but do have a lot of whey. Lactaid doesn’t help much if you’re whey-intolerant.

    I love your advice – just like when we use a GPS, if you get off course, at the next exit, turn around!

    Jackie, bummer about the dryer. :grumble: At least it’s saving you from having the boot sale. I’m jinxed when it comes to those (we call them garage sales). One time, I’d put lots of almost never-used china on a ping pong table and the table collapsed. Another time somebody stole some things that were maybe 25 cents (figure that one out!) :noway: You’re having what? Snow? :noway: Gads. What a strange year.

    Chiclet, hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou: The best part about getting older is not having to deal with TOM anymore. The other best part is retiring! :tongue:

    Linda, from what I’ve read, the concern about the fish pedicure is more about the meal the fish last ate than about the water! :noway: Of course, you can never be sure about sanitation when you get a regular pedicure either, and I’m not about to give those up. (Amanda, I have to say how brave you are to let fish nibble on your feet! :bigsmile:) You’re too funny – planning to sneak in a walk on your day off. You’re addicted! (In a good way and you’re hooking me too. :happy: )

    Natalie, good job on taking salads! On the water too. I’m betting you’ll burn a few calories chasing after three grandsons! There couldn’t be a nicer, more-satisfying way to do it.

    As usual, every woman on this thread has something to say that's worth hearing. I'm thankful to be part of it.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI~! all
    Just got in.The party was a success.She was clueless.The cake my daughter in law made was beautiful.She made a cake shaped like a graduation cap.Dinner was good.Our grand daughter is spending the night,Her 1st time,so we`ll see how it goes.
    have a good night.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Chicklet - I'm so sorry. I know how very disappointing it is when you expect a class to be held and at the last minute it isn't, especially when you've rushed to get there and all. I remember one time the instructor at the Y where I was before couldn't make it to the class, and since she knew that I usually took the class, she asked me to sub. Which is weird because I'm not comfortable in the deep end. But we wound up doing our own "thing", so great you did yours. I agree, isn't it amazing how quikley people are to agree to ANY excuse not to exercise? woo hoo! 5 more pounds. You're doing great! I agree, too, be sure to take care of YOU, because you are important, to us and to your special man, also to your mom.

    Got up, did a DVD for the Bosu (Fri), then went shopping. Found this really pretty shirt. Hey, I read where people who shop live something like 28% longer. To me, excellent reason to go shopping!....lol Then went to the healthy cooking demo, left a bit early so Vince & I could practice bowl. I didn't realize that the coupons we get expire in one week. They just changed that, those coupons used to expire in 2 weeks. Came home and made some banana chocolate chip muffins because I like them. Then we had waffles for dinner. Now I'm on the computer (can't ya tell???) Tomorrow is yoga.

    Congrats Robin on your "new" status!

    auntiebk - yup, I got a Bosu ball (with the stability handle, I'd never seen one with the handle) and it came with a DVD. That's the only one I've ever found. It works out to about an hour workout.

    Welcome cjptmm. So glad you joined us. Hey slickfox (love the name!)

    Made these key lime bars for the Newcomers meeting, Vince really likes them so we brought the leftovers home. I can't help it, but I've been snacking on them. Really wish he'd finish them before I do. At least I can safely say when they are gone, that'll be IT. Haven't been doing as well with my veges and fruit as I'd like, tho. Those empty calories!

    csally - woo hoo 5", that's awesome!

    Sally - glad to hear that your surgery went well, I was thinking about you.

    I finally remembered to go to the farmers market (forgot last week). They had corn on the cob so I figured "what the heck, I've tried so much else (I keep trying to find a decent one around here, and so far no luck)". Actually, this is pretty decent. Then I went to yoga. I'll probably do some of the training games on the Wii tomorrow, I had so much fun with that last week. See, I got bored doing the hula hoop so now I'm doing this.

    Went to church tonight. I didn't realize that they were going to have first communion at the mass. The church was packed, they didn't turn on the a/c soon enough and, boy, did it get hot. Now I'm someone who can handle the heat, but I started to feel sick and just had to get out where I could breathe. So I went into the bathroom, only even in there it was crowded. Why they don't have the first communions at a special mass, I don't know. I went back in but left early because I started to feel woozy again. I had some almonds in my pocketbook so I had those thinking that the first time I felt woozy may have been because I didn't have anything to eat. But even tho I had the almonds, they really didn't have time to get into my system.

    mimi - I'm like you, when I'm eating right I feel so much better. Lately, I haven't been eating all that fantastic, and I can feel it. I really need to get back to having more veggies.

    I used to be one of those people who would go back for seconds (and thirds) of the samples and then buy the item. Lately, tho, if the sample is of some baked good, I really don't care for it or else I just have one sample. But if it's of cheese -- I usually have 4 or 6 samples. One store gives samples of lunch meat, I've never had any desire for that. If the sample is for a fruit -- I'll have a few.

    As for the nightime munchies - I'm trying something different tonight. I'm having one of those Fit & Active chocolate bars (100 calories) but am just taking a bite here and a bite there. Wonder how that'll affect weight gain?

    Going bowling with a friend tomorrow. I'll get better yet -- or else die trying (which I probably will do!).

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I stole - and adapted - a line from Barbara (AuntieBK) because I WILL be a size 12 in 2011. :happy:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi ladies

    It's a lovely sunny day here so far, Jackie I can't believe you've had snow in Wales, we've had a few cold days but no snow thank goodness. I've managed to get some washing out to dry - using the tumble drier all the time is so expensive! I only use it when I need to ( but with our weather is nearly every time :bigsmile: :bigsmile: )

    Lorri I love your advice – just like when we use a GPS, if you get off course, at the next exit, turn around! :laugh: I need to practice this, for some reason (after losing a bit of weight last week) I have not been as careful this week and the weight has crept up again.

    Jane glad the party was a success.

    Sally glad you are okay after your eye surgery.

    Mimi I am sure you WILL be a size 12 in 2011, you are so focused right now. I know no-one can motivate me but me, but it's like I'm on a sabotage mission at the moment, my moods are so up and down just like my weight. I always tend to blame it on my hormones. My pal Jean said that she thought this age was the hardest ever (between 50 and 60) she's now 62 and starting to feel fit and well again and her hot flushes are not as bad - and she looks great too!

    Chicklet hang on in there, it must be frustrating for you, so don't feel bad if every now and then you throw a wobbly and think how unfair it all is.
    It is unfair, and it's not too much to ask just to spend an evening away from your mum for longer than a few hours to have fun or do something for yourself. Don't be afraid to vent it's good for you. No one here will judge you, we know what a lovely person you are, as we all know that you will pick yourself up and carry on. Listen to the good advice given already, when the carers are there with your mum, go out for a walk, listen to some music, have a bath anything to recharge your batteries.

    Well I'd better get a move on. Housework to do and more washing to dry - not feeling in the best of moods today, my get up and go has gone walkabout. Shame you girls with all your energy can't bottle it and send it over to me I could do with some.

    Take care everyone

    Viv xx
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone;

    Went a little over on the food yesterday, but I stayed busy all day cleaning the house. I only logged 90 min of general cleaning and that gave me quite a few exercise calories. I'm confused because when I work out really hard I don't get that many exercise calories. Maybe I should just clean my house a lot more!

    We got some rain last night and that was great for the garden!

    Today we are going over to my Mother's. It is her 87th BD so we are taking her out to lunch with my sister & her husband. I've checked the web page for the restaurant and will have my GOOD choice made before we get there!

    Well I hope you all have a good day!

  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    Good morning everyone! Thanks for being so welcoming :heart: I will be brief - trying to fit in a 30 minute bike ride before church. After some really tough soul searching and conversation with my husband last night (men's mid-life crisis is real and SUCKS!), I realize I have many blessings to be thankful for. I intend to focus on the good in him and the gains (haha! I mean wieght loss!) that I am making instead of the negative.

    My goal this week: cut down on Sugars by 50%.......wish me luck! :flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good mornig all.:smile: Hubby and I have had colds so laying low. :ohwell: I had a bad day yesterday with my food. :grumble: Hubby always cooks on the grill but he was feeling worse than me, so I made the bad decision to make pizza so he didn't have to do anything. :embarassed: Not good.:embarassed: If anyone thinks that because you reach your goal weight....you have conquered all your weaknesses...you are fooling yourself. I ate way too much and will not make pizza again. :flowerforyou: Sometimes we try to please others....as my hubby LOVES mt homemade pizza....but to our demise.:mad: Next time I'll make the omlette he loves or something else.:laugh:
    ANYWAYS....today is a new day and will be a great one.:flowerforyou: I cannot change the past but I sure will be vigilant about my choices today.:bigsmile:
    Have a great sunday!
    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Grey day here in Ottawa, but it isn't raining, so I might be able to get the lawns cut.

    Had a busy day doing lots of chores yesterday. Visited my aunt and planted up a few flowers in a tub for her. Then delivered some papers to a friend, returned some stuff to WalMart, went to Michaels for some buttons and ended up spending a lot more, but hope that my purchases will make me a bit tidier. Then I went to a friend's house to look for papers for him, but couldn't find any of what he wanted. Perhaps his daughter took them when she was visiting from Rhode Island a week or two ago. Now I need to visit him in hospital to see what else he needs.

    Chiclet - hang in, keep pressure on the resource/respite care people to provide you with what you need. Do you have the facilities in your area where someone can go for a week to give the carers a proper break? Do you have any other family members or friends who can help?
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    We have been busy mostly with the kids and grandkids.... we babysat last night for the 3 boys, 71/2, 5, and almost 2... they are a handful, cut they are good kids. We had a good time. Then we watched some movie with Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler .. I forgot the name, but it's new release on DVD, it was cute, a good rental for a buck at redbox.

    Today we are going to see the middle grandson play tennis, and then we are going to go out to dinner at Pei Wei, they opened their first place here, and we have a coupon so we are going to try it one more time. Will order a salad....

    I just got back from my bike ride outside for 30 minutes, or about 4 miles...I continue on my diet, and have lost approximately 12 lbs in 3 months, slow progress, but I perservere...

  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Hope everyone has had a good week,:bigsmile: I have had my ups and downs..but mostly good. :flowerforyou:
    We made it to the gym 3x's this week which is major for me..I'm doing laundry and trying to get organized today so we are able to do that again this week. WE live out in the boonies and it is about a 45 minute drive to the gym...so by the time we drive there, do our thing at the gym for an hour or more and then do an errand or two and drive home we have pretty much used up most of the day. I always plan a simple meal like a salad for dinner on gym nights, but that also makes it hard for me to use up enough calories after exercising...

    I tried on a few clothes that I knew to be way too tight :noway: and was pleasantly surprised that even though my weight has been in the same place for a while the clothes are much looser...I know that I am building muscle with the weights I am doing at the gym and hope that a weight loss is soon to follow.

    It is hot and humid, but not out of the ordinary for Oklahoma at this time of the year..Everyone have a great week and keep on track.:flowerforyou:
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone,

    :smile: Natalie, are you still following the 17 Day Diet?

    :smile: Katy, most of my DVD workouts are step routines. I really enjoy them. Have you tried Cathe workouts?

    :smile: Mimi, thanks for the info about whey intolerance. I’ve been using whey in my protein shakes, but never thought that some of my problems were arising from the whey. I am going to be more watchful :glasses: over the impact of my whey intake.

    :smile: Jane, how was your night with your grand daughter?

    :smile: Michelle, you get extra credit for completing a Bosu workout. My balance is screwed so I’ve never been able to complete those.

    :smile: Viv, I’m hoping that the 50-60 decade for me is not too bad. So far each age era has been great with new discoveries about myself.

    :smile: Collycan – good luck with the sugar reduction.

    :smile: BirdieM, I hope you and your husband are feeling better. Yesterday, I had pizza with my husband. Oh, I could have eaten the entire pizza, but didn’t.

    :drinker: Last night I saw the movie Bridesmaids. DH picked the movie, because he heard it was funny; it was very funny. Put this on your list to see. You will laugh.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a good night with Violet(my 3 year old grand daughter).Slept thru the night.
    Went to breakfast and the park,now chilling for a while.To have the energy they do.
    Will check in later.Have a great day.
    We finally have sun!!
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    I've ended my first week 6lbs lighter & an inch off my waist - seems to good to be true! Only managed half my water today. I wonder why its so much easier at work?

    After years of not having to account for most veggies on Slimming World, its hard seeing them add up to what seems to be a huge number of calories. Good job I lurve my veggies.

    Thank you for your support & inspiration.

    Hugs to all who need them & good luck to all on our paths to healthier lifestyles,
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    YES, I am still following the 17 day diet, I am on Round 2, Day 12, Cycle 1....
    SO far, so good, I am sticking to it, eating healthy and hoping to lose another 20 pounds by the end of th eyear..
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    We have a fairly nice day here today, cool, but sunny so hubby and I decided to go into the city (Toronto) to walk around downtown. We walked for about an hour and an half which was great exercise. I hope everyone has had a decent weekend.

    Diane - working with the Special Olympics must be so rewarding, good for you.

    Lorri - I just loved your advice about when we get sidetracked think about life as a GPS and turn around at the next exit; that was brilliant.

    Chiclet - my heart goes out to you; I hope you can get some help with your Mother. When my Dad took dementia it was extremely difficult for his wife to deal with and I begged her to get respite care for him. Are there any other organizations that can aid you besides the one you have called? Sometimes the Social Services in your local area might have ideas too for you. I the meantime, you absolutely must, must take care of yourself or you will be no use to her.

    Jane - I was so glad to hear that your party went well and that your daughter enjoyed it. That's good too that you enjoyed your overnighter with your grandchild.

    Birdie - hope you feel better.

    Natalie - sounds like you have come such a long way in such a short time. Good for you.

    Sissy - you too are making good progress.

    Geri - congrats on your weight loss.

    Mimi - again, you have such words of wisdom.

    Well, Ladies, I hope you all have a good week coming up and that you can all stick to plan. I am going to stick to plan and try to get more exercise.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbara, you've come a long way in your dancing from dancing one dance to staying up for the whole two hour class and now adding Zumba, and if you've even tried to call steps for a friend, it means that you know the steps even if you can't call and dance at the same time.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet, don't let your mom drag you down......pretend that you are the caregiver for two clients and one of them is you.....then assign times to take care of you and let mom wait.......then when you are taking care of her, you can be letting the other client (you) wait for awhile, too.

    :flowerforyou: Mimi, you asked me about my using "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" with all the chemicals and you got me thinking.:bigsmile: I must have been blinded by the taste and the no calories and completely forgot about other priorities so beginning today I'm trying a bit of grated Parmesan on veggies instead.......this is a perfect example of taking baby steps and making small changes over time.....thanks for your help :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Lorri, I looked at the website for the Cathe workouts and they look interesting......I'll look again when the days get shorter and I need to do more exercise indoors

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I'm so happy that your daughter's party went well and that she was surprised and happy about it.

    :flowerforyou: Sally, glad your eye surgery went well :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: collycan, best wishes for success on decreasing your sugar.........counting your blessings is always a good tool.....I write a gratitude list every morning and it improves my attitude and outlook on life immensely.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: Birdie, pizza, always a downfall of mine, too:sad: :sad: success is inspiring, disaster is educational :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sissy, congrats on making that long trek to the gym :bigsmile: that's not something I do because I'm not willing to spend the money or the time, so I exercise at home
    the best exercise is the one that you will do :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Gen, I have a rule for myself that I have to drink a glass of water before I log onto MFP and that helps me drink enough water.....I also keep a pencil and tablet in the kitchen to keep track of how much water I've had for the day:bigsmile: some days I have to drink two glasses of water before I go to bed, so I get enough:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yesterday a friend stopped to talk to me while I was walking one of my dogs.....her husband was out of town for the weekend at a campout with some friends and she said "while the cat's away....the mice will play" and her playing was going to garage and yard sales.....today my hubby is gone all day to a series of appointments in Seattle and I am playing:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: but my playing includes an extra long walk with the poodles and an extra long visit to the dog park with the poodles, laundry, easy household chores and fun on the computer......it's interesting how we all have our favorite things to do when the choice is totally our :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I got a short walk in earliesh today – just 2.25 miles but long enough to put me over my goal (which was conservative!) for the month. I’m so jazzed! :happy: I haven’t updated my exercise ticker yet as I plan to get some more exercise in for the day but I’m curious about what the frog will do when he hops off the grass! :tongue:

    Jane, I’m glad your party went well. Your DD has a nice mom! :flowerforyou:

    Hi Viv. Just keep on keepin’ on. You’ll feel better soon. Sometimes it’s hormones, sometimes just the blahs. But they won’t last. Do everything you can to eat healthy food (and lots of it so you don’t feel so tempted by the less healthy stuff). I figure it takes two days to get over it when we get off track. You can do anything for two days! :heart:

    Cindy, good for you for making food choices ahead of time. Way to be good to yourself! :flowerforyou:

    Collycan, as I mentioned to Viv, it takes just two days to get on track. Sugar is a tough one and a frequent trigger. I eat sugar in fruit but stay away from the refined stuff. Good luck! You’re doing a great thing for yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Birdie, you’re doing such a great job. It’s a real victory to maintain your weight the way you have. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: If you like mushrooms, you might want to try making Portobello mushroom pizza. I saw it on Lorri’s menu and she gave me the recipe. (Of course, you have to like mushrooms!)

    You put a little marinara on the portabello, top it with some good toppings (I used artichoke hearts and something else…can’t remember what right now…oh, and anchovies too! :wink: ) Top the whole thing with Parmesan cheese then bake it long enough to melt the cheese. I ate the first half a little too soon, when the cheese had just melted. I reheated the second half until the cheese had begun to brown. Was it ever delicious. And hardly any calories. :drinker:

    I hope you feel better soon. :heart:

    Natalie, you’re doing great! :flowerforyou: Your grandsons sound like cuties.

    Sissy, awesome job with the gym. You are losing inches and that’s what counts. :flowerforyou:

    Geri, good for you on the weight loss and, especially, the veggies. :happy: 6 lbs gives you a nice incentive for your new approach.

    Cathy, wonderful job on the walking. It’s nice that your hubby joined you. :smile:

    Barbie, I’m thrilled that I helped you (of all people!) It makes me laugh. :laugh: You are always so wise and so inspiring. xxx

    Chiclet, I'm thinking about you and sending hugs. I hope you feel better soon and find a way to get some respite. :love:

    My next project is to paint my new space. My son-in-law will probably do most of it but he's been sick and I'm champing at the bit to get going. This should be good. :laugh:
