

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Happy birthday, Caminogirl and Shirley. I hope you have a wonderful day. :flowerforyou:

    My daughter dropped off some strawberries this morning that she'd bought from a local farmer. Strawberries, pineapple, and yogurt for breakfast. Yum! :happy:

    Chiclet, good for you for getting into a size 18 swimsuit. :flowerforyou: My swimsuit days are over. Being so fat didn’t do my skin any good. (I lost 50 pounds before starting MFP! Hard to even imagine now.)

    I’ll do my swimming in a pair of exercise shorts that come down to just above my knees and a sleeveless top. If anybody looks at me funny, too bad! Better – and more comfortable for me - than them looking at my varicose veins. The arms – well, they’ll just have to go out in public once in a while. :wink:

    My little dog has the opposite problem from Boo. It’s hard to get her interested in her food. She’s a skinny little thing under all that hair. I give her dry food that she deigns to eat occasionally. Lately I’ve been giving her wet dog food that contains salmon and veggies (dogs can eat veggies!). That’s made a hit. The vet said her teeth are perfect, so I make sure she ends the day with dry food to keep them that way. She has lots of chew toys too.

    Amanda, so nice to hear from you. :heart: You’re doing a great job of maintaining your weight. I’m sure it’ll feel good getting back to exercising.

    Congrats to all you losers – who are really winners! Cathy,1.6 pounds is wonderful. Sissy, 10 pounds down – woo hoo! Robin, a very big congratulations on 3 pounds lost. You are doing a fantastic job!!!! Natalie, awesome job! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jeanne, good advice about the mountain lion. Dealing with mountain lion babies is a whole new thought. :frown:

    Our property backs up to a ravine (and to many undeveloped acres on two sides). We’ll ask the owners of the ravine if we can thin out some of the brush and trees. It’s way too good a habitat for critters. Until we can get a fence in (too much money right now), we’ll spray the perimeter with Liquid Fence to keep the deer – mountain lions’ favorite dinner - away.

    Jeannie, sounds like you had a wonderful day exploring your own area. What a great idea. Much better than driving a long distance and probably even more fun.

    Kackie, yay! So good to hear from you. :heart: You’ve been having a great, but busy, time of it. We’ll do more catching up later.

    Jackie, sounds like you’re having fun – but busy, busy, busy too. Maybe the two go hand in hand?

    For everyone who’s not losing – if you’re sticking to your calorie and exercise goals, the scale and measuring tape will, inevitably, eventually reflect your efforts. I keep telling myself that when I seem to be stalled because I know it’s true!! Hang in there. We are doing this!!!

    Welcome dearra. I relate to the difficulty in sticking to healthy eating when you’re socializing. That is my biggest problem by far! I’m slowly getting the message from reading what my MFP friends do and from my own experience that taking control of what I eat has to be my top priority. It is empowering. Good luck!

    Deborah, sounds like you had a lovely birthday. I’m happy for you.

    We have another rainy day today. We expect to see sun by Wednesday. :happy: Can’t wait. My little dog is driving me nuts! And she doesn’t do well in the rain. Her hair soaks up the water like a sponge. I’m allergic to the rain myself. :noway:

  • Debbierader
    :smile: :laugh: you your post it is so true i just need to start a plan and keep today so far today is a good day. cooking lots of healthy food and cutting up fruit and being ready to eat health the rest of the weekeend... good luck
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    It's a beautiful day here. My allergies are talking to me (at least I think its allergies). I feel like a slug. I tutored one of my students this morning and I have been in a low energy mood for the rest of the day. My husband decided to take a nap so we both are sloths today! I think we need to get out and go for a nice long walk! I also have a list of errands that need to happen so I think that will wake me up. We went to a retirement party for our friend last night. It was great in terms of food choices- lots of healthy options. I felt relieved . I think social situations can be tough.

    Sissy….enjoy the purple polish!!

    Birdie….I hope your sister’s wedding was fun! The weather here couldn’t be better. What a great weekend to have a wedding!

    Smwert…..WOW…losing inches feels so good!

    Mimi….mountain lions..oh my! I am a city girl and I would freak out!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    I had a great day today, out walking with my rambling club - we went across to the east coast, where the weather was just perfect for walking. We got some rough walking in (or walking on rough ground) as well as some walking through woods and along the beach. It's such a pretty part of the country, with a great variety of scenery - had lunch sitting on the beach, peanut butter and banana sandwiches... ! (in Scotland, this is a rare occasion!) I didn't get to work on my speed but managed to burn HEAPS of calories, at a conservative estimate.

    Mary - glad to hear you're getting to enjoy your walks, I'm sure you WILL build up quite soon! Gale is impressive, isn't she? What about this mountain lion???? :noway: :noway: That's really scary! Hope it moves on soon... You have me thinking... 'must start looking for a fringed jacket! I remember I had one when I was, hmmm, around 17 or so! Right now, I'm in the mood for a denim one - do you have those modern versions of the old denim jackets, you kow the ones? Hip length, with patch pockets on front? These new ones are similar but much shorter, sort of like a shrug cardigan but in denim (not a good description, I know!) . I really love them but can't quite convince myself yet... Maybe another size or 2 to go ?? :laugh: :laugh:

    Cherub - you sound like you're having a ball! Enjoy the concert!

    Amanda - glad to hear you're on the mend! I hope your rehabilitation classes work out well!

    Time to say good night! :yawn: :heart: :flowerforyou: Have a great day!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Birthday to Caminogirl and shirley.Hope you had a great day.
    Have a good week-end all
    jane:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • eotrg
    eotrg Posts: 20 Member
    Happy Birthday Deborah!:flowerforyou:
    Dee,sorry for your loss.
    everyone have a great week-end.
    had a thyroid ultrasound today,please say some prayers if you would that all is ok.
    Thank you for the birthday wishes, Jane. Just wanted to let you know that I put you on my prayer list for your thyroid scan, so consider yourself covered,:smile:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good evening everyone

    Had a good day out at a local town where they were having a heritage day festival. I am a lacemaker and I spent the whole day making bobbin lace. It was quite fun and my DBF turned up just before lunch, which we were given. As I couldn't eat mine (it was ham and cheese with mustard and mayo both of which I'm allergic to), he had my sandwich and I just ate fruit which I'd taken with me. It was a good day, not too humid, cool breeze in the morning but warmed up later.

    Hope everyone enjoys the basil/lemon salad dressing, with my allergies I cannot use any commercially prepared dressings because they invariably have things in which I can't eat and anyway, I'd rather have freshly made without any chemical preservatives in it.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Birthday, Caminogirl and Shirley61!

    Long day here. I walked, I dug volunteer elm trees out of a flower bed, I carried boxes upstairs, and - drum roll please - I rode my new bike! Okay, so I only went up and down the driveway to get used to it, and then went six blocks, but still! I will have to to do just a little at a time until I build myself up. I am waiting to see how sore I am tomorrow.

    Speaking of tomorrow, we are leaving town tomorrow. Heading down to Texas to see my littlest grandson. He is five months old, and I haven't seen him since March, so I can't wait! We will stop on the way both going and coming to see Mom in the rehab center. When we get back to Kansas, we aren't even coming home, but going straight to the lake for a weekend campout with family. I won't be home until the following Sunday. I might be able to pop in here on my iPad when we are in Texas, but we'll see. I know that I won't be by here while camping. So - you may or may not see much of me for the next week. Everyone have a good one!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Good day here too. Lots of healthy food. (Had to do some extra stair-stepping at the end of the day to meet my calorie goal - but that's okay with me - more than okay.) Got in a good long walk. Long for me anyway, 3.25 miles. Even jogged for some stretches. Too much bouncing though. :laugh:

    I cooked some oysters tonight. That was a first for me. I'd hoped to barbecue them but my SIL, who has the barbecue, was sick. So I cooked them in the microwave, chilled them, then ate them with cocktail sauce. I get points for creativity but none for gourmet cooking! Next time I'll definitely barbecue them.

    Mary, hurray for you on the bike. I'd like to get one soon. I actually did buy one a couple of weeks ago but... I went to the thrift shop with my dad who likes all things second-hand. He spotted this old bike. I thought it looked okay. $54 later, I took it out the door. Only to take it back inside because it wouldn't fit in my car! Eventually, I got it up here.

    When my son took a look at it, he said, "Mom..." Uh oh. "Grandpa is not the person you should take with you when you're looking for a bike." Yep, needs new tires, back wheel bearing is no good, and spokes are loose. So, my bargain is going up on Craigslist where I know I'll take a loss. (Good lesson.) And I'm still looking for a bike. :laugh:

    Good night everyone.

    p.s. just finished my food log. This is the first time, I think, that I've hit my target for every one of the nutrients I track (carbs, protein, calcium, fat, iron) and stayed under my calorie goal. It is possible! I didn't really think it was. :laugh:
  • itsup2me2
    itsup2me2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi...I'm new to this ....... (chat),,.,, not weight loss or should I say weight no-so-loss. I seem to be up and down all the time. Been fighting my weight for most of my life.

    I have a wedding coming up in the family and would like to look better in whatever outfit I decide to wear come July. Not much time to lose....but any loss will be better than none.

    I love some of your posts......some talented people here ... for sure.

    My goal is to get some exercise in at least 5 days a week.

  • itsup2me2
    itsup2me2 Posts: 2 Member
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello everyone!
    Today I went swimmming for the first time in our senior housing pool. It is a very pretty pool and they even have a jacuzzi! The pool itself is not heated, but it has been relatively warm here the last few days and today it was hot, so I had a break in the day and I had my new swimming suit and thought 'Okay lets break it in.' There was an older man out there just sitting on one of the lounge chairs but I felt pretty good about how I looked in my suit and just went for it. The water was cool but comfortable and I spent about an hour in it swimming breast stroke, freestyle, back stroke and finally just walking around in the pool. My son suggested the work out as he subs in for aquatic aerobics at the city pool. My arms felt it and when I walked in the pool so did my legs. But the amazing thing was my stamina. I did real well, even was able to hold my breath crossing the pool. The only reason I got out was because the weather got cooler and so I hopped out and went into the jacuzzi. Wow that felt nice.! I think I am going to enjoy this pool and I am hoping it helps my body get firmer too. Tuesday night at 6 pm we start our aerobics in the pool. I can't wait. What a nice feeling to exercise and acutally enjoy and be ABLE to do it. I was proud of myself.!

    Tomorrow my guy friend is taking me out for breakfast and then to hang for awhile. I am hoping Scout doesn't freak out again and pee. He is so demanding of me .

    Eating well and yes MImi, my dogs like veggies also. My vet said No Carrots though. You might want to check with your vet on what they can digest.

    Well I am sleepy and going off to bed now. :yawn:
    Talk to you later.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    :glasses: It's been a very hot day here today, we nearly melted on our afternoon dog walk (we wished we'd left it until later when it was cooler)

    I managed to mow the lawn at lunchtime, I was a bit worried it might be too hot, but there was a nice breeze which helped. I really could do to plant some flowers or something at the front, but never seem to have the time. :frown:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newcomers, glad to have you with us.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie hope everything has quietened down now in your neighbourhood, it's quite scary to think of things like that happening right next door!

    :flowerforyou: Only a short one from me, I'm going to watch the results of Britains got talent. Two people will go through from tonight into tomorrow's semi final then the final wil be on Sunday.

    Take care
    Viv xx

    SUNDAY UPDATE - Woops I completely got this wrong, it was the actual final last night. I don't know why I thought the final was on Sunday, I was a little disappointed that Ronan didn't win I also liked Razzy the dancer, but other than that the rest were very good, but I wasn't too bothered about them winning.

    Going to catch up with the rest of the posts.
    Viv xx
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :angry: :grumble: I don't believe it! I had a really big post - replying to everyone, but fliping between the two pages I had open I accidentally deleted the one with my reply :sad: :sad:

    I am so sorry ladies I've been here nearly an hour and I don't have time to repeat it all even if I could remember every thing I wrote. (Why oh why didn't I copy it to a word doc):frown:

    Anyway Happy belated birthday to Deborah and Happy Birthday to Caminogirl and Shirley.:drinker:

    Congrats to all who have lost and to those who are stuck keep plugging away.

    Next time I do a long post I'll do it in a word doc first - you'd think I'd have learned my lesson from the last time this happened :huh:

    Have a great Sunday ladies and welcome to all the new people, look forward to getting to know you.

    I'd better get some work done and get to the shop to buy the Sunday Papers before they sell out, then I need to roast some veggies for Sunday Dinner.

    Chat later xxx
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Mary - A new bike! I hope you enjoy it - what a great idea!

    Mimi - 3.25 miles what a great walk yesterday - hope you enjoyed it! Not sure if I'll ever get round to jogging! How brave to try it! ... and you hit your food target! I'm trying to do so tday, with no exercise cals to add! It's not that easy... Sticking to fruit and veg as much a possible and missing out the cereal bars etc that I rely on for snacks.

    I'm off to the park to see a dog event. A friend has a dog which is a 'therapet'. She's taking part in the event, so I'm going to support her! (the dog). I may sit around in the park and read my book, too as the weather is quite good here today. Have a great day everyone!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies

    It's a slightly grey day here in London. DH is trying to cut the hedge in the front garden, but the wind is getting up so I have a feeling that he's going to be chasing more leaves than cutting them. He's already complaining that he's been scratched to bits by the dog rose - hmm, methinks his heart is not really into gardening today!

    I'm really pleased that I'm managing to maintain my weight at present. There are days when I can eat a little more than I should and days when I'm really 'good' - they seem to balance themselves out quite well. It would be nice if I could lose some of my excess skin, but the way I look at it is that I'm not at risk from dying from excess skin and I was at risk of dying from excess fat. Add to that the fact that I have some humdinger scars from my heart surgery and I'm pretty certain that I'm not going to be putting my 51 year old bod on display to too many people! I'm now in a UK size 8 (which I think is a US size 4). Before I started losing weight I was in a UK size 30 (US size 26). Some change in a little over a year!

    I've promised my DD that I will prepare and cook some baby food for the twins as she doesn't really have much time to do it herself, especially as her stepson is coming over from the States this Tuesday. It will be the first time that he will get to meet his new baby brother and sister. Very exciting!

    Does anyone have any good recipes for baby food for six months plus? It's been a long time since I weaned my own babies!

    Actually, I went to a baby group with DD and the babies the over day. It was specifically for twins and triplets (there is a lovely set of two year old triplet girls there - absolute terrors, but gorgeous). Anyway, we got chatting to a mum with twins who are just five days younger than our babes. It turns out that she is 51 - I cannot imagine giving birth and being a new mum at the age I am now! Good luck to her, because I reckon she's going to need it!

    Well everybody, have a good rest of the weekend.

    Speak soon.

    Amanda x
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Just a quick note this morning. I finally got out out in the garden!!!! I spent 2 days putting dads garden in and now 2 days for my own. I don't believe all of the calorie burn that MFP uses but if I don't eat it all I should be ok.

    I have to run as I need to get the beans and peas in before I have company - Df's daughter is graduating today so we will have family here.

    One thing before I go - the heck what other think. I like to wear dark maroon nail polish and like it. Lots of people think that at a certain age Women should cut their hair and wear dark clothes with a modest hem line. I'm comfortable and DF likes it so I am going to do it. I think it show"s a confdence in who you are, and people are jelous. If it makes you happy - GO FOR IT!!! You only live once so do it right. No regreats.

    Happy Sunday all.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Yesterday was a great day. It was one of those days that reminds me how fortunate I am. We had a couple of good calls from the kids, got a lot of work done in the yard, the weather was fabulous (bright sun and only 70 degrees) great food (bbq oysters!) and we stumbled onto a grand opening of the new pet store and scored all kinds of samples and coupons and gift cards for all the stores in that shopping center. I also spent the whole day with the love of my life and Bodi too!

    It was a GREAT day. I hope each and everyone of you has one of those days today.
  • tetadan
    tetadan Posts: 8
    Hello All,

    My name is Diane, although I joined a while back via a free app on my phone I just started tracking my food on Tuesday. Wow, what an eye opener. I'm 52 and in pretty good shape, my goal is to lose 10 pounds by August 1st but mostly I want to eat better and fit my clothes that are too tight to wear, I refuse to buy a larger size.

    I'm new to blogging but it looks like a great support and motivation team. Great job to everyone :flowerforyou: .
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Going golfing again today, 18 holes (with a cart), and hope to lose some more weight in doing so, 800 calories are burned if you golf with a cart for 4 hours, getting in and out of cart, swinging the club etc....
    I feel good...
    Have to have a SYNVISC ONE shot in my knee again on Wednesday, that is the 3rd one I will have, had one last December 2010, and one in May 2010, they can give them every 6 months.... really helps, it's like WD 40 for your knee..
    anyway, not looking forward to that, ice it all day .. it will be wednesday, so i won't be exercising for a couple of days... then back to the bike outside..
    Have a GOOD SUNDAY