

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A very quick hello as I am at work. Last night we had a nasty storm,,,,lighting and winds etc that even uprooted trees! :noway: We are 20 miles south of Providence and that's where most of the damage happened. We lost our electricity so this morning I couldn't exercise or track my food from home.:angry: What nutty weather! So unpredictable! 2 weeks ago it was around 40 degrees and we had to turn on the heat. Yesterday it was in the 90's! I took the day off and went to the beach with my hubby.:bigsmile: We're expecting another storm tonight:ohwell:

    I miss keeping up with the posts like I did a couple of weeks ago....but I guess that was "One brief shining moment". Now I just about have time to track my food.:ohwell:

    Do take care, dear ladies, and I hope you all have a safe and healthy day!:flowerforyou:

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello everyone.

    I'm having a busy day today - have hardly sat down (which is just as well because my behind is still very blistered!) I did get time to go online and order some padded cycling shorts though.

    DD#2 and I are now going out for lunch on Saturday. Not sure where we are going, but I've been told to wear a dress (and for once I have dozens to choose from that all fit!) I want to go to the farmer's market before we go to lunch, so will have to be up extra early as I also have to drop my DH at the Royal Geographical Society which is next to the Royal Albert Hall.

    Tomorrow I have an osteoarthritis knee class and I want to go and look at new sofas. I have ordered one, but may have to cancel it as it may take too long to get here.

    Must push on - lots to do.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Evening all..................

    :flowerforyou: Just a little quote someone on my September Cruise has posted..............

    :drinker: Enjoy your lunch out Amanda!!

    :drinker: DH and and will also be dining out together to celebrate his up and coming birthday.

    ..................."When you eat with someone else, calories don't count if you don't eat more than they do!":bigsmile:

    Have a great friday and an even better weekend folks
    :heart: Jackie
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Hello, a gorgeous day here. I wish I could spend it outside since we haven't had many nice days this spring. Sooooo hoping the sun will stick around. I can't complain about our cooler weathers hearing about the heat some of you are putting up with. Although, that's whats making your garden grow faster than mine! With all the hot flashes I'm having I should like this cool spring we've had. My finger that I smashed between the crowbar and the countertop is so much better. It has gotten well much faster than I expected, so thankful. I washed the size 12 pants and they shrunk a little, don't look as good on now. Oh well, it will just spur me on to getting more pounds off. I have plenty of pants that fit right now. So I'm really in a size 14 still yet looks like. It was exciting to get into a size 12 pants for at least one day! Wishing you a wonderful Thursday.
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    A busy day at work. I left dinner until late & have now eaten too much. I feel so sick but I don;t know if it's guilt or too much food. :sick: Geri
  • Auntpam1
    Auntpam1 Posts: 3
    Thanx for the welcome Jane! Nice to meet you!:smile:
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Playing with the computer - slow day at the store.
    What do you think of my new picture? This was taken on the deck just an hour before tornatoes hit Minnesota.
    Will pop in later for a proper chat.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I hope you all had a great day. We had a nasty storm in the middle of the night. My day was very scattered. I went to see one of my students in his school. This afternoon I got to go with my godchild to visit her grandmother (she is like a mom to me) so my afternoon got a bit side tracked. I got home late and didn’t get to the gym. Tomorrow morning I am having a little cyst on my eye removed. I can’t wait to get this over with. I know its not a big deal but I always a little nervous with stuff like that. I wanted to get to Trader Joe’s tonight to get some things for a gathering with friends on Saturday. Unfortunately, the thunderstorms rolled in again and we turned back to be with our neighbors three dogs. I will try again tomorrow!

    Jane….Thanks for the encouragement!

    Marilyn….Great that you are getting to your exercises. I missed the gym today and I am upset with myself.

    Cathy….I know what you mean about a nice thunderstorm versus the severe kind. We had a bad one last night and it kept me awake for a long time.

    Cindy…That breakfast sounds great. I’ll have to remember that for the weekend.

    Lorri…I agree with you about the exercise being a key component to all of this work. I was headed to our Trader Joe’s tonight but the thunderstorms got really bad so I will try to get there tomorrow afternoon (hopefully my little eye surgery will go smoothly).

    Natalie….I hope your knee feels better and you can get back to your bike soon.

    Birdie….That storm was incredible last night. We didn’t get any damage but there were a lot of tree branches down in the neighborhood.

    Jackie…very funny quote!

    Have a good night!
  • dtrowbridge
    Hi ladies. Well this seems like a really cool group. Nice to know there are other 50+ women on here! Do you ladies know each other personally or just through this sight?

    Have a good evening!

  • dtrowbridge
    Hi ladies. Well this seems like a really cool group. Nice to know there are other 50+ women on here! Do you ladies know each other personally or just through this site?

    Have a good evening!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Welcome thurberj! This is a very supportive group, so I'm sure it will help you.

    auntiebk - ask and ye shall receive: They were actually quite good, only I wound up making 81 rather than the 48 that the recipe says to make.
    Source: Taste of Home
    Cheese Meatballs Recipe
    FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Cheese Meatball
    16 Servings
    Prep: 20 min. Bake: 15 min.
    3 cups (12 ounces) finely shredded cheddar cheese
    1 cup biscuit/baking mix
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon pepper
    1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
    1 pound lean ground beef (90% lean)
    In a large bowl, combine the first five ingredients. Crumble beef over mixture and mix well. Shape into 1-in. balls. Place meatballs on a greased rack in a shallow baking pan.
    Bake at 400° for 12-15 minutes or until the meat is no longer pink; drain. Yield: about 4 dozen.
    Nutrition Facts: 1 serving (3 each) equals 148 calories, 9 g fat (6 g saturated fat), 36 mg cholesterol, 314 mg sodium, 5 g carbohydrate, trace fiber, 10 g protein.

    alitarose - congrats on the inches lost. That's what counts the most, not the pounds

    Cindy - The only problem I have with Weight Watchers, just like you, is that they consider fruits and veges to be "free" but to me they still have calories. Like I make these wheat bran muffins. According to WW, they are 0 points, yet they have something like 53 calories in them. They are 0 points because of the high fiber, so they aren't added to WW points but to me they still have calories. Well, whatever works for some people. To me, tho, this is the best diet yet, if someone needs a "diet"

    sally - I'm sure everything will be fine for you tomorrow. Still...sending good thoughts your way.

    Welcome Donna! We know each other just from here. Some of us are in different countries, too, which makes it that much cooler.

    Sorry I haven't been around lately. Things have been really hectic. Let's see...yesterday. Oh, yea, left the house around 7, went to yoga then deep water, stopped at one food store to pick up some fruit to take to the Newcomers meeting that night, got the fruit platter ready, went to the bowling league, came home, made dinner (really, heated it up), left about 4:45 to buy ice for the meeting then went to set up. Had the meeting, didn't get home until around 9. OK, here goes, my rant again so beware. You know, at the end of the meeting, suddenly these ladies started cleaning up. Why, that I don't know. I expected that to be part of my job. When I got home, I was pretty pi****. They had seen things that, to them, looked like garbage so they threw it out. Only I had notes on bags and things. It, literally, took me hours to recreate what they had thrown away. If we ever have another meeting at night, I'm definitely going to say "please don't do my job unless I ask you." If someone says something, I'm going to have to be careful but I'll let them know that the "help" I got really made a lot more work for me. It's my job, I set it up, I know what needs to be done in what sequence for it to be efficiently done. And people who start doing my job without my involvement really screw me up. If they want my job, let me know and I'll resign. Honestly, I think they meant well. But it was such a pain. This one lady made a cake, she brought this very sharp knife to cut it there and left the knife out. I could just see someone hurting themselves on it. Whenever I take something like a cake, I cut it up at home. I gave her a plastic serving piece, but she left her knife there. And here she was "helping" me. By the time I got home, I kept wondering "where is this" and "where is that", then I realized she'd thrown it away.

    Today I did a weight DVD at home, then went to one grocery store to get pears (they're the only place that sells organic pears), went to the crochet class, then to another food store since Vince needed milk and I needed a few other things, came home and put things away, went to the Humane Society to cuddle kitties, came home & made dinner (I just had some egg whites), went to evening mah jongg, got home around 10:00.

    Tomorrow I'm going to do a bosu workout DVD, then there's a cooking demonstration where they highlight fruit so to me that should be interesting, then Vince wants to meet me at the bowling alley to practice some.
    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My pedometer has software that allows me to keep track of all the data on my computer…….so far this year I have walked 938 miles, averaging about 14,800 steps each day…

    :bigsmile: I went to Costco today thinking that I would treat myself to all the free samples because I already had 20,000 steps on my pedometer, but when I saw so many heavy women loading their carts with big boxes of French fries, ice cream, cheesecake, and all sorts of packaged foods, I had a moment of sanity and decided that I didn’t need to treat myself with food.

    :bigsmile: I love the long days up north here…….Bernie the cat gets me up at 4:30 and I’m walking the dogs by 5:00 and when we go to bed at night, it is still light.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Sorry I'm so late checking in. Had a busy day running lots of errands. Visited a friend in hospital (he's been there since January) so have things to do for him (finding all his papers for his income tax, health plan claim etc. Also he has given me some things from his house, so I need to sort through and find them too. I think he realises that it will be very unlikely that he'll ever go home again.

    Did some shopping and couldn't find everything I wanted so have to go back. Trying to find a pair of pool shoes to wear in the fall when I go back to aquafit. When I was looking earlier in the year - it wasn't the right season. Now it is the right season they only have some sizes and none in mine. Very frustrating.

    Anyway, it is time to go to bed and I have to put the sheets on because I stripped the bed to do the laundry this morning and didn't go back upstairs to make the bed.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just popping in to say hi. I kissed my adorable little Luke goodbye tonight. We are hitting the road at 0'dark hundred tomorrow. Heading back to Kansas to the lake for a family campout. We will stop to see my mother on the way. You probably won't hear from me for a few days. No Internet at the lake. Have a good weekend!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Just popping in for a quick hello. This has been a crazy, nutso day. Started out with a nice 3 mile walk. That was a good thing! Then picked up my two DGD's. That was the unplanned part. Their dad was really sick and mom had an all-day, out-of-town meeting. I'd already planned to help my son out with some computer paperwork so I took the girls along. That was fun! :noway:

    After that, we went to Costco, a couple of other stores, and the park. Except for breakfast, all my eating was unplanned. I had a quesadilla and some banana chips at my son's (but I kept track of how many!) then some tastes at Costco. (I didn't do as well as you did at Costco, Barbie.) I got the girls home about 7 pm and had a couple of bites of cupcakes my DGS had made. I asked Pete (my DD's DH) if he was up to fixing dinner for the girls. He said, "Yeah" but wasn't very convincing.

    So, I fixed their dinners, got them ready for bed, and told them a couple of stories (and they each told me one. That was fun! :happy: ) It was almost 9 pm when I got home. I felt as though I'd had an out-of-control, nibbly kind of day. I figured, since the day was already shot, I might as well eat whatever.

    Instead (INSTEAD!), I logged my food - I think I was pretty accurate and didn't underestimate - and my day was not nearly as bad as I'd thought. Phew!

    It was a close thing. Just this morning, I finally got back to my ticker weight. Since last October, every time I've gotten to my ticker weight, I've gone on a visit or done something else that involved unstructured eating. Every time I've done that, I've gained 5-7 pounds and then slowly and painfully worked my way back to my ticker weight. Only to repeat the gain/loss cycle all over again. :angry:

    Thinking about the pain of gaining/losing kept me from throwing in the towel for the day. I don't want to go there again. :noway: Lately, I've been working harder at getting on MFP, logging, reading posts, and posting myself and I think that's a lot of the reason I was able to make a more conscious and healthy decision.

    Once again, thanks y'all. :happy: :happy: :happy: :love: :love: :love:
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone!

    Have been super busy this week with doctor and therapy visits for mom. She fell down last Friday and tore some skin off of her leg.
    After all the edemas she had last year the skin finally healed but is paper thin, so when she fell she hit something and tore it. I couldn't get her up myself, asked for help from a neighbor, but he couldn't lift her, so I had to call the paramedics. (It's times like this when I miss my old apartment and I had neighbors there who could help me with her if she fell.) By the time they arrived and picked her up there was a pool of blood where her leg was lying. I wrapped it up, called the doctor and this was where the game of who will see my mom started. All week (this week) I have been fighting with the doctor and the outpatient facility to get someone to do wound care for her. They sent me around and around in circles and FINALLY a week later we are going to the doctors to have it looked at. I stopped removing the bandage and cleaning it because it starts bleeding again and there is a large piece of skin that needs to be removed. I am not taking it off. Mom cries when I cut her nails...do you honestly believe I am going to cut skin off???:noway:

    So tomorrow it will be taken care of.

    Well in between doctor visits, therapy visits, counseling visits, meal deliveries, bathing mom, feeding mom, visits to the commode and lets not forget walking the dogs four times daily and feeding them and finding time to play with them, I noticed that the activites director had scheduled water aerobics on Tuesday evenings at 6 pm. So like I told you all before I practiced over the weekend and did well so I was all set for the aerobic class. So I get home from the doctors with mom in tow and put her in bed dressed her in her nightie, fed her, changed her, ran into the bathroom squeezed inot my bathing suit adjusting things to make sure they went where they belonged, grabbed a towel, my bag with sunscreen, shampoo and conditioner, slipped on my cover up and flip flops and sprinted down to the pool by 5:55pm. No one was there. Okay, no big deal. I walked over to the shower and wet myself down adjusting the water slowly until it was what I figured was cold enough to be like the pool water. Put a generous amount of conditioner in my hair and jumped in the pool. I warmed up, excited that I made it in time and to begin the aerobics class. Slowly women started to show up. FINALLY, the teacher arrives, and by that I mean an older woman that lives there too, but thinks she is in charge. She glances at me in the pool and announces to everyone that the aerobics class has been canceled because she thinks the water is too cold. "There hasn't been enough consecutive hot days to properly warm the pool." They all happily agree and walk off together into the clubhouse to play cards. I am left alone floating in the pool.

    So, essentially, I spent the next hour and a half doing my own water exercises. I am not counting on these women or this class to be a regular thing if at all. I mean what was I thinking? Did I really expect this to be a real class? Maybe next time if they pull this, I can suggest they all cram themselves into the jacuzzi and do the work out. It's 95 degrees!!:grumble: Well that's all I have to say about this.:mad:

    Night all!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Aww, Chiclet. What a crazy deal. I think your day was even crazier than mine. :laugh: Good for you for hanging in there and doing the exercises anyway. :flowerforyou:
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    I forgot to ask.

    What the heck is a fish pedicure. After reading Mimi's thing about them nibbling your feet, I was like no way does she really mean that......does she??:noway: And what happens to the fish afterwards? Does it die?

    Also Mimi, you are very brave to cut your puppy's nails. I have never been able to do that. Heck when I go to the vet to have it done, every time I hear the nail clipper I squinch my eyes and my shoulders. Every once in awhile he gets to close to the quik and HE'S A DOCTOR!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    chicle, sounds like your day was crazy. Hope everything gets taken care of for your Mom. I know how much trouble wound care can be...it is a slow process to get wounds to heal. Hope that your Mom is doing well.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I am preparing for take off tomorrow. take off to chicago that is. have to run some errands with heather and kids and then finish last minute packing and then load car. We head out to airport about 8 am. I will have computer and be posting just not as much as usual. Lorri I have your number in my phone just in case. again thanks for the help. Oh if you read this the girls wanted to know if the restaurants you suggested are casual dress. the little girls dont know but we are taking them to american girl and treatting them to lunch and buying emma new doll. I will buy her and gracie outfit for them. gracie already has doll. it should be fun just the girls.
    I have to share a little how proud of my family I am. the little girls (age 4) are playing T ball and ray jr is playing machine pitch ball. well for 2 nights in a row my entire family showed up at ballpark to watch them play. I just think that is so special that those kids have so much support. I hope they realize how special thier family is.
    okay off to errands. will post later. Oh by way I weighed for pre vacation. 197. will weigh on monday when I get back to see how ive done.
    have a good day.
    vicki M
    PS Donna (new person) we mostly know each other from this site. I believe a few people know each other from other ways but mostly this site. isnt that amazing.