
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Mary, my b-day is March 6 if you'll add me to your list.

    Boy was I in for a shock this morning. I ate 1/2 cup rice with skim milk and I added 1 TBS of raisens. When I logged in my food I discovered that the raisens had 30 grm. of sugar in them. That's more than my allotment for the whole day. I won't do that again!!!
    I've already done 45 minutes of vigorous swimming - I really love to swim.

    Except for the raisens I've stayed on my food plan for the day. Will have to be extra careful of sugar intake today. I don't use sugar on my food but have to be more careful of how much sugar is in the food I eat.

    Welcome to the new people, it's wonderful to have you join us.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Morning Everyone,
    I am keeping my goals for June and I am going to add a planning/prep goal. With the summer coming (or here) I want to have some healthy things prepared so that when its really hot and I don’t feel like cooking I have plenty of healthy meals ready. I made a nice couscous salad for a cookout last week. I’d like to keep some roasted veggies all ready to roll. It’s so easy to order take out, go to Subway or eat something really unhealthy (like ice cream) when I am hot and tired and don’t feel like cooking.
    Yesterday I met with my old boss and we helped her with a charity auction she is running. Our errands took longer than expected so we stopped at Chili’s for lunch. I ordered and salad and when I filled out my log last night, I was surprised. So today…lots of water and I am feeling a strong resolution to prepare our meals. It’s so much easier and healthier for us.
    The book, The Thin Commandments, came in for me at the library (Thanks ,Starr for the referral). I am looking forward to reading it later this afternoon.

    Mary…..Happy Anniversary!

    Alitarose, Sue 26, and 2youngatheart…Welcome to the board!

    Natalie….. Your persistence is such a good lesson for me. Keep up the effort! I haven’t played golf yet this summer but I think its time!

    Vicki…It’s great that your husband is doing this with you-especially the exercise. I enjoy it when Chris (my husband) and I go for long walks.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Hi guys................

    :glasses: I'm back from my short break and will ,now I'm back with you all, try hard to shed a few more pounds. :ohwell: Especially as I put on 2lb while away and during the mad but very enjoyable social weekend we had last weekend.....:bigsmile: the recycling team needed extra help for the bottles!!!

    :flowerforyou: hope you're all ok ....I own up to not back reading the posts! So much happens when a few weeks are missed. Here we are in June and 3 pages already!!

    I now have the goal of getting down to 147lb by my Birthday in July. We're off again to Sherwood forest Center Parcs with all the family for a weekend. It will be nice to have them all together .......:laugh: that's the theory anyway!! Then for the following weekend ..... we seem to have a party! in the making!!:drinker: Hot tub and BBQ at the ready.....pray for good weather then please!!! SO........I don't want to look a pudding then DO I???:noway: Nooooooo!!!!

    I may have some extra cleaning hours to add to my exercise which will be good.As this seems to be the only exercise I get around to doing, all the better eh? As well as a few extra pennies in the cruising fund!! I feel sooooooo guilty when I read how much you all do. :ohwell: I'm not that much of a couch potato but cannot get motivated somehow.

    Tonight , while DH is out working, I'm stripping!!...........No .....:bigsmile: .Not that kind!!!!
    We're beginning our new kitchen /dining room work and need to re - paper two walls. I have the paper to hang. The other wall is going to be knocked down/ through into the kitchen and the other is ...a new patio door being fitted in a few weeks time! I can't wait to get it all done....ready for end of July. Better get my papering skills together as that's my job while DH paints!!

    Must go now.....i've one very whingy cat to talk to!! :noway: Chaz is crying or talking! don't know why ....maybe he's just got a bit hot in the conservatory or just likes his voice....don't know but he's being very insistent!!

    :heart: Jackie
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Mary, I hope you had a great anniversary.
    Barbie - really more dancing? you are one dancing lady
    Mimi- my heart was bursting with pride when I saw you write that you actually enjoy walking now. good for you.

    So I am off to a great start this week. Eating really healthy, staying within calories and exersizing. I have even cut out the alcohol. I am sure I will get back down to my ticker soon enough that I refuse to change it.:wink:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing well:) It is a beautiful day here in Rhode Island. 75 Degrees and Sunny:happy:
    Last night I was watching television following the Tornado - Severe Thunderstorm watch when I saw bright lights coming through my living room. They kept coming and then I realized....those were not lightning flashes but the Police , Ambulance, Fire Dept. parking right in front of my house!:noway: Before you know....Channel 12 Eye Witness News Mobile (our local news station) was parked out there too!!! Everyone was in a group across the street from me trying to figure out what happened as the street was closed off to the public. Apparently my neighbor (right next door to me) stabbed another neighbor (next door to him)! The victim did not die but the other neighbor is now in custody! I live in a very low crime area and such things are highly unusual! But I found out that the perpetrator was upset because someone took his CAT! Oh my goodness! That poor man has been on a lot of medication and I think just lost it! So, the tornado watch was over shadowed by a crime next door! When I saw the news mobile I hid in the house (my hubby went out to investigate) because I was in my nightgown and just took off my makeup:laugh: That would have been a sight for sore eyes if THAT got on TV:laugh:

    Welcome to all the newcomers! Isn't it amazing what we learn about our eating habits from tracking/!

    A Happy Birthday to all the June Birthday Gals!!!!

    Have a great day!

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    These past few weeks I haven't been on the forum as much as I'd have liked, but it's been a rough couple of weeks and I really didn't have a whole lot to share. I told you about Katy.....I've spent these weeks with Katy's mom so there hasn't been much happiness. Katy's parents had to make the decision to take Katy off life support which happened this morning, so Katy has gone home to the Lord. Her kidneys, however, will live on and save the lives of two people.....a beautiful thing. Katy impacted the lives of many people, so there will be lots of smiles and good stories as we celebrate her life. You are the first I have shared this with and it felt good because I am ready to move on. I'm going to move on by going out for my walk!

    I always know you're here for me, but I chose not to be a downer and just have sadness to share, altho many of you brought a smile to my face during these past few weeks. I really look forward to reading the posts and knowing how you all are doing, so I'll be back later.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Anniversary Mary.Have a good one!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    These past few weeks I haven't been on the forum as much as I'd have liked, but it's been a rough couple of weeks and I really didn't have a whole lot to share. I told you about Katy.....I've spent these weeks with Katy's mom so there hasn't been much happiness. Katy's parents had to make the decision to take Katy off life support which happened this morning, so Katy has gone home to the Lord. Her kidneys, however, will live on and save the lives of two people.....a beautiful thing. Katy impacted the lives of many people, so there will be lots of smiles and good stories as we celebrate her life. You are the first I have shared this with and it felt good because I am ready to move on. I'm going to move on by going out for my walk!


    How very difficult for you and Katy's family!:brokenheart: I'm sorry for your loss....but I'm sure Katy's in a better place. Stay strong! We ARE all here for you!!:flowerforyou:
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    My goal for June is to not beat myself up everytime I fail. Just keep on going. I only lost 4 pounds in May - not the 8 I wanted. But 4 pounds of butter stacked up looks pretty good. Still going to Curves 4 days per week. Get weighed and measured tomorrow . pERHAPS i GAINED MUSCLE AND LOST INCHES - ONE CAN HOPE!!

    Hey! Don't beat yourself up!! :laugh: 4lbs is great!! I only aim for 1lb a week and if I lose more that's a bonus for me. I think we have to work hard enough to lose that pound, don't you? You did great, last month!

    Dee, my thoughts are with you! Hope you keep well at this sad time.

    We had a beautiful day here, so I managed to walk 5 miles into town and back, as I intend to build up my speed this month, I tried walking faster but this only lasted till I got into town, by which time it was too busy to walk fast. So, I just dawdled along looking in shop windows that there is no point in buying as they will all be too big for me by the end of July! (There, it's down in writing, so it MUST be true!):laugh: :laugh:

    Mimi - I sooo agree with you on portion control - I try to listen to my body and if it feels hungry I put (good, healthy) in my mouth - as simple as that, while trying to remain within my calorie goals. That's how I'm learning to use my exercise calories and it works for me too. I also write everything down that I eat and I mean EVERYTHING! This works for me too but I haven't decided whether it's because I'm too busy writing to put food in my mouth?? :laugh: :laugh: :noway: No, really, it's that old accountability thing, isn't it?
    Ironically, I find that the more I exercise, the less I need to eat and this is where the quandary lies for me!
    Confusion, confusion! :laugh: I guess there isn't any one answer and if there was it would change on a daily basis!
    Re: walking - I could go on at length but the best thing I did was invest in a good pair of walking shoes! As you know, I never tire of talking about walking, I'll drop you a line and hope you don't fall asleep in the middle!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Michele, you're keeping so busy, you're making me dizzy!

    Sissy - hope you lose that pound soon, looking forward to reading your progress.

    Pheeeewwww! This post is soo busy and I'm running out of time! Hello to all the new members, I'm reading the posts but can
    only find the time to reply to a few. Hope you all have a great day, whatever you get up to!

    PS I forgot to add - Does anyone know Seasick Steve? I just bought his new cd (out a few days ago here) and discovered that it is absolutely great for walking too!!
  • TripMom
    TripMom Posts: 102 Member
    Can I join? I'm 51 and have been doing MFP for about 25 days. I've lost about 11 pounds, but it seems like my weight loss is slowing down a bit. Guess that happens! :)
    I've done every diet before, but this time, I'm really trying to make lifelong changes. I started Weight Watchers on Jan 1, 2011 and lost 15 pounds very quickly, but I wasn't exercising.(Gained it all back, by the way!)
    With MFP, I've been watching my calories and have been really exercising...but only lost 11. However, this 11 pounds has made such a BIG change in the way my body feels and looks! My clothes feel better and they look better on. I'm losing belly fat.
    Anyway...looking forward to being part of this group and becoming healthier with all of you!
  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    Dee - I'm so sorry about Katy but you are right she's now with the Lord. My prayers are with you.
  • Dee, My heart goes out to Katy's family and to you. God bless Katy, she is at peace. :brokenheart:

  • suzyqs4
    suzyqs4 Posts: 20 Member
    Greetings from Ohio. I just joined on May 9 but May was a good month. This month I want to loose at least 8 pounds, keep walking every day a minimum of 30 minutes, drink at least 10 glasses of water and be very aware of what I eat. I also need to establish goals for the future.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Bump for now.:bigsmile:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Barbie, my dog does love to walk. That’s probably what gets me out there more than anything. I’m a wuss when it comes to wet weather though. Good thing I live here and not farther north. It’s funny weather today – clouds up then the sun peaks out. Supposed to rain around noon so I’ll walk later in the day.

    We had a few thundershowers yesterday and even had a couple of tornadoes north of here. Weird, weird weather. By now, we should be seeing 90-degree weather. Instead, we’re in the 60’s. It could be much so much worse. I feel for all the people dealing with tornadoes, fires, etc.

    I’m paying attention to your advice about potlucks. I don’t eat as much to please other people as to please myself. But I’m becoming more aware of how going with the flow doesn’t please me the way it used to. I was brought up not to make a fuss about myself. Weighing my food feels like a fuss. I will be working on that the next time I go out – either taking already-weighed food with me or weighing it on the spot. Am I brave enough? We shall see!

    Congrats to everyone who has stayed with her plan. Chiclet, woo hoo on the swimsuit that’s now fit only for the Thrift Shop! Cherub, a big congrats to you on 2” lost from your waist. That’s a real accomplishment as you’re getting toned as well as slimmer. SMWert, 4 pounds is awesome and even better if you’ve added muscle.

    Joy, you and Barbie have both mentioned taking shorter walks. What a great idea. It’s sort of like housework. Thinking about the entire job is overwhelming. But cleaning just one thing is easy. And that often leads to going on to the next thing.

    I looked at the trailer for Forks Over Knives. Unfortunately, it’s not playing around here. I buy their premise that we could lower medical costs a bunch (70-80%) by eating a plant-based diet. I don’t eat a strictly plant-based diet but do eat a whole lof of fruits and veggies and know I feel tremendously better than I used to. I’ll look forward to the DVD. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, be sure to see the documentary Food Inc. It’s amazing and eye-opening.

    Genea, Yes! Please post the salad dressing recipe.

    Cheryl, when I was looking at the trailer for ForkOverKnife, I saw a link for a short clip about how what you eat affects diabetes. It’s worth a look. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxFai4iVOtk

    Jackie, your remodel sounds fab. So much fun! You always seem to be doing something social. It’s good to see.

    Robin, you are doing great! I’m sure you’ll see the results you want. I’m being careful about food choices and calories too. I can feel the difference already.

    Birdie, lots of excitement! You remind me of my mom. She doesn’t go out of the house without makeup on and her hair fixed. She looks neat even when she’s wearing her “sloppy” painting clothes. I just look sloppy.

    Dee, sending hugs. Katy sounds like a fine person who lived her life well. At the end of the day, what more could we ask. You are a good friend. :heart:

    Linda, I checked out Seasick Steve. He’s quite a character. :laugh: I liked his song, Diddley Bo, and the instrument too. Hadn’t seen that one before.

    Welcome to everyone who’s new. You’ve come to a great place for support and encouragement.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Sissy - tell me how the time is flying by. It seems that each year it goes by faster and faster. Last year around this time I'd already had one Christmas present made. Haven't even THOUGHT about it, and here it is June already!

    cherub - that's just great on the 2" lost. That means so much more than weight.

    Someone told me yesterday that bowling burned something like 200 calories. Don't know about that.

    Hey there, Sue! Welcome tripmom. A more supportive group you won't find anywhere else. Welcome any other newcomers that I've missed.

    It's 9:00, I've done a Cathe DVD that is all bands. As far as I know, she's the only one who has a band DVD. It's good for a change (you know me, always wanting to change things up). Tomorrow I'm planning to walk on the stairmaster.

    joy - what a wonderful breakthrough. Doesn't it feel good? And to be sugar free! Wow! I'm trying, but it's so hard, sugar is in almost everything. I don't think I've ever seen the Tofutti spread. Which section of the supermarket is it in? Refrigerated? Do you need to go to a health food store for it?

    chicklet - congrats on the "droopy" bathingsuit. Looks like someone has to go shopping....!!!! You know, I recently bought some bras the size I usually got, and I swear that I should have gotten a smaller cup size. lol the aphrodesiac :) Good for you!

    Birdie - that's something about your neighbor.

    Dee - thanks for sharing about Katy. She WILL live on. My thoughts and prayers are for you all.

    This morning (Thurs), I got up, did an hour DVD band workout, went to the dentist, came home and vacuumed the bedrooms where Jessica's cats will be staying, then we had the lunch, Vince didn't want to sit with me while I got my oil changed so we came home, I went to the car place and got my oil changed, did a bit of food shopping since I was right there, picked up Jessica's cats, and bought gas. By then it was already 4:30! Oh, at the lunch they have this veggie salad and soup. Since it was so hot, I didn't take the soup but got a larger salad and asked them to put mushrooms and broccoli on it. It came with carrots, tomatoes, cukes, I asked that spinach and romaine lettuce be substituted for the iceberg, then had oil and vinegar on the side. It was such a big salad, and so filling. I just added in the calories for their soup and salad, figuring that the larger salad and extra veggies probably make up the difference in calories.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Prayers for you and Katy's family, Dee.

    A beautiful day here in WI. I came home today to meet a ladder back woodpecker who was perched on my front door handle. He did not fly until I was 3 or 4 feet from him. I have no idea why, but suspect he was catching bugs on the glass.


    This is a least heron that likes to fish by the driveway. They nest in the tall pines west of my house. I am never sure of the exact type, green legged heron, maybe? They are very fast flyers. The water in this photo is brown because of all the oaks in the area. The tannic acid from the decomposing leaves darkens the water.

    All of my exercise today was Agricise. That and 45 minutes of weedeater ought to cover me for the day.

    Time to fix some supper and call it a day.

    Welcome to all the new thread members, Nite all , Alice
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I ate the leftovers from last night, browned some red and green peppers, onion and 2 tomatos in some pam, then removed them from the pan, put in one pound ground turkey, browned it, then put back the veggies, to heat thru, and ate... with a little sourcream..... and a salad .. more than enough food. c1d3r2 is done, didn't get in all my water today, but did play 18 holes of golf (with a cart) and burned about 800 calories... Drank 6 glasses of water, didn't want to drink to much while on the golf course, .. no place to go except porta potties, and no thanks, not for me!!! Have a good evening..

  • collycan
    collycan Posts: 26
    Went on a bike ride today and I ate pretty well! I am starting off the month with renewed committment and determination!

    June Goals:
    Exercise a minimum of 30 minutes 4 days a week
    Make healthier food choices
    Lose 3 pounds by June 30th!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    ahhh...the month of June - is a very busy month for Tx librarians. School is out and most summer reading programs start. Our program starts at 1:00 (when I usually go to lunch)....looks like alot of brown bagging it this month...probably a good thing.
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