

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone - just a quick pop in because I have to make my lunch to take with me for my lawn bowling tournament today. I'm all dressed ready and I have entered my lunch into the tracker, now I've got to remember what I entered!

    Actually having food allergies is a pain in you know where sometimes, BUT when you go out to eat and explain all the things you can't eat, you often get a much better meal because they have had to take some care with it. My DBF often says he'll have the same as me because he knows that mine will be freshly made. When we used to go to Florida in the winter, often the restaurants have a special of the day meal. Sometimes it is something like seafood in a sauce on a bed of rice. Well, I ask for it without the rice (that usually has peppers in it and sometimes onions), and without the sauce (who knows what is in the sauce because mostly it comes to the restaurant as a powder with all kinds of additives, but usually has pepper in it). Just give me the special with a salad on the side (no onions, peppers. croutons and dressing on the salad please). DBF would have the special as it comes. I often ended up with more shrimp, more crab, more scallops etc, because when they put the actual amount of seafood in the dish it looks soooooooooo small they are ashamed to serve it like that.

    One of the problems with allergies is that they are adding some of the things I'm allergic to (flax seed) to more and more items. It is very good for you unless you have allergies. I had about 1 square inch of a cookie recently and then ended up being ill. I thought the person who gave it to me had baked them herself, but then she told me that she had bought them at a "health food green" restaurant. I wouldn't have touched them if I'd know that!

    Anyway, have a good day everyone. I'll check back later.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Good Morning Ladies:

    Another week of work being so busy I can barely handle the stress - when oh when can I retire? Not neally soon enough :sad:

    ritamerlot: I read about your having migraines. Have you ever found your triggers? I have suffered with migraines since my teens and even still I get 2-3 a week. I am currently on 150 mg of Topomax twice a day and will soon have another med added to see if it can reduce the headaches. I get the aura with vision problems and also my face becomes frozen, which they tell me is a type of aura. I am more sensitive to sound than light and have a real problem with nausea and vomiting when I get these headaches. They are horrible. They run in my Dad's family, my Dad had them, his Mother and many of my counsins and Aunts and 2 of my sons have them. Not good at all. I hope you can get treatment for them.

    Mimi - I agree that when you only have 1 grandchild, it is so much better because you have time and you are not so worn ou and you are most definately in a "better" mood:laugh: ! I have to go on the weekend of June 18th to my youngest son and DIL to babysit their little girl. He is in the Canadian Forces. They live near the base about 5 hours away from my husband and I and they are having a big function they have to attend and they want me to come and babysit as it will be a big deal and they don't want to leave their little one (she is 3) with anyone else overnight. So, that should be enjoyable, she is such a cutee.

    Oops, gotta run before I have had a chance to answer all that I wanted to answer but my boss has come in earlier than anticipated. I will try and catch up later.

    By for now. Have a good day

  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Morning everyone......had an eventful weekend....big surprise birthday party at my house for our daughter...and believe it or not...I didn't over eat...was actually under! Guess that was because there really wasn't much time to eat...or even snack for that matter. My scales are not budging even with me moving more and eating less...so I think, I am going to take the suggestion of eating more to move me along. Some says uping calories for a few days breaks a plateau...so I am going to try that and pray I don't gain weight. Congratulations on all the triumps everyone is having.....and there are some small ones and some really major ones! Gives me hope and inspiration to continue. Well, have to get to work...gardening and cleaning up from the party is calling my name...hope you all have a blessed and very happy day!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Well after talking to myself for several minutes I got out of bed and got my walk in. It was kind of like the angel/devil on the shoulder thing. get up and walk, no i dont want to, so on and so on. thankfully the angel won the battle. Had a really good walk too. Jogged about 4 times this morning. burned a lot of calories. Cooler here today so that helps. It is so hot here. No rain for 3 months and dry dry and hot. has been in the 90's but yesterday was only 80. this morning when I started at 6:30 it was actually a little cool for here. I cut the grass last night about 8 pm. Have to do back yard today. will wait late again. kids start ball today so that will keep us busy for a while. 2 of them play on Mon/wed and the other 2 on tue/thur. I dont have to go but I love to support them. I try to go to everything they do, but I do skip sometimes.
    Michelle you are one busy lady. I know you probably told us this long ago but what exactly is the newcomer's group.
    Lorri thanks again for the info. I really look forward to our trip.
    I have learned over the years that maybe I dont like a certain look or style but that doesnt mean there is something wrong with it. as long as I cannot see someones private parts or places I dont want to see I am okay. To each his own is what I say. I may think it inappropriate but I keep it to myself.
    Just have Bryon this week. Emma is going to an art class. Hope to get some sewing done.
    Have a good day ladies.
    vicki M
  • tetadan
    tetadan Posts: 8
    Michelle, I like your idea about logging exercise in the notes only, thank you!

    Everyone else, it's only my second day of looking at everyones posts, what a great support group this will be.

    Have a great day!

    Diane :love:
  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    hi, all...
    enjoying reading all your posts.

    for those who had questions about my migraines....i used to have visible auras (bending of light in my vision), but those went away when i removed wheat from my diet. actually, a lot of bad things went away when i did that.
    recently tho, the migraines are presenting themselves with nausea and major sensitivity to light and sound (along with that pounding headache).
    i don't know what's triggering them.
    wondering about my food, so since i'm logging that anyway, i'll take a good look at that.
    hormones...i don't know. have been in chemo induced menopause for about 5 years, so if things are changing with my hormones, i don't know what they are.
    someone mentioned ice cream...which is interesting. i don't eat ice cream (upsets my stomach), but my husband made me a dish with frozen fruit and soymilk and stevia. the frozen fruit ends up freezing the soymilk. it's actually quite tastey. anyways, the cold may have helped the migraine a little. the ringing in my ears (which is constant, but much louder during migraines) actually lowered in volume a little bit, too.
    i woke up this morning with the nausea, but not as sensitive to light and sound. am at work, now and hope the stomach settles.

    hope the rest of you have very nice days. i enjoy reading your posts.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just checking in. I've been here once and some how my post got lost.

    I'll just mark my spot for now. and come back and comment later.

  • Gramma5
    Gramma5 Posts: 15
    Good morning ladies ! It has been awhile since I checked in and I have discovered that not checking in and not keeping track about what has been going in my mouth has been a BAD thing ! The scale seems to be going in the WRONG direction so as of this morning , I am going to try my hardest to get back and on track ! I DON'T like the number that showed on my scale this morning !!!! Lots going on ( stress ) in our lives right now but if I can get control of myself and my eating then maybe the rest will fall into place !

    Spring has finally happened in our area and we actually managed a weekend at the RV without a deluge of rain ! It was beautiful but there are probably a few happy mosquitos flying around as they love ME ( good blood ! LOL ) ! Saturday night the owners of the campground put on a CANUCKS / BOSTON BRUINS ( hockey ) party and everybody brought snackies then sat around to watch the game ( go Canucks ! LOL ) . Seemed like the whole weekend was a big snacky party with people dropping in for coffee or a visit !

    Hope everybody has a great week .................. my goal this week is to keep track of what I eat and DRINK MY WATER as it definitely shows that I have not been doing that !
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon to you all.
    Amanda,had to comment about your nails.I love the different colors.My kids gave me a hard time about green on my toes.
    I like to change colors and use bright ones at times.
    Gotta get moving and get something done.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    One thing before I go - the heck what other think. I like to wear dark maroon nail polish and like it. Lots of people think that at a certain age Women should cut their hair and wear dark clothes with a modest hem line. I'm comfortable and DF likes it so I am going to do it. I think it show"s a confdence in who you are, and people are jelous. If it makes you happy - GO FOR IT!!! You only live once so do it right. No regreats.

    Peggy – I'm so with you. I'm 61 and have real long hair that I have colored for years. I wear it up or in a pony tail and don't care who doesn't like it.

    I'm not liking it so much right now because I finally have enough white in my hair that I've decided to grow it out. As soon as it's long enough to cut it and all be one length, I am going to cut it and grow it out again. In the meantime I have ring around the head. DH and I are always calling each other by nicknames that change from time to time. I am now Petunia (cartoon skunk) due to the hair..... so he is now Tuck (Friar Tuck type balding). At least I'm just growing out colored hair and not balding!

    So glad you are getting out into the garden. I love dirt therapy too. I picked 8 eggplant, two cucumbers and 6 tomatoes yesterday.

    Mimi - It sounds like you and I have been on a similar course the last few months. I too have been up a few down a few since late last year. I agree, it's time to get back to losing! It is nice to know that maintaining is doable isn't it? :smile: Now when we get to where we're going, we know we can stay there!

    Robin - You sound so happy and content. :happy:

    Jane - Good luck on the shopping trip. It's never easy taking a 14 yr old clothes shopping!

    I would love to say hello to you all but I need to get up and get to it. By the end of this week you'll be hearing that I have lost a pound. Wish we had a determined face smiley....

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Good morning, finally dropped another pound, after 2 weeks, I am slow but determined, I am on c1d6r2 of the diet... I am a slow turtle, but I will get there, it will take me 6 months to lose another 10 pounds, but, I am determined!!
    Went for my bike ride today, 30 mintues, and now will go play bridge.
    Have a good afternoon.
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Monday to everyone.:flowerforyou:

    Please forgive me if I cannot post a note to each of you individually, I admire those who do this and think it is such a personal and sweet thing to do. :flowerforyou: That being said there are a few that I want to mention.

    Exermom, Who knows if you have allergies or not and if someone who knows asks you why you are bringing your own food just tell them you are think you could have allergies and want to know exactly what you are eating...problem solved!

    Joylaut, I love your philosophy about the purple painted toenails and feel that it takes a young heart to want try new things and not live in the past.:flowerforyou:

    And finally, Pam3, Oh how I applaud your goal of no snacking after dinner, this is my downfall going back years and years. When I was young and super skinny I went all day without eating:noway: and then once I had dinner I snacked again when I finally sat down to watch TV. Now I eat 3 meals a day but the nighttime snacking still haunts me...I know that I am not hungry it just seems that I cannot get my mind off eating.:drinker: .I always save calories for this but it is this time that I am tempted the most to overeat and exceed my daily calorie allowance. Please share with me some tips and how you are doing with this. :heart: Sissy
  • selmaguzman
    Just keep in mind that when you exercise, even a little, your metabolisms speeds up and you burn fat more efficiently.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good evening ladies

    :frown: Went over on my calories yesterday, so I've been trying to eat better today, (not snacking!) I need to log my calories in a minute to see how I've done.

    :smile: Natalie congrats on another llb gone, it may not be going as quick as you'd like, but at least you are losing.

    :smile: Vicki well done listening to the "angel" on your shoulder and going out for your walk. Too often I listen to the "little devil" on mine :laugh: I can easily be talked out of going for a jog at lunchtimes. Talking of jogging I'd better get my kit ready to take with me to work tomorrow (just in case the angel wins

    :flowerforyou: Akitarose how did the Monday weigh in go? Also wanted to say what a cute dog in your photo.

    :flowerforyou: Rita have you figured out what is causing your migraines?

    :flowerforyou: Robin congrats on losing 3lbs - I think I mentioned that in the post I lost but just spotted your post again whilst scrolling through .

    I went into town this morning with my mum, she's getting very slow now, she walks with a little trolley with a seat so she can sit down every now and then. We got back later than I thought we'd be and I was almost late for my doctors appointment.

    We went into a charity shop and I bought 2 tops on the bargain rail, (honestly a bargain rail in a charity shop :laugh: ) I hope they fit, I haven't tried them on yet, but they looked about my size.

    Well I'd better get my food logged, I'm trying not to spend too long on the computer, it's so easy so spend hours and hours sitting surfing all the different topics.

    Chat again soon.
    Viv xx
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    It appears that everyone had a good weekend. I also had a good weekend. Josh Groban's concert was fantastic!!!!!! It was also fabulous to see my BFF. I am headed outside to clean the patio and power wash the furniture. I will be out there for the rest of the day for sure. I have chicken thawing for dinner and will toss it on the grill along with some fresh asparagus....yum yum!!!!!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good afternoon to everyone,

    It is good to be back home after days of not being able to log in my calories intake.

    I did enjoy being at my Mother's and my sister said she had a very good vacation not having to worry about Mama.

    Her caregiver came back to work today and hopefully everything will go smoothly from now on. She really is a big help to Mama and I will do whatever I can to keep the peace.

    While I was a way my dear husband set fire to a pan and almost caught my kitchen cabinets on fire. It's a long story and as he said, "by the grace of God we still have a home". This is why I don't like him to cook. He just gets distracted too easily. But I still don't understand why he even thought he could walk away from oil in a frying pan!

    It was nice to get back into my exercise routine today

    I was a little aggravated when my scale showed a gain this morning but I'm hoping that it was from the Chinese we ate last night. (My clothes don't feel tighter) Anyway I've been drinking lots of green tea today trying to flush the salt out. I'll weigh again a little later in the week.

    Well, I've got to get back into my kitchen and work some more on cleaning up the disaster. Did I mention he ruined my microwave? When we got the paper work out on it we realized we have had it for 9 years so maybe it is time for a new one. He might be able to fix it (he works on electrical machinery at his job) but if not, thankfully we can afford to buy a new one.

    I hope you all have a good rest of the week. I for one am going to take things one day at a time.

  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone...sorry been missing again. Just busy weekends now that it is warming up. Went to a cancer walk on Saturday evening (Relay for Life). It was very nice...they even gave me a big bag of nice stuff for being a survivor. We were walking for a friend who is really struggling with cancer. There were alot of bikers that showed up...Go Team Black Sheep :heart: ...lol. Then we went out to a mexican dinner (good thing I didn't have time for lunch cause I would have been over on dinner). Then Sunday we went to the B.A.D. Ride (Bikers against Diabetes) which was fun and is a cause dear to our hearts :heart: but we missed the band :mad: cause my husband missed the offramp. :noway: I told him to take the 57 to the 91 to the 55 but he said no it's the 57 to the 55...whatever!!! :grumble: so we got lost and wasted about two hours cause he wouldn't just go back cause it was out of the way...what is it with men and directions??? :grumble: anyway...we finally got there and had a good time:happy: but missed the music and the lunch so no lunch for me again :grumble: But we more than made up for it at dinner as we decided to ride on down to Newport Beach afterwards. :drinker: Got in lots and lots of walking at the beach and lots and lots of eating so I'm hoping one will cancel out the other ...we'll see. :laugh: My weight is up today but that is probably just sodium/water retention cause I splurged and had my favorite :love: Ahi Tuna Vegetable Chowder down at the beach...it is to die for!!! Well better get moving and get in the shower as I have errands to run today...Take Care Everyone & will talk to you all later!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Totally missed my goal for May and not doing much better for June. Where is my willpower? My "I can do it"?
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone....................

    A quick nip in here this evening.

    :wink: I'm just in my calories today. Just had to have some ice cream etc............it's the etc that was bad!!

    I managed to sneak out and get DH's birthday present today ......a nice warm "Hoody". Hope he likes it!
    I also managed to get him? :bigsmile: a lovely silk shirt type top............it's a pink and mauve paisley design in a Medium size ................Yeah!! it fits me!! Usually I'm in a large.

    :angry: As this computer seems to have a mind of it's own I'll press "post reply" while it's obeying
    my every command!!

    Take care all
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, how are all of you doing? I am in good spirits, working not so hard. going to be an interesting summer. Spring started some nasty allergy vibes and my dog has a bad case of it. She has swollen tonsils, and can hardly breathe. A trip to the vet and two orders of pills later, she may get through this summer with some comfort. I'll have to find a dog ice cream recipe to help on the hot days. I slice of bread with margerine cut up into chunks goes with every meal she has to help smooth things.

    I have been doing my exercises on my off days or in the early morning of afternoon shift days, seems I am able to swallow not doing the load I used to do. A few floor exercises and limited machine exercises are in the new line up. However if I stay on track I will eventually graduate to the main course I used to enjoy.

    A few days off and a load of reading to do, so I had better get to it. Keep strong and keep kicking in the good life!
