

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good evening everyone

    Here I am, late again, but I had a busy day. Was lawn bowling this morning and then we had a work group come to the club to try their hands and bowling in a 'team building' event. So I was walking with them for another 90 minutes.

    Then when I got home I had to go right back out again to get my grocery shopping done and out of the way.

    This evening we went to Denny's restaurant - not my favourite place, but there is a pop-festival going on just down the road and we couldn't easily get to a more favourite restaurant. I didn't realise that the meal I chose also came with two ginormous pancakes. I brought them home! There is no way I could possilby have eaten them at the time - not sure if I ever will eat them, but thought I'd check on their calorie count and perhaps have one for lunch.

    Did some counted cross stitch this evening while my DBF was visiting. So didn't get on the computer until now when it is time for bed. So I'll say goodnight and I'll C U on the other side.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Finally finished my morning walk - at about 8:30 pm! :tongue: I got busy on the computer but popped up a few times on the stairstepper. By then it was the hot part of the day so I waited 'til dusk. It was lovely out. Funny, but my little dog likes morning walks better. Can't figure that one out. I thought she'd be raring to go.

    Peggy bkrbabe! I wish I could whistle. You look amazing. What a difference from a year ago. I bet you feel as good as you look. Congrats. :flowerforyou:

    Congrats on the walk and the fruit, Collycan.

    Barbara, yippee for you for eating healthy. We did it!!!! Woo hoo.

    Barb, I looked at the good job you did at Costco and thought hurray for you. I didn't do as well but I felt fine with what I did. The problem was when I got home, had a nibble of cupcake and thought what the heck. But I didn't - so I felt fabulous.

    You can tell I didn't create a Word doc and go through all your posts. So, I'll just say hello to everyone and a special welcome to everyone who's new. You've found a great place.

    We are DOING this! :happy: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • tetadan
    tetadan Posts: 8
    Barbie/All: When I said I only want to lose a measly 10 pounds, it's not my last 10 pounds it's my first and I will be at my goal weight. I am very fortunate that I have never had a weight problem, I gained about 15 pounds in the last 4-5 years and my maximum weight is less than 10 pounds more than I weigh right now. This is the reason I admire all of you ladies for the tremendous achievements you have made, this is the first time I have ever tracked calories and what an eye opener it has been. Cheers to all, keep up the good work and have a fabulous weekend.:love:
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Robin...congrats on your upcoming grandmother-ship....how excited you must be.

    mimi....I so agree with portion control. Now that I weigh everything, I am quite surprised by the size. What I thought was a 4 oz portion is not even close. For me, I make sure that I eat the protein first and then the veggies. I rarely eat a potato or rice completely....I consider them empty calories. I don't want to fill up on those before I eat the portein.

    Have a great day, everyone....for me...I am heading to sleep. I work in the morning.

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :smile: Went to the doctor today for my mom to check out her wound from her fall. Doc says it looks good and just cut off the dead skin that I wouldn't do. Gave me some medicine and bandages for her and told me to change them daily. So that's cool. She can still continue her physical therapy so no need to cancel any apptointments (much to my mom's disappointment).

    I asked the doctor if I could get weighed in even though it was my mom's appt. I lost 5 more pounds. I am happy and surprised because I have been eating some things I shouldn't (just don't go to crazy eating) and really expected to gain weight. I know this sounds like a cop out. but ever since mom started getting me depressed I haven't been as diligent as I used to be with what I ate. I notice I have problems with late night snacking even if it is just yogurt or string cheese or popcorn. But the point is I never used to do it. I am also not cooking as much as I used to, I feel so poopy most of the time that cooking seems like a chore. I barely have time to chat with you guys let alone log in my food and that was what was keeping me on track.

    Tonight, a person I have hired to help me bathe mom asked me to come over her house with her roommates for some pizza and salad and to play some board games. I did (only had one piece and had lots of salad. I had so much fun and as I sat there playing the game with them I was thinking, "Her roommates are closer in age to my mom than me." then I thought, "So this is what normal older people do. Why can't my mom be like these ladies? They are happy and want to enjoy life and better themselves." I was so envious of them. I wished my mom could be like them so my life could be more normal. As it is I told them around 9:15 that I needed to leave because I had to go home and change my mom. I got, "We admire you so much for doing what you do for your mom." but I was thinking, "But I dont want to go, I want to stay and keep having fun." How childish I sound while I type this out. But it is the truth. I feel like I will never get to accomplish what I wanted to do, like going back to work or living on my own again, because I am chained to my mom changing diapers every 3 to 4 hours. I will never have my life back or when I will, I will be to old to enjoy it. (Mom's mother lived to be 90 years old with Alzeheimers) That's 20 more years of diaper changing!!!

    I gotta go. This started out as being happy about my weight loss and now is turning into a rant that I am not proud of. Maybe my period is going to start. Been feeling extra poopy lately ( if that is more possible!)

    Good night all,
  • caterpillar2Butterfly
    Grr. I need a workout partner to kick me in the behind and help me get more motivated to exercise..
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    The eye surgery was fine. What a difference the nurses and staff make in all that ....they really do an incredible job. Yesterday was a day of cold compresses to my eye. All is well with that. Thanks for all your comments. I will do an exercise class tomorrow slowly. Today I am going to tutor my little guy and then I am going to visit with friends this afternoon.

    Mimi...I am beginning to get what you are saying about eating more of the right foods and getting all the junk out.

    I better get ready for the day..
    Have a great day!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Phhhh! I just wrote a response to all you Gals, out there then wiped it! It's been raining here most of the day and now it's off so I'm going out to try to get a long walk in. Hope you are all well, I'll be back later to write some more.
    Meanwhile, a few I remember:
    Peggy your new picture looks WONDERFUL, what a difference! You must feel great!
    Robin - what a wonderful, sylph-like Granny you will make!
    Mary - have a great camping weekend!
    Mary/Mimi - sounds like you had a busy but successful day. Your family sounds like lots of fun!

    Back later... Have a great day!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Chiclet - you are obviously trying to do all you can for your mum BUT there is a very true saying that you must take care of the caretaker. In other words if you don't get help you are going to burn out and then you won't be any good to your mum or yourself. As I'm new to MFP I don't know the background as to why you are the only caregiver or why your mum needs so much help (and I don't need to know) BUT (yes another one) you really must find some way of getting more help. Grasp hold of the good things "YAY on the 5lbs loss and the fun evening with people. Could you host that at your home? Then your mum would see other people and it might give her stimulation too and if you had to change her diaper then it would only be a 2 minute time out and you could go back to playing cards. If your mum is at all mobile, in some areas there are day-care programs for adults so that caregivers can have time to themselves.

    Another nice day at the moment, but rain is coming for later today. I am going to visit my aunt (who has Altzheimers but still able to live alone) and I have a couple of plants to put in a tub on her balcony. I hope she remembers to water them. I might have to call her a few times to remind her.

    Our supper at Denny's won't be repeated any time soon. I still feel full this morning and my scale shows it too! Good job my WI day isn't until Monday - will have to watch my food intake and step up the water for the next couple of days.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Good Morning Ladies:

    I weighed in this morning and only lost .8 lbs but when I took my measurements, I have lost about 5 inches, which makes me happy. I am back into some of my size 12 clothes from last summer, which I could not wear last year, so that is a milestone in and of itself.

    I hope you all are having a good day and that you all are having glorious weather.

    Chiclet - congrats on the weight loss and listen we are here any time you need to rant, that is what we are here for, to listen :flowerforyou:

    Sally - glad that your surgey went well :flowerforyou:

    Peggy - your new picture is incredible. You look amazing :noway:

    Mimi - you are so wise; it is absolutely about portion control and I think we all struggle with the bad v good food or we would not be here :grumble:

    Jane - hope your daughter's party goes well, it should be such fun :laugh:

    Faye - being lactose intolerant is not a lot of fun (my youngest son is) but once you know what it is you can work around it. You asked if you could use cooked mikd but I know my son cannot tolerate any milk at all except the lactose milk but check with your doctor :smile:

    Diane - you can do it. ?We are all here to offer each otherr encouragement and motivation. Any time you feel you are needing something, you just let us know :smile:

    Jackie - hope your Car Boot sale sells right out for you :happy:

    Barbie - I am with you when you talk about Costco and getting stuck buying things you don't need.:wink:

    Anyway Ladies, I will go for now. Hope you all enjoy your day.

    Take care.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Got a few minutes to post.Daughter has no clue the party is for her.
    Chicklet-I took care of my 54 year old sister in law for 13 months on a daily basis.She has Ms was discharged from the hospital bedridden.I know how draining it was at times for me,can`t imagine doing it full time.You are an amazing daughter,But you do need time for you.Congrats on the 5 lbs.It was good you got out of the house.Do they have any respite care,where you can get a break now and then?
    Sally--glad surgery went well.
    Everyone else have a great day!!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    :huh: Mimi, did you hear yourself? "... and I want to get a walk in" ? Look how far you've come, girlfriend! Hooray for YOU!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Maybe Izzy is a lark?
    :glasses: Lorri, would you tell me what "... a Cathe routine " is? Love your signature and the pooch.
    :heart: Welcome slick_fox and all the newbies!
    :flowerforyou: Lindaj_07 5.7 miles? WOW!
    :sick: Faye, I've been mildly lactose intolerant all my life. Think there must be a range. Whole milk, cream (or ice cream) and you can set your watch that I'll be dashing to the loo in exactly 20 minutes. Yoghurt, sour cream, and aged cheese and most reduced fat products are not an issue for me. Something about the milk sugar molecule, if the initial breakdown has happened, then my system can handle the rest. But for those must-have-B&J-NY-Super-Fudge-Chunk-NOW times, a MilkDigest or LacTaid just before prevents a lot of grief... but no remorse... ;)
    :drinker: Peggy NOW I can see you and WOWOWOWOW!!!
    :grumble: Diane YOU inspire me, I loathe the "dreadmill". a pound is a pound whether its the first, middle or last.
    :laugh: Jackie your hot tub is large enough to swim in? Maybe hot water aerobics IS the new hot yoga...
    :flowerforyou: Cathy FIVE INCHES! ! ! WOWOWOWOW! Size 12? Hooray!
    :angry: Jane, mopping is NOT my favorite way to burn calories... ;{ Amazing u can keep such a secret. Have a great party!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie I love:love: your wisdom. I struggle with (too harshly) judging myself and others, and always have. Lately when I notice that unwelcome attitude recurring I try to say, gently and lovingly to myself, "comparing!" :ohwell:
    If I can force a chuckle it seems easier to move my mind in a more positive direction. Baby steps.
    You taught a line dance? WOW! I do whatever dances they teach, my mantra is your "Keep moving". Starrted maybe
    5 years ago and could only do one lesson/dance an evening, sat out the rest. Now can go 2 hrs (and more) without sitting, and my feet know most of the steps. BUT when I try to call to help a pal, the brain gets engaged and the feet get tangled.
    uh oh... comparing... ;} Not just Zumba (since last December) but also Scottish Country Dancing (maybe 2 years). 4 classes a week. Started to say "I can't believe it's me" but lets change that to "YAY ME!":drinker:
    :flowerforyou: collycan WOW! 4.5 miles!!! How long did it take?
    :noway: genealace "... no way I could possibly have eaten them ..." Woo HOO! and GREAT suggestion to Chiclet about hosting the fun gals, so Mom could see...
    :wink: Pam, potein before potatoes, YES... and for me, its best to eat fruit and veggies before protein... ;)
    :brokenheart: Chiclet So sorry You are going through such a tough time. Those feelings are natural and understandable. You're doing the right things by finding some fun time, doing the water aerobics, getting back on track. Genealace is right, you can't care for you Mom if you don't care for youself first. We're here for you and you can rant/vent/share those unhappy feelings any time!
    :tongue: Caterpillar2Butterfly me too! but then I don't listen to her. Gotta find my inner "fitness angel" Any idea where she's hiding?
    :flowerforyou: Sally so glad the surgery went well, you are so right about the nurses and staff.

    Looks like is going to be a beautiful day, hope to get in the garden this afternoon. . . .Oh heck, had so much fun reading posts, I'm now late for farmers' market and will have to skip til after Zumba!
    Hugs to all!
  • tetadan
    tetadan Posts: 8
    Good morning ladies,

    I'm off to the Special Olympics Southern California Summer Games at Cal State Long Beach - as a volunteer. It's my 11th year and I love it, I missed the last two years due to family graduations and really missed it. Talk about inspiration, the atthletes are amazing. I help out in aquatics awards so I get to interact with all of the swimmers, it is so much fun.

    I'm tired of the June gloom and hope it is over soon.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Diane :smile:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    It’s a beautiful day. I AM going to get out there early today. :tongue: We’ll see if Izzy is perkier in the morning. (She doesn’t look like a lark, Barbara, but maybe she has an inner lark. :wink: )

    Chiclet, you absolutely do not sound like your usual self. :noway: Give yourself a break. It’s probably that TOM. If not, it’s sure to be fleeting.

    Your mom is only 70? :noway: :noway: And acts like that???!!! Wow. I think of 70 as young. (It’s getting to sound younger all the time! :laugh: ) I can’t imagine living the way she does. Is it mostly her weight or something else? If she can make it to the bathroom and chooses not to, maybe she should be changing herself when she has accidents. I’m not kidding. (But not offering medical advice either! :laugh: )

    You need to make yourself, and your weight loss, high priorities. Unless your mom is imminently dying and you feel you have to be glued to her bedside or something else dire :frown: , you need to carve out time for yourself. It’s in her best interest as well as yours. A cheerful Chiclet who has boundaries :happy: is a lot more fun to be around than a Chiclet who marches to someone else’s orders and is gloomy about it :indifferent: .

    You’re strong. You’ll figure this out. Getting the glooms about it once in awhile is probably a good thing as it will motivate you to find some solutions. You are good at that. :heart:

    BTW, congrats on the 5 pounds. :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work and make time to weigh or measure and log your food. It’s energizing – and you’re worth it.

    Yay, Sally! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Every time I deviate from healthy eating, it gets me down and I gain weight. When I’m eating right, I feel on top of the world. I’m excited every time I see someone else getting it. It’s amazing that our bodies are so forgiving. They’ll respond to healthy eating even after 50 years of kicking them around. :happy: Congrats and keep at it!

    Genealace, what good, practical advice you had for Chiclet. It’s great how we all support each other.

    About portion control, it’s even more important to eat MORE of the good foods than it is to eat less of the crappy ones. I call fruits and veggies my willpower because, when I eat lots of them, I don’t even want the crappy stuff. That’s real portion control.

    Jane, the party will be so much fun. I’m smiling thinking about it.

    Cathy, congrats on your progress. :flowerforyou: It really is all about getting slimmer and fitter. That does not necessarily equal weight lost. I was so impressed by the pics on Sparkpeople of the gal who’d gone from size 14 almost down to a 4. And she weighed 160 the whole way! Wow! It was all about turning fat into muscle, which weighs more but takes up less room! Hurray for you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbara, yay you is right! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Wow. You went from being pooped after one dance for dancing for two hours. Amazing!!!!!!!!!

    Here’s to healthy eating and exercising. :drinker: My goal for the day (besides walking cuz I’m a walker now :laugh: ) is to look into yoga or stretching classes. I feel a little creaky and don’t like it. Walking doesn’t help much with that. I’m looking for something to s-t-r-e-e-e-t-c-h me out.

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Ladies,

    Faye, I’m lactose intolerant.:frown: I can’t tolerate milk, ice cream or butter, especially hot butter. Some yogurts are fine; however, some brands my body does not like. Just recently, I’ve noticed that Fage yogurt gives me problems. I’m going back to Chobani. I eat lots of cheese.

    :smile: Diane, like you, I am amazed and encourage by the weight loss accomplished within this group. The women are living : examples of “it can be done.”

    :smile: Barbie, when I sampled products I did exactly what you describe. I would get seconds, and sometimes have my daughter get samples for me:frown: , and then buy items I would not need.

    :smile: Chiclet, congratulations on losing that weight. It’s okay to rant. Better to rant than engagement I mindless eating. Sometimes we need to get it out. Hope you start to feel better.

    :smile: Cathy, great that you are seeing progress.

    :smile: Barbra thanks. Our dog has been with us for two years and I am just now "getting with the program." My Cathe routines/rotations are from the following: http://cathe.com/ I have several of her DVD’s and this is the first time I am actually following one of her rotations. She has a collection of various types of workouts. I think her routines have an excellent balance of cardio and strength training. This morning I completed 30 minutes of Kickboxing followed by 30 minutes of leg work. If I don’t post comments tomorrow, it will be because after those leg exercises I can’t walk.

    :bigsmile: I finished my first complete week of a Cathe rotation. Six days of Cathe is an accomplishment for me. Next week will be the same. I am looking forward to a day of running errands with DH and then going to a movie. DD is spending a few days with grandparents and cousins. I love it when my parents keep all the grandkids.

    Have fun this weekend.

    :glasses: If you make a wrong move on your fitness program, do like a GPS would suggest – at the next available exit turn around. Don’t let one wrong turn lead you far off your path.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone..........

    :grumble: My day today has been ..........dusty and then expensive!!

    :drinker: It started well, nice breakfast cooked by DH.

    Then...check the laundry.:noway: I couldn't understand why it was still damp. I'd put the tumble dryer on yesterday evening.So I put it on again...as you would. On checking 1 hour later... tumbled but still cold and damp.
    DH and I then checked the vent hose...the machine filter was clear but the hose and pipe inside the machine was full of fluff.
    That's one of the things we always said we'd make sure to do....but never did!! :explode: We did have a past machine housed in an outhouse that caught fire......we should have known better!! So......we thought....let the timer run it's course and then see if it works,having cleared all the lint ec out. It was a case of up to my armpits in the hose to get all the fluff!! :noway: Sneeze or what!!
    But ....after shopping it still blew cold. So we have a new drier winging it's way to us for tomorrow.
    Our weather is not so good that we could rely on outdoor drying!!

    Especially as.........:laugh: we had snow in Wales yesterday!! It was sunshine at the base of Snowdon but snowing further up!!

    We probably won't be doing our boot sale tomorrow now as the dryer is being delivered...not unless it's delivered early. Also rain all day has been forecast.

    :happy: Lorri ............
    ":glasses: If you make a wrong move on your fitness program, do like a GPS would suggest – at the next available exit turn around. Don’t let one wrong turn lead you far off your path. "................Sounds about right for me!! We have Jean Luc Picard telling us what to do on our Sat Nav!!:laugh:

    Anyway .....off to get a cardi as it feels cold inside tonight!
    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    I was afraid to check in this morning to see how you responded to my "rant". I knew when I got off last night that this was not how I normally feel. I really do think it is my TOM coming soon, but still it brings out my hidden feelings.

    Mom is 76 years old and cannot walk unassisted to the bathroom on her own and can barely take care of her toiletry also. I have to do that too. She can only walk a few steps, 4 or 5 and even then I have to be there so she doesn't fall. Heck even when I was there she fell on Friday! She just collapses, literally folds down. She either is unbalanced or weak or misplaces her feet. I honestly don't think she is ever going to get to that stage of being able to walk on her own. She doesn't have the will or gumption to do it.

    Regarding respite care, I have her on waiting lists for it, and when I have had it they only come and sit with her or maybe prepare a meal but they will not change a diaper, so I still can't go anywhere because I have to do it, so I just sit in the living room. Big escape huh? I don't have a car so I can't go anywhere. I push my limits with my friends and don't want to become a burden to them for getting out, so this is just the way it has to be. I'm sorry, but I am just feeling poopy and sorry for myself and can't seem to shake it. Going out last night for game night was meant to be fun but when I realized I needed to come home to change mom, I got angry inside because I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay and laugh and enjoy others company. I never laugh at home, it is just drudgery.

    Okay here we go again, I am beginning to cry so I am just going to get off now and start cleaning the apartment. I am so tired though. I really do think it is that TOM.

    Take care everyone and eat healthy and feel great about yourself.
    FEEL PRETTY:flowerforyou: (And that person knows who I am talking too!):smile:

  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    ... Starting again with the post I deleted earlier! Hope I don't repeat myself, if so, sorry in advance!

    Here we go then...
    For anyone living in UK, I discovered that if you go to Sainsbury's at around 7 oclock on a Friday night (probably most nights) you will discover hugely discounted items, simply because they are going 'out of date'. I got 500g of lean steak mince for 30p, which I divided up and put straight in the freezer. I also got a galia melon for 20p and some mini pots of houmous, (3 pots each) for 15p each, some in freezer but I love them so will be eating them for the next few days! Oh! I do love a bargain! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I know, sad that I had nothing better to do on a Friday evening!! :laugh:

    Cathy - I hope your thunder storms have moved on and you are enjoying some milder weather! It's been raining heavily all afternoon here but I eventually got out for my walk, so all was not lost.

    Cindy - you must be very proud of your garden! Your own produce - that sounds delicious, freshly picked! I also find logging exercise early is good for commitment!

    Amanda - Hope your 'skinny' blister heals soon! Sounds painful and couldn't be in a worse place!

    Rose - glad to hear your finger is on the mend and that you're enjoying the weather.

    Sally - I hope your wee eye op went ok.

    Donna - I'm in Scotland and have made a few friends on this website who live in UK and some in USA. I have met them all here but don't know any personally YET!! :laugh:

    Barbie - I'm also enjoying the light nights! Midsummer's eve is coming up soon!

    Mary - sounds like you enjoyed your trip! Have fun at the campsite!

    Mary/Mimi - glad you got your walk in, on such a hectic day! Your DGDs sound like fun but hard work! Congrats on getting back to your weight that must feel amazing. You've been woirking hard to earn it, I have to say! :flowerfnioryou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You're soooo right about MFP. It keeps me on track and makes me more determined to lose that weight! By the way, I found a HUGE plate for my fruit/veg. As I'm not sure if it's big enough :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I only bought one to try it. If it is a good size, I will go back for a second. Actually, I was thinking it's not that there is so much fruit/veg, more that I would like to spread it out a bit so I can enjoy looking at it!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Chiclet - shame about your aerobics class! I hate that when people let you down! A fish pedicure is exactly that! Tiny fish eating away at the hard skin on your feet. I really like the idea but it has been getting bad press here in UK because of the possibility of spreading germs. I personally think this is down to lack of hygiene and not down to the actual fish pedicure but how do you know if the water is clean?? I still like it in theory though. Hope your mother is feeling better soon! Oh! Just reached your latest post!!!!! Congrats on that 5lbs weigh loss!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Jeannie - a 40 minute walk is obviously working for you! Congrats on your weigh loss! :flowerforyou:

    Robin - Congrats on your news about becoming a Granny! I'm sure you will make a fantastic and sylph-like Gran by January! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Peggy - you look FABULOUS!! What a difference from the one at the bottom!! So slender, I bet you're feeling good! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I agree with you on the temperature changes. I've gone through our bad winter without a sniffle but feel sure to catch the dreaded lurgy if this keeps up! :noway: I'm sure you'll beat that last pound! Get walking!! :laugh: you can do it!

    Diane - stick with us and watch those 10lbs disappear like magic!

    Cathy - Good luck with your weigh in!

    Collycan - it's amazing how those miles clock up, isn't it?

    Mimi - I know how Izzy feels! I seem to have more energy if I get my walking in before going to work!

    Caterpillar2butterfly - You're in the right place if you want support and motivation! I've never known any place like it!

    Sally - glad your eye op was a success!

    Lorri - glad to hear you're doing so well with the Cathe. It certainly seems to be agreeing with you!

    Phhhhhhhhewwwwww!! I managed to get through a lot of posts tonight!!!!!! I must say, that was SOME workout!! :laugh: :laugh:
    I wonder how many calories my fingers burned??
    Anyway, good night sweet ladies! Tomorrow is my workout day off - amazing how quickly that has come round again! However, as I missed doing my speed walk yesterday, I may just go out for a wee walk round the park and time myself. My best time so far is 4.2 mph (up from 3.5 at the start of June) but maybe that had a lot to do with the traffic lights being in my favour??!!?? :noway: :laugh: :laugh: I'm keen to check it out with another go! Hope you all have a great weekend!!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Checking in, played bridge this morning, duplicate, got NO cards, was N-S, E W got all the cards, if you are a bridge player you know what I am talking about.
    This afternoon we went to visit a cousin who has been sick, she is doign much better and it was nice seeing her.. we brought lunch in (salads)
    Tonight we babysit for our 3 grandsons... whooooooo
    Still on plan, drinking that water.. glug glug
  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    To Chicklet:

    I feel so sad reading your honest account of how hard caregiving is - day after day. I hope that you can get some help (more than just help with bath time). You need to remind yourself that YOUR needs are equally as important as your mom's. She would agree. Healthy relationships are based on 50-50. Your mom can not give back to you like she used to, so its really important for you to do that for her.....you give to YOU.....for her :smile: Honestly, its what she would want.

    So, your task is to find all the mental get-a-ways you can! Write a children's book, make a photo-collage video, learn a new hobbie like how to crochet, plant a garden.....As good as it feels to get away physically, it will feel even better to take mental breaks (you'll know your mom is safe, yet you can pursue your own passion!). Volunteers who will not change diapers can still meet alot of needs while you are in the bathtub with music and candles!!!!!

    Oh-and you may want to look into a support group! I know in my area we have telephone support group meetings for caregivers who can't get out of the house! If there isn't one of those in your area, maybe you could start one!!! Your local AAA can help!