

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day to you all!
    have a good one!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Back from lawn bowling. It was VERY hot and we played a shortened game today because the humidex is going up to 40+. I still have to plant out some things into my hanging baskets, but I'm not sure if they will get done this afternoon.

    Bobbin lace isn't like tatting. Tatting is done with a shuttle (and to me is very boring!). Bobbin lace is done on a pillow with the thread hanging on bobbins. The pattern is under the threads and pins are used to hold the work in place while you are working. It is more like weaving on a small scale.

    If you would like to see a picture of some difference types of pillows have a look at this website: http://lace.lacefairy.com/Lace/PillowsBobbins/LacePillows.html

    If you want to see a few bits of my work look at: http://home-and-garden.webshots.com/album/153488286KFcbyg
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    grabbit97 what kind of dog is zoey? Where does she visit? How long has she been doing therapy. That's something I'd like to do when I retire and get my retirement puppy.

    AUNTIEBK, she is a Papillon, 7 years old, and has been doing Pet Therapy for 3 years. We are registered with the Delta Society, you can read all about them at DeltaSociety.org...
    We visih nursing homes, hospitals, and cancer centers... its fun, and very rewarding...

    I am home, and the shot was NOT bad at all. He gave it so quickly that I didn't hardly know that he did! I am icing it now for the rest of the day, 20 min on and 20 min off, and elevating...
    Just finished my snack of 1 cup of grapes...
    Good idea to LOG all that goes into your mouth, I do that every day, have now since March 7, and it does help to keep track of the calories...
    Have a good afternoon, and I'll be back later.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: An early evening "Hello" to you all.............

    Not much happening here today. We've been shopping and managed to find new bedding sets to go with the 2 new single beds bought. All items again in Sales .........:bigsmile: so my "To Spend" pot is growing nicely!!

    I got a quick call from my Dad. He's hoping to come to my Birthday "Bash" but it's rather a long way for my step mother to drive.....4 hours.......They're going to check on trains or coach before they decline the invitation. They weren't up for the last "Do" we had (DH'd 60th + #2 son's 30th)....although my mum, who had moved in with us by then, was convinced he had come. She looked out of the window , pointed to a group of guests and said to me.."I didn't know you'd invited your father!!" I replied..:laugh: "I didn't mum, that's your son!". My brother does indeed resemble his father .....many , many years ago!!

    To answer the question re our conservatory's colour........Anyone want any very "Yellow" paint!!:glasses: Now we have a yellow bedroom ....was mum's and I thought it would be cheery for her after she came out of hospital... a yellow kitchen and now a yellow wall in the conservatory. The new dining area will have yellow themed wallpaper too. As we bought a rather large tin of ......yellow.......I could willingly give some away. There's only so much of the colour you can take ....even if it seems to be the new white!!!! But .........if the Queen visited us wearing the outfit she wore to Kate and Will's wedding,:happy: she would certainly blend in!!

    The lb's seem static for a few days so fingers crossed ....if I can just eat veg sticks tonight and not go cupboard scouring for "Something nice" I should hope for another loss soon. I'm still keeping up with my green tea and getting quite used to it now.
    I can't get on the exercycle now either as....DH has taken it to the tip!! :ohwell: As I haven't really used it for a while and as it was a bit rusty I can't shed those tears of sadness to see it gone! Lazy or what?!!

    :smile: I'm off to do some washing now and sort some ironing. Have a good evening everyone.

    :heart: Jackie
  • zuback55
    zuback55 Posts: 17
    Hello Everyone......been out of the loop for a bit, but hopefully I can get back into a habit again. I actually have been doing okay without logging my food....I have been quite good and maybe have lost a pound or two. I just needed to get away for a bit and now plan on getting back on track. It has been quite depressing here with the rain and cool weather. We did have 2 days in a row that were sunny and above 20 C. I finally got my floweres planted and then have had to cover all my pots so they didn't get tooo water logged. Sounds like we may get a few days coming up with no rain....sure hope so. I am still volunteering at the Senior's Lodge here and really enjoy the people there. I am still hoping on getting a job there. I am also getting excited to see my daughter, son in law and my granddaughter coming in July.....I don't think I will reach my goal of losing 30 lbs. by then.....since I have only lost about 4 but will still keep trying. I will be making angel hair pasta and shrimp with a rose sauce and maybe some broccoli for supper..mmmmmm. My rhubarb was coming on pretty fast so picked some and added blueberries to make a crumble...but it went watery on me. I have never put frozen (thawed) blueberries in before...I even had added flour, custard powder and an egg and still was waaaaaaay to watery....Oh Well, it still tastes pretty good and put a dollop of ice cream with it for dessert. I wish you all well and will try and keep up with all your posts......it sounds like everyone is still losing weight and excising.....Good For You All!!!!! I, too, will be right behind you....Have a Great Day and see you when I see you. D
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello ladies.

    Chilly and damp in London today.

    I went to the hospital rehabilitation gym for my induction today. It was extremely thorough but I now have an embarrassing problem. Where I was using the rowing machine, I have given myself huge bloody blisters on my bum! It is probably because there is less fat in that area now, but still quite a bit of loose skin. As I am typing this, I am sat sideways on with my left buttock raised! Very fetching! Padded knickers may be the order of the day from now on.

    Do you ladies use elliptical cross trainers at home? As some of you know, I have a pretty extensive home gym and was thinking of adding a cross trainer. Any recommendations?

    Better get off my (rather sore) bottom and achieve something now.

    Have a good day my friends.


    Amanda x

    Ouch! Hope it heals quickly. Geri
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hi to everyone. I've read the posts but am going to keep this short so I can get some sunshine!

    Amanda, I went to Hawaii years ago. The weirdest part about snorkeling (which, overall, I loved) was being so close to so many FISH! The thought of them nibbling on me? Nah. I’ll forego the fish pedicure. I’m not sure they’re legal here. They’ve been outlawed in Washington State. Something about the difficulty of sterilizing the fish before using them for the next customer!

    Welcome, Thurber. Trout and veggies sounds delish! Welcome to anyone else who’s new that I missed too. You’ve found the most awesome bunch of women –anywhere! I’m grateful for how positive everyone is and how we can each travel our own path and not criticize what other people are doing. I find the good stuff rubs off naturally.

    Got lots to do on the computer today then I must get outside. It's gorgeous and still not too hot. I figure we'll have perfect weather - for about a week! First, a bath for Izzy and nail clipping. I hate doing it as I’m always afraid I’ll go to far. Her nails are black and you can’t see the quick. I’m thinkin’ she’ll like our walks better if I clip her nails so I’m motivated!

    Wishing you healthy eating and healthy exercising. We are doing this!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Regarding dance games for the Wii. Just Dance and Just Dance 2 are good for getting you up and moving.
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    Hello, I thought I'd get here each day but being right in the middle of a kitchen remodel has not been helpful. We are keeping our cabnets but getting new countertops, new appliances, new lighting. It looks like a cyclone has hit our kitchen right now. I have to remind myself how nice it will be when it's all done. I'm on the run again today, I keep having to make a 45 min. trip which really breaks up the day. I will be so glad when life settles down a little. I've enjoyed reading the posts, love hearing about the lunch ideas and your successes. Yesterday I bought my first new size 12 pants (petite) Started MFP wearing size 16 pants. The size 12 fit me perfectly and I was shocked. I've only lost 20 pounds but I've lost so many inches! Even more motivated now. Have a wonderful day!
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Posting a little late today because I spent too much time messing around this morning and then had to hurry to go to the gym. Our weather is up in the 90's with high humidity and when we came home from the workout at the gym we both collapsed and took naps....so here we re at dinner time and I am just saying hello for the day. I hope all of you had a great day, kept on track and did some form of exercise.

    Dinner tonight is a southwestern salad, lots of fresh veggies with a skinned chicken breast, an avocado and a nice dressing made with salsa and a bit of lowfat ranch dressing...found a good one at Walmart, it is in the produce department and has their "upscale" label Marketplace. A few crumbled chips on the top and OLE'.

    TV stinks during the summer, thank goodnes for Netflix, tonight is Company Men with Ben Affleck, love him, wish he made more movies. Have a good night all. :flowerforyou:

    :heart: Sissy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member

    Anyone heard from Barb (weaklink109) recently? She'd have the links to the real info on stress/cortisol/belly fat and whether or not we metabolize honey differently from sugar. Miss her piggies stories too ;{

    I sent Barb a personal message (you can do that, too, if you want---(if you don't know how, let me know and I'll explain it ) and she said that she has been posting her food somewhat regularly but cannot handle keeping up with the threads......she says that the two remaining piggies are fine:bigsmile: and her secret to being Ms Know-it-all, is a well worded Google Search :laugh:
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I am happy to get time to write. My sister called Monday night—my brother-in-law was in the ER. He called 911 because he felt his throat was closing and couldn’t breathe. She was very nervous.. spent the night in the ER with them. Got home and had a couple of hours sleep then began the day. I got through yesterday. My brother- in- law is fine ..thank goodness. Had a nice loss at my Weight Loss Challenge …I was so proud that I didn’t eat after the crazy night in the ER!! Glad it showed on the scale. My weigh in for MFP this morning also showed a little loss so that just helps with motivation.
    Tonight we put the AC in our bedroom so we are ready for a very hot day tomorrow. I need to go work at a school for an hour in the morning.
    It was great to read everyone’s post.
    Stay cool!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sally,good job on the wt loss.Glad your brother-in -law is ok.
    It`s amazing when we`re stressed the 1st thing we go for is usually food.
    Proud you didn`t
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    Stopping in to say hi. The week seems to be moving fast. Plus, I can't begin to catch up on all the comments made in the last couple of days.

    I hope everyone is having a great week.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hi ladies, having a summer week, working only two days (so far). Good enough though; doing my exercises and feeling them work. Much better feeling than thinking I just wasted my time doing something silly. Threat of rain and storms here today however I am going to sneak outside and busy myself with something to relax and get some movement in the body. I think I have suffered shock since February, thus no weight gain or loss.

    It is time to get going and make some noise, my sister has awakened from her slumber. The neighbours should be up too it is going on 8 am. Have a great successful day ladies and please e-mail me when you like, I will respond with pleasure. I just have way too much to do at my desk thus sitting on the comp does not get the work done.

    Take care all...

  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Good Morning Ladies:

    Well, we had a very severe thunder storm last night and it knocked out power for about 45 minutes. Hubby and I had to light candles and sit in the dark; if the storm wasn't raging so badly and I wasn't afraid of thunder, it would have been romantic :wink:

    I am really enjoying this site, everyone seems so upbeat all the time, that is so enjoyable; I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing with their day and what is happening in their lives.

    Jeanne: I hope your humidity breaks but not like ours with a bad storm.

    Linda - I do hope your weather warms up soon and that you get some nice summer!!

    Thurberj: Hi. Welcome.

    Amanda: Do hope that your "blister butt" is getting better. I definately do not envy you that :noway:

    Natalie: Hope your knee is feeling better. That is so cool that you take yoru dog as a visiting pet. I can imagine how rewarding that must be.

    Mimi: Isn't it true - this group of ladies does seem so up beat and positive.

    Alitrose: Way to go. You got down to a size 12 pants already. You rock!

    Sally: Glad that all is okay with your brother-in-law. Good job with your weight loss.

    Anyway, ladies, I hope you all are enjoying your day and that the sun is shining wherever you are so that you may enjoy the day.

    Talk to you later.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good Morning all,

    I've been out in the garden this morning. things are looking good. I've got baby squash that should be ready to pick in a couple more days :happy: Jalapenos are ready to be picked and some other hot peppers.

    I did the Leslie S. "Walk Strong" DVD this morning. I've been really sore since I did it on Tuesday. I'm going to try and do it every other day until the soreness goes away. I'm also going to do the "Fast Walk" DVD later today. I think I will go ahead and log it and then I will be committed to doing it!

    I talked to my GF this morning. She is doing WW and is telling me I should go back to that because you can eat so much more. Fruits and veggies are free things to eat. But I'm thinking they still have calories so why aren't you keeping up with the amount.

    I made an egg white omelet this morning with a little leftover beef taco meat, a small amount of cheese, fresh cilantro and salsa this morning. It was very tasty and the calories weren't bad either.

    Well, off to housework and laundry.

    I hope everyone has a good day and makes good choices!

  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    :smile: Good morning ladies. I’m trying to get a post in before I return and find too many comments to keep up.

    :smile: Marilyn, while my weight is not moving as quickly:frown: as I would like, I do see changes in my body. The exercise does really make a difference. Feeling the difference is encouraging.

    :smile: Cathy, we had storms during the night and early morning. I thought we were going to lose power. My daughter had already prepared a place in the basement for she and the dog. She is always tracking storms on the Internet. She told me before we went to bed that we may have to retreat to the basement. Also, she read something about the “Earth” blowing :explode: and creating strong winds. She assured me that the Earth would not blow-up. This morning I noticed that the dog is staying really close to me, which is a sign. I’m the calmest person in the house; he only really follows me when he is scared:frown: .

    :smile: Cindy, I really like Leslie’s DVD’s, but afterwards my legs hurt. I can do step aerobics without problems, but walking bothers my leg. I’ve been having leg pain and numbness for several years and have not determined the source. I’ll be glad when I can resolve the issue, because I really want to enjoy walking and eventually return to running.

    :glasses: I have a busy day with lots of errands. I love that the heat is gone, but am hoping the rain stops while I am out and about. I am looking forward to stopping at Trader Joes and stocking up on some goodies and wine.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Morning lovelies!
    Rain again here last night, fine with me, means don't have to water and have time to check in with you all... BUT... if the skies stay gray during the day...:noway:
    :flowerforyou: Genealace Thanks so much for the lace links, its fascinating but my eyes ache just contemplating all those bobbins. Your work is beautiful, especially loved the olives...;)
    :heart: Thanks Barbie for the Barb update. Didn't think to pm was hoping she was lurking and wd respond. Sure understand about not keeping up with the threads, I've been AWOL for months at a time... She IS a Google search artiste!
    :love: Cathy and SMVQ you are right Right RIGHT. The positive approach and warm support is what keeps me coming back to and helps me get back on track. We share, we don't judge, we encourage. What wonderful women we are!
    :bigsmile: Cindy I am sooo jealous of your garden harvest! And I don't even LIKE squash (but I'd sure snitch some jalapenos from you if I could)
    :huh: Robin you are so right about learning to love exercise (especially if I don't use the E word)... never thouht I'd be taking 3-4 dance classes a week, and actually enjoying them!

    One thing about logging food, it's made me much better at fractions! I guestimate proportions of the data base serving size vs the portion size I weighed out, then confirm with the calculator... and my guesses are matching more often than not. Who'dve thunk it ... improving at math... after all these years:laugh:
    Off to work:tongue: , Line dance class tonight, YAY!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Well, today is c1d9r2 for me... scale is same.... at least it's not going up eh?
    Can't exercise for at least 3 days because of shot in L knee yesterday, I iced and iced all day, so i should be good by Saturday, and can get out there and bike again.
    This morning had some cottage cheese, and grapes, coffee (take the green tea extract pill) and NO LEMON WATER, makes me gag!!!
    Very dreary day here in ILLINOIS, rain, rain, rain, rain... more coming, went from 95 to 59, so I turned OFF my a/c.